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Spectropop - Digest Number 514

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                        Jamie LePage (1953-2002)

There are 8 messages in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

      1. David Gates
           From: Guy Lawrence 
      2. Capitol Versions
           From: Billy Spradlin 
      3. Stones remasters
           From: Marc Miler 
      4. Popcorn Oldies, David Gates
           From: Mike Edwards 
      5. Re: Capitol, from M Wirtz
           From: Mark Wirtz 
      6. Re: Capitol, from M Wirtz
           From: Billy G Spradlin 
      7. Symphonic Leo Gorcey
           From: Jack Madani 
      8. To Mark Frumento, sharing with Spectropop
           From: Mark Wirtz 


Message: 1
   Date: Mon, 08 Jun 2026 15:33:21 -0700
   From: Guy Lawrence 
Subject: David Gates

Hi all,

I'm sure it's been mentioned before but does anyone have the 
track listing for that Japanese compilation of David Gates 

Anyone collating info on his work during the 60s?

All the best, 


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Message: 2 Date: Mon, 24 Jun 2002 19:46:55 -0000 From: Billy Spradlin Subject: Capitol Versions > FWIW, the Capitol Versions CDs are apparently actually from dubs > of Capitol's tapes...I didn't believe this until I heard them, > and it's distinctly possible (the Japanese "Deluxe Something New" > is taken from even *better* tapes, somehow). Being the Capitol > versions, though, they don't tend to sound quite as good as the > from-vinyl versions of the UK catalogue, despite their tape source. Crapitol did some nasty things to the early Beatles - besides ruining mono mixes with Duophonic and adding extra reverb they "squashed" everything with extra compression. My (green label) early 70s copy of "Second Album" is so compressed Ringo's high hat and cymbals just "ssssssssssssss" all the way through the LP. The people there obviously didn't give a damn about the group - they thought Rock was a quick fad that would go away...(and they thought the same way about all their pop groups) As for the "Capitol Versions" CDs - the ones I previewed (at a used CD Store in Lawton Oklahoma) sure sounded to me like they were taken from vinyl - I remember hearing pops, clicks and surface noise. Bootleggers love to rip off each other's ideas (and even re-package other's CDs) so the ones I heard could have been somebody's idea to cash in by putting out an inferior version. (BTW I didnt buy any boots at this store - they were actully MAKING the bootleg CD-Rs with a PC behind the counter! Somebody would bring in a boot for a trade and they would copy the CD/inserts (very poorly) and sell the inferior copy while keeping the original!) Billy -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 3 Date: Mon, 24 Jun 2002 17:01:26 -0400 From: Marc Miler Subject: Stones remasters Billy G: > BTW is it true the early Rolling Stones Decca (London in the USA) > catalog is being remastered again? 'Bout Time! It IS true!! The whole Decca/London catalog, including both volumes of Hot Rocks is being reissued in August. No word yet about bonus/unreleased stuff or stereo/mono versions. Marc -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 4 Date: Mon, 24 Jun 2002 22:11:08 -0000 From: Mike Edwards Subject: Popcorn Oldies, David Gates The Popcorn Oldies Show on Radio 192 (available with Real Player) on Saturday June 22nd featured Dorothy Berry's "You Better Watch Out" (Planetary, 1964). What a great record this is! It looks as if it came out a year later than "You're So Fine"/"Crying On My Pillow" but appears to have David Gates' involvement as Planetary, I believe, was his label. My thanks to DJ Theo Dumoulin for turning me on to this. Talking of David Gates, member Guy Lawrence asks: > "does anyone have the track listing for that Japanese compilation > of David Gates credits?" Here it is: David Gates / Masterpiece / A-Side Records, 1996 1. David Gates – No One Really Loves A Clown 2. Manchesters – I Don't Come From England 3. Country Boys – The Oakie Surfer 4. Murmaids – Heartbreak Ahead 5. Girlfriends – For My Sake 6. Johnny Burnette – Fool Of The Year 7. Johnny Crawford – Living In The Past 8. Wayne Newton – Too Late To Meet (Once Upon A Time) 9. Fleetwoods – My Special Lover 10. Ann-Margaret – Hey Little Star 11. Shelley Fabares – Football Season's Over 12. Connie Stevens – Lost In Wonderland 13. Brenda Lee - Ain't Gonna Cry No More 14. Blossoms – Lover Boy 15. Jody Miller – Something In My Eye 16. Lively Set – Let The Trumpets Sound 17. Dino, Desi & Billy – Tie Me Down 18. Nino Tempo & April Stevens – You'll Be Needing Me Baby 19. Ventures – Ya-Ya Wobble 20. Hal Blaine – Mr. Eliminator 21. David Gates – The Happiest Man Alive The accompanying booklet lists David Gates' 60s compositions. It has some gaps but you may find it helpful. I took a scan and posted it to Spectropop's "Files" section. Enjoy. Mike Edwards -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 5 Date: Mon, 24 Jun 2002 20:31:53 EDT From: Mark Wirtz Subject: Re: Capitol, from M Wirtz Billy Spradlin writes: > Capitol did some nasty things to the early Beatles... How do you despise someone, yet be eternally grateful to them at the same time?? Capitol Records refused to release (similar to the Beatles' early releases) ANY of my (EMI-bureaucratically bound to them) productions in the US. That, without doubt, prevented "Teenage Opera" (not to mention many other productions) to become at least semi-hits there and provide EMI UK the "green light" excuse to let me complete the bloody thing. Grrrr... Subsequently, when the UK music industry and the BBC exiled me to the US, it was Capitol Records who signed me to the deal that resulted in the "Balloon" and "Hothouse Smiles" LPs, beside the latter day "TEMPO" (arguably) the best works of my career... Go figure... Mark Wirtz Capitol - pain in the ass they are, but, let's face it, a snobby pop music monument, LOL -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 6 Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2002 07:40:31 -0000 From: Billy G Spradlin Subject: Re: Capitol, from M Wirtz Mark Wirtz wrote: > How do you despise someone, yet be eternally grateful to them > at the same time?? Capitol Records refused to release (similar > to the Beatles' early releases) ANY of my (EMI-bureaucratically > bound to them) productions in the US. That, without doubt, > prevented "Teenage Opera" (not to mention many other productions) > to become at least semi-hits there and provide EMI UK the "green > light" excuse to let me complete the bloody thing. Grrrr... I think someone asked you this before - what USA label released "Teenage Opera" and were any of the later singles like "Sam" (my favorite) released here? I'm grateful that Capitol did push the Beatles hard here in the USA - without thier promotion Beatlemania and the whole "British Invasion" would have never happened. Same with the Beach Boys, those cool looking "swirl" label 45's changed my life forever. But in the 60's they were a exploitative company ran by people who understod MOR far better than Rock - same for all the USA majors then. Sins of the Tower: 1) Not releasing the Beatles early singles. 2) Not signing the Shadows, Hollies and other great EMI signed UK acts directly to Capitol - they could have dominated the Top40 in the mid 60's then. 3) Not promoting "Pet Sounds" in 1966 but releasing "Best of The Beach Boys" and giving that LP a massive push instead. 4) Duophonic 5) Chopping up the Beatles UK LP's. 6) For never releasing "Smile" in any form. 7) Crappy sounding Cassettes and (gulp) 8-Tracks. 8) Not promoting Moon Martin, The Durocs, Starz hard enough and also not promoting The Knack's fine third album (for my freinds on Audities). 9) Eating up great independent labels like Liberty-UA (and all the labels those two ate up), Chrysalis, and Virgin/Charisma. 10) Mrs. Miller, Helen Reddy, A Taste Of Honey, Garth Brooks, MC Hammer (I'm running out of ideas!) Billy -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 7 Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2002 10:58:10 -0400 From: Jack Madani Subject: Symphonic Leo Gorcey Greg writes: > Mike Love and his "Beach Boys" will be performing with the > Pittsburgh Symphony on July 2nd at Heinz Hall. Heinz Hall? Wasn't he one of the Bowery Boys? And does this mean that Mike Love is attempting to hegemonize yet another group name? jack -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 8 Date: Mon, 24 Jun 2002 21:54:30 EDT From: Mark Wirtz Subject: To Mark Frumento, sharing with Spectropop Dear Mark, I just received a copy of your beautifully put together sampler of your effortfully and caringly compiled (non-profit) anthology series on me and mostly never before released or heard "tracks" of my music career - thus creating a truthful, alas, sometimes naked and, not necessarily to me, comfortable projection of my creative career, way transcending "Teenage Opera" and "Tomorrow". I fully endorse, condone and applaud this (even if it is, at times, to me, detrimental and politically incorrect) pallet of truth. Regardless, in the words of my hero, Kim Fowley --- "Yey, yey - Rock'n'Roll!" Rock'n'Roll is not a trend, or a beat, or a riff, or lick, but a state of mind; an anthem that symbolizes defiance of age, convention, or the suffocating estastablishment. It celebrates truth and the dream that everything is possible, even if we go down proving it! Mark - you put this anthology together in the same spirit in which I made those recordings - from my heart and with my ears. THAT'S ALL And that was f-----ing enough!!!! Thank you for caring. And thank those of you if you listen! :):):) Mark Wirtz SAVANNAH, GA. USA JUNE 24, 2002 -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------

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