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Spectropop - Digest Number 1862

               SPECTROPOP - Spectacular! Retro! Pop!

There are 4 messages in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

      1. Re: "Sugar & Spice" rememberances
           From: Bill Mulvy 
      2. Who is Joy Byers?
           From: Artie Wayne 
      3. "I Wonīt Tell"; "The Twelfth OF Never"; "My Love Grows Deeper" in Musica.
           From: "kikeypaca" 
      4. Tracey Dey
           From: Anthony Arena 

Message: 1 Date: Wed, 9 Mar 2005 13:52:01 -0600 From: Bill Mulvy Subject: Re: "Sugar & Spice" rememberances Previously: > "Sugar and Spice" will always be a Drifters song. Roy Clough: > Strange, it was written by Tony Hatch, the Searchers' producer - > just a historical note. I think you actually mean "Sweets For My > Sweet". I'm from Chicago and around here "Sugar And Spice" will always be remembered as a Cryan' Shames song. The others are in the rear view mirror, if at all. Bill Mulvy -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 2 Date: Wed, 9 Mar 2005 13:11:02 -0800 (PST) From: Artie Wayne Subject: Who is Joy Byers? Although the question about who is Joy Byers was asked last week ...the answer came to me as I woke up this morning. Joy Byers, who wrote several Elvis songs including, "It Hurts Me", was a pseudonym that Columbia producer Bob Johnson used since he was also a staff writer for Hill and Range music. He produced some of the best Bob Dylan albums. regards, Artie Wayne -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 3 Date: Wed, 09 Mar 2005 21:09:28 -0000 From: "kikeypaca" Subject: "I Wonīt Tell"; "The Twelfth OF Never"; "My Love Grows Deeper" in Musica. Hola Everybody: Today has been for me a wonderful day full of discoveries in Spectromusica. Matt Spero: > Hi There all . . . I just posted a great song by Tracy Dey on > Musica."I Won't Tell was at least a regional hit in my home town > of Santa Rosa... Thanks Matt, I have never heard this Tracy Dey song, but when I first listened to it this morning I began singing in Italian with the music. No it wasnīt a symptom of diabolic possession. It was just because listening to it immediately brought to my mind the version by Italian singer Mina, titled "Pių Di Te", (Rifi 1965, B-side of the wonderful "Se Piangi, Se Ridi"). Itīs difficult for me to choose between Tracyīs original and Minaīs version, I like both very much. Country Paul. > I just played "The Twelfth of Never" by Mark Dinning to musica. > Yep - the "Teen Angel" guy doing the Johnny Mathis trademark > song... Thank you Paul, itīs a very beautiful and relaxing version of that romantic song. I love Johnny Mathisī version, but maybe my favorite is the suffocating and soulful version by Jamaican singer "Pat Kelly" recorded in the late sixties. Mick Patrick : > Sherlie Matthews was one busy lady and wrote many of the tracks > on the Mirwood, plus stacks of others, one of the best of which > is now playing at musica...Clydie King "My Love Grows Deeper" > (Imperial 66139, 1965). Thanks for playing it, Mick. Precisely, one of my favorite songs these last days is the melancholic "Something To Remember You By" by Clydie King. I canīt get enough of that type of songs, with that almost cruel beauty. Chao. Julio Niņo. -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 4 Date: Wed, 9 Mar 2005 07:43:28 -0800 (PST) From: Anthony Arena Subject: Tracey Dey Matt Spero wrote: > Hi There all . . . I just posted a great song by Tracy Dey on > Musica. I Won't Tell was at least a regional hit in my home town > of Santa Rosa so here it is for those who missed this cut that > out Spectors Phil himself. . . a WALL OF SOUND for certain. I Won't Tell by Tracey Dey is my favorite song by her. The song has deep-toned chunky beats, and it's punctuated with piano notes that sort of jump out at you like a bee's sting. Drumrolls seem to flip and skip their way across the song in unexpected places, and on the chorus all the music abruptly cuts out for her to sing "I Won't TEHH-ELL" followed by one single "SNAP" on the snare drum. This record is a work of pure inventive genius. I believe it was produced by Crewe, being influenced by Spector, but trying to go one better. The background vocalists chant "Ooh Mow Mow Mow, I won't tell. Ooh Mow Mow Mow, don't tell her about me." How can you not love it? And THAT'S another compelling thing about this amazing record. It's all about cheating boyfriends and girlfriends trying to get away with it! Most "cheater" records do not glorify the idea. The records about cheating teens were almost always about how much pain, anger, and misery the cheating has caused. And there are COUNTLESS records that express it, like It's My Party - He's A Quiet Guy - The Cheater - Baby, It's You, the list goes on and on. But as far as I know, it's only this record, and one other called "Softly In The Night" that actually seem to promote 'cheating' as a cool, exciting, thing to try and get away with. But while softly on the night, makes cheating seem like nothing but utterly romantic, with gorgeous harps, a sultry sax solo, and delicate, tender lyrics,....the best thing about I WON'T TELL is it still keeps the EDGE on. Tracey is WARNING her secret lover, "Don't you dare give me the eye!" "What would we do with my little sister Sue, If she ever knew, secretly, I'm seeing you? I'm supposed to be dating with your brother Jim." This complicated quadrangle of tangled lust is yet another aspect of the record, along with the fascinating music, that grabs our attention, and makes us play the song over and over. In fact it is SUCH an ear-grabber, I remain astounded as to why such a perfect record was not a monster hit. I can only guess that the risque' nature of the song scared some deejays away. But it remains a PERFECT record. I wouldn't change a single note of it. I'm not kidding. -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
SPECTROPOP - Spectacular! Retro! Pop! End

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