________________________________________________________________________ SPECTROPOP - Spectacular! Retro! Pop! ________________________________________________________________________ There are 20 messages in this issue. Topics in this digest: 1. Snowman , Snowman, Sweet Potato Nose. From: Julio Niño 2. The Turtles' "Happy Together" currently featured in ad From: Laura Pinto 3. Alive 'n' Kickin / the missing (?) SGC album From: Steven Prazak 4. Re: Turtles sue Applebee's over "Happy Together" From: "That" Alan Gordon 5. Re: Dolly Parton / WSAI From: Billy G Spradlin 6. Re: Cher and Cher alike From: Phil X Milstein 7. Bell/Amy/Mala/etc From: Al Quaglieri 8. Re: The Clique From: Dave Monroe 9. Happy Xmas From: Richard Williams 10. Re: Bell/Amy/Mala/etc From: Mikey 11. New Supremes CD From: Stephanie 12. Re: Bell/Amy/Mala/etc From: Davie Gordon 13. Re: Happy Xmas From: Max Weiner 14. Re: The Jaynetts' Snowman, Snowman, Sweet Potato Nose From: James Moniz 15. Re: Monkees masters From: Phil X Milstein 16. Re: The Clique / "Sweets For My Sweet" From: MopTopMike 17. Happy Holidays From: Brent Cash 18. Bell records and the Riddles From: Clark Besch 19. Re: the missing (?) SGC album From: Eddy 20. Re: acetate 45 help From: George Schowerer ________________________________________________________________________
________________________________________________________________________ Message: 1 Date: Tue, 21 Dec 2004 13:07:01 -0000 From: Julio Niño Subject: Snowman , Snowman, Sweet Potato Nose. Hola Everybody, I want to thank Mick for playing the very hypnotic "Snowman, Snowman, Sweet Potato Nose" by The Jaynetts. I find it childish and charming but somehow wicked at the same time. I don´t know why it disquiets me a little. Anyway I love it. PS: my cats also seem to feel something perverse in the song, because when I play it loud they run and hide under the bed, very nervous. Chao. Julio Niño. -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 2 Date: Tue, 21 Dec 2004 12:23:42 -0000 From: Laura Pinto Subject: The Turtles' "Happy Together" currently featured in ad Hi Spectropoppers, Anyone else enjoying hearing the original "Happy Together" by the Turtles being played on a TV ad for the fragrance Clinique Happy? I love how the great songs of our generation are continuing to be used in this manner. Kind of proves that our music was, and remains, the best out there! I'd drafted this message prior to visiting the board, and I see there's a post about the Turtles suing Applebees over the use of "Happy Together" with modified lyrics ... I've not read the writeup but I intend to very shortly. I'll have to forward the link to the singer of that particular jingle, Ron Dante! Laura -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 3 Date: Tue, 21 Dec 2004 13:18:05 -0500 From: Steven Prazak Subject: Alive 'n' Kickin / the missing (?) SGC album At the height of Tighter Tighter's chart run, I vividly remember a pretty rockin' Alive 'n' Kickin opening up for the Ides of March at a show in Charleston, SC (the Ides were in the throes of Vehicle's popularity). Interesting to see the non-Nazz artists who got SGC singles out. I had no idea! But what about the albums? The three Nazz elpees had SGC numbers of 5001, 5002 and 5004. Was there a 5003 album for Neil Sedaka or the Will O'Bees? Or was it perhaps intended for Rundgren's first solo foray? Steven Prazak Atlanta -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 4 Date: Tue, 21 Dec 2004 08:51:16 -0700 From: "That" Alan Gordon Subject: Re: Turtles sue Applebee's over "Happy Together" In response to several queries regarding the Applebees jingle. I do not control the copyright, permission was given by the publishers. I do NOT like it when any changes are made to lyrics. The Turtles own the master to "Happy Together" and so whenever someone uses a different version they are not compensated, that is what is driving this lawsuit. We have been very blessed with numerous commercials and I`m very grateful for each and every one of them. Most recently Caldwell Banker, Heineken, and Clinique have all used the Turtles version of the song. With all that`s going on in the world today this doesn`t amount to a hill of beans!!! It`s meaningless. In the spirit of JINGLE bells I`d like to wish all of the Spectropop family a joyous peaceful loving holiday and happy new year. Best, That Alan -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 5 Date: Tue, 21 Dec 2004 10:49:58 -0000 From: Billy G Spradlin Subject: Re: Dolly Parton / WSAI I suggested for the Rhino box set: > > Dolly Parton - "Don't Drop Out" (great example to show that > > other non-pop artists tried out the style) Country Paul: > What style? And was this from her Monument period or from RCA? Is it > available for listening anywhere? Girl Group style, 1966 Mountment - its on Ace's "Where The Girls Are - Volume One" CD. Sorry to hear about WSAI switching to liberal talk. Clear Channel just switched a weak performing station in Portland OR that was running Real Oldies to Air America and thier ratings soared in the first month. Its going to be interesting to see what it does in a more conservitive market like Cincy. I hope they keep the format going in Chicago on WRLL 1690. Had CC spent money really promoting WSAI, hiring live DJ's (instead of pre-recorded voice-tracking) and slowly modifying their "sound" to see what clicked it might have done much better. They pretty much sounded the same way the entire year, keeping the same anti-FM liners, jingles and music. No wonder why WSAI's ratings were so flat. Billy G. Spradlin http://listen.to/jangleradio -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 6 Date: Tue, 21 Dec 2004 11:50:11 -0800 From: Phil X Milstein Subject: Re: Cher and Cher alike Rick Hough wrote: > I did a four-pager for Goldmine in Feb '82, ("Cher - The Vinyl > Definitive" - it was the first discography / serious treatment of her > recordings.) ... I'll put that feature online soon for posterity since > there doesn't seem to be much else by others which has surfaced > in the ensuing 23 years. Sure would love to see it, when and if you get it transferred. Barry Margolis asks: > Was "A Woman's Story" on the "Stars" LP? I'm not familiar with the "Stars" album. Who produced it? --Phil M. -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 7 Date: Tue, 21 Dec 2004 11:33:05 -0500 From: Al Quaglieri Subject: Bell/Amy/Mala/etc Barry Margolis wrote: > I wish Michel Ruppli - the writer who puts together superb label > discographies for Greenwood Press (Atlantic, Blue Note, Chess, Mercury, > MGM, Imperial/Aladdin, etc.) would do one on the Amy-Mala-Bell years. > There's no telling how many gems are hiding in their vaults! No telling is right. I believe the paperwork for those labels is lost to the ages. Back when Arista was a standalone operation on 57th Street, there was a Hitchcock-type old timer to whom all A-M-B questions would be directed, he seemed the only one who knew where the bodies were buried. When he died, he took that information with him. Davie Gordon's A-M-B group/website is as close as we're ever going to get to the A-M-B data. Al Q -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 8 Date: Tue, 21 Dec 2004 10:56:42 -0800 (PST) From: Dave Monroe Subject: Re: The Clique I picked up a 45 by The Riddles the other day the b-side of which is a cover of Pomus/Shuman's "Sweets for My Sweet" ("It's One Thing to Say," on Mercury). I know The Drifters and The Searchers had recorded it previously, but am convinced someone had taped a rather elss obvious version of it for me some time back. The shop owner had some idea The Clique had done it as well, though I can't find any quick confirmation online. Help! Thanks ... -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 9 Date: Tue, 21 Dec 2004 19:06:15 +0000 From: Richard Williams Subject: Happy Xmas I won't be alone in wanting to thank Spectropop's contributors and moderators for enriching another year. Happy Christmas to all. Richard Williams (already budgeting for Hip-O Select's Motown series...) -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 10 Date: Tue, 21 Dec 2004 13:32:06 -0500 From: Mikey Subject: Re: Bell/Amy/Mala/etc So who OWNS the Amy/Mala/Bell masters? Can't someone do an inventory on the tapes and see what's there? Hell, I'LL do it if they want!!! Mikey -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 11 Date: Tue, 21 Dec 2004 05:05:44 -0000 From: Stephanie Subject: New Supremes CD For info about new Supremes Cd, follow this URL: http://www.hip-oselect.com/catalogue_supremeswdolg.asp -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 12 Date: Tue, 21 Dec 2004 20:24:43 -0000 From: Davie Gordon Subject: Re: Bell/Amy/Mala/etc Mikey wrote: > So who OWNS the Amy/Mala/Bell masters? Can't someone do an inventory > on the tapes and see what's there? Hell, I'LL do it if they want!!! BMG own Amy-Mala-Bell and I would think, by extension, Madison, Mr. Peeke / Mr. Peacock and probably the kiddie label offshoots. A bigger problem is who owns the sixty or so labels that AMB distributed at one time or other. Some of them, Goldwax for one, reverted to the original owners. It all depends on the wording of the original distribution contracts signed with A-M-B over three decades ago. BMG might be assuming they still own the rights to some of the smaller labels - frankly I don't know. I doubt BMG particularly care - we're not talking about stuff that's going to worry the chart compilers. BMG know they've got the Arista catalogue which is of far more value to them than the pre-Columbia Pictures catalogue. Davie -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 13 Date: Tue, 21 Dec 2004 11:57:02 -0800 (PST) From: Max Weiner Subject: Re: Happy Xmas Richard Williams wrote: > I won't be alone in wanting to thank Spectropop's contributors and > moderators for enriching another year. Happy Christmas to all. I have to second that Richard. This has been my first year with you folks, and what an enjoyable learning experience this has been. I look foward to the next year with Spectropop, but until then, Happy Christmas to all of you. And, Clark, thanks again for the card! max -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 14 Date: Tue, 21 Dec 2004 17:15:54 -0500 From: James Moniz Subject: Re: The Jaynetts' Snowman, Snowman, Sweet Potato Nose Julio Niño: > ... the very hypnotic "Snowman, Snowman, Sweet Potato Nose" by > The Jaynetts. I find it childish and charming but somehow wicked > at the same time. I don´t know why it disquiets me a little. > Anyway I love it. PS: my cats also seem to feel something perverse > in the song, because when I play it loud they run and hide under > the bed, very nervous. That's so strange the first time I played "Sally Go Round the Roses" by the Jaynetts my cats also started to act strange (meowing and hiding). --JAMES -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 15 Date: Tue, 21 Dec 2004 19:47:17 -0800 From: Phil X Milstein Subject: Re: Monkees masters Davie Gordon wrote: > I doubt BMG particularly care - we're not talking about stuff > that's going to worry the chart compilers. BMG know they've got > the Arista catalogue which is of far more value to them than > the pre-Columbia Pictures catalogue. Arista originally inherited the Monkees catalogue, yet it now SEEMS to be held by Rhino -- thankfully, as they've done a far better job with it than Arista ever did. Presuming this to be true, did Rhino buy it outright from Arista at some point? --Phil M. -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 16 Date: Wed, 22 Dec 2004 01:17:06 -0000 From: MopTopMike Subject: Re: The Clique / "Sweets For My Sweet" Dave Monroe wrote: > I picked up a 45 by The Riddles the other day the > b-side of which is a cover of Pomus/Shuman's "Sweets > for My Sweet" ("It's One Thing to Say," on Mercury). > I know The Drifters and The Searchers had recorded it > previously, but am convinced someone had taped a > rather elss obvious version of it for me some time > back. The shop owner had some idea The Clique had > done it as well, though I can't find any quick > confirmation online. Help! Thanks ... The Buckinghams released their version of "Sweets For My Sweet" as their debut single in January 1966, just prior to getting signed to the USA label. The Riddles version came out in mid 1967. The shop owner must be confusing "Sugar On Sunday" with "Sweets..." MopTopMike -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 17 Date: Wed, 22 Dec 2004 02:10:59 -0000 From: Brent Cash Subject: Happy Holidays Hi all, I'd like to wish all Spectropoppers the world over a peaceful, happy holiday season. Brent Cash -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 18 Date: Wed, 22 Dec 2004 05:50:22 -0000 From: Clark Besch Subject: Bell records and the Riddles Dave Monroe wrote: > I picked up a 45 by The Riddles the other day the b-side of which > is a cover of Pomus/Shuman's "Sweets for My Sweet" ("It's One > Thing to Say," on Mercury). I know The Drifters and The Searchers > had recorded it previously, but am convinced someone had taped a > rather less obvious version of it for me some time back. Dave, do you like the Riddles' version? I love it! It made top 20 in Chicago on WLS in 1966. The Riddles hailed from Chitown and this version is a dead ringer for the Cryan Shames to me. The Cryan Shames were at a Riddles gig one night when everyone hit the dance floor as they broke into the Searchers' "Sugar & Spice". The Shames knew right then that they HAD to make that their first record and the rest is history! The Riddles' "Sweets.." was orginally on Chicago's Quill Records. The other version you MAY be thinking of is Central Park West's version on Event Records, who gave us the Buchanan Brothers (Cashman, Pistilli & West). I always thought the group WAS C, P & W under another name, but in the last week, someone posted here that he was in the band following their 45, so they must have been a real band. He referred to them as "Central Park", so wonder if the "West" was due to West of CP&W?? The B side is a CPW original, so they had a lot to do with the group. Anyway, there's a possiblity. Mikey wrote: > So who OWNS the Amy/Mala/Bell masters? Can't someone do an > inventory on the tapes and see what's there? Hell, I'LL do it > if they want!!! Somewhere, I have the working list Sundazed sent for the Bell various artists things they put out so that I could assist. The tracks covered MANY Bell labels, so I would guess the owners now have most all those oddball labels of Bell. I have most of the info stored (I think) on my OLD computer. If I find time, I'll hook it up and copy off what I found and what they sent. Might help. Many were unreleased tracks as you know, if you have the Cds. Altho Erfam Turchick is no longer with Sundazed, I think I was talking with him and put together some songs that would make a pop comp of Bell tracks, as he said they still "had access" at the time. Obviously, my choices did not fit the plan, as nothing came of it. Sometimes ya throw things at the wall and they stick. Sometimes they don't. You should see my walls!! Clark -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 19 Date: Wed, 22 Dec 2004 07:23:03 +0100 From: Eddy Subject: Re: the missing (?) SGC album Steven Prazak: > The three Nazz elpees had SGC numbers of 5001, 5002 and 5004. Was > there a 5003 album for Neil Sedaka or the Will O'Bees? 5003 is the Run Wild Run Free soundtrack, the only non-Nazz album on SGC. Eddy -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 20 Date: Tue, 21 Dec 2004 19:05:27 -0800 (PST) From: George Schowerer Subject: Re: acetate 45 help Zach wrote: > This afternoon I found a couple of acetate 45 singles. They > are both one-sided and I was wondering if anyone could help > me identify them. The first single has a label on it that > reads that it was produced by Mira Sound Studios, Inc. out > of New York City. Track is titled "Changes"(new track)" > Everything is typewritten on that one. The track is an > instrumental. It's kind of garage-y psych pop, with an almost > exotica flare to the sound. It starts with some kind of > primitive percussion instruments with some dubby/echo reverb > type of effects used. > On the second acetate, the label reads TRO (The Richmond > Organization), also out of NYC. The song title is "I'm Gonna > Sing Me a Love Song." It's by (I assume) Melody Trails. I can't > find a thing about Melody Trails. The track is definitely '50s > or '60s folk (I am thinking more '60s) and it is very sparse and > beautiful--the vocalist even starts to whistle a chorus. Zach: I was chief engineer of Mirasound and your description of the typed label is accurate, but none of the other clues gives me any idea (at this point) as to who it was. Mirasound had a decent echo chamber (and an EMT as well). I used an occasional delay to the chamber (ala Columbia records vocal chamber delay for Tony Bennett, Johnny Mathis, etc.) and also on things like strings, but I never used reverb (slapback kind of echo) or (guitar type reverb). Your description sounds like it might be in the demo category, rather than a session type recording. Regards, George Schowerer -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
SPECTROPOP - Spectacular! Retro! Pop! End