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Spectropop - Digest Number 745

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                        Jamie LePage (1953-2002)

There are 25 messages in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

      1. Re: 4 Seasons "Little Boy"
           From: Billy G Spradlin 
      2. Re: Seasonal Similitude
           From: John S. Weathers 
      3. Re: Wrangler Stretch
           From: Billy G. Spradlin 
      4. Re: 4 Seasons / Eddie Rambeau
           From: Leonardo Flores 
      5. Re: Northern Soul Cover-Ups
           From: Eddy Smit 
      6. Eddie Rambeau  Website - New songs added
           From: Rosemarie Edwards 
      7. Re: Doodles Weaver
           From: Jorgen Johansson 
      8. Re: Bob Crewe / 4 Seasons
           From: Stuart Miller 
      9. Re: Soul Harmony Book
           From: Phil Milstein
     10. Louise Lewis, Miss L.L.
           From: Simon White 
     11. Re: Oldies Quiz
           From: Antonio Vizcarra 
     12. Re: Soul Harmony Book
           From: Mick Patrick 
     13. Re: 4 Seasons / Bob Crewe
           From: Ken Charmer 
     14. Re: Marcia Strassman
           From: Guy Lawrence 
     15. Re: Soul Harmony Book
           From: Richard Havers 
     16. Nick DeCaro 45's
           From: Bill Reed 
     17. Re: Bobby Darin's drummer
           From: Marc 
     18. Re: Northern Soul Cover-Ups
           From: Phil Milstein 
     19. Shirelles fan - AGAIN!
           From: Neil Hever 
     20. the day of the Knights
           From: Phil Milstein 
     21. Re: Bob Crewe
           From: Monophonius 
     22. Re: An Introduction To Northern Soul
           From: Ken Silverwood 
     23. Re: Nick DeCaro 45s
     24. Re: Bob Crewe
           From: James Botticelli 
     25. The Liquid Room 01/12/03
           From: David Ponak 


Message: 1
   Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2003 03:46:37 -0000
   From: Billy G Spradlin 
Subject: Re: 4 Seasons "Little Boy"

> "Little Boy" is an interesting title. A great tune from their Vee 
> Jay days, it did not show up on their early albums but appeared in 
> 1965 on "Recorded Live On Stage" (VJ 1154), a fake live album. The 
> version from this album (with the fake applause) was included on 
> Rhino's 25th Anniversary triple CD. 

Any way you could post the single version of "Little Boy" on Musica? 
I've only heard the stereo version of it, and those late Vee Jay 
singles are hard to find. 


BTW I just posted "East Meets West" on Musica.

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Message: 2 Date: Sun, 12 Jan 2003 23:10:23 -0500 From: John S. Weathers Subject: Re: Seasonal Similitude On Four Seasons soundalikes: The Classics (IV) - Pollyanna (1966) bubbled under Tim Tam and the Turn Ons - Wait a Minute (1966) Rag Dolls - Society Girl (Answer song for Rag Doll) penned by Crewe, Linzer, and Randall (Girl Group) (1964) Four Evers - Please Be Mine (later retitled Be My Girl) (1964) John W. -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 3 Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2003 03:54:51 -0000 From: Billy G. Spradlin Subject: Re: Wrangler Stretch Jeff wrote: > Back in May 2002 someone uploaded The Wrangler Stretch to the > musica section but it's no longer there. It was recorded by a group > I believe was called the Pirouettes. If anyone knows how I can hear > this promotional record from the 1960's, please let me know. It was > a paper like record put out by Wrangler jeans. There was a sister > song called The Wrangler Shake which I already have. I was the one who posted that Mp3 - I bought the one-sided promo copy for 10 cents at a thrift store! I'll post it to Musica tonight. BTW is "The Wrangeler Shake" any good?? Billy -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 4 Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2003 06:01:27 -0000 From: Leonardo Flores Subject: Re: 4 Seasons / Eddie Rambeau Hello, The Eddie Rambeau LP on Dynovoice also had two covers, the more common large Eddie photo and the ultra rare black cover with the many pictures of Eddie Dancing. I saw the rare one two years ago and I should have bought it and I haven't seen another since! I regret that! Any reason why Eddie changed his name for the wondeful Good Morning Sunshine 45 on Dynovoice to Eddie Hazelton? The stock copy of that 45 with the b-side song is quite rare. I would love to hear the B-side. I also forgot to Mention Frank and Staurt fot their time and wonderful work they have done on the 4 Seasons web-site! Belated Thanks! Cheers Leonardo -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 5 Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2003 07:17:10 +0100 From: Eddy Smit Subject: Re: Northern Soul Cover-Ups Me: > Northern Soul Cover-Ups were to prevent other people from seeing the > label, is what I always heard. Phil Milstein: > My understanding is that this practice was carried into the Northern > scene from its origins in Jamaican clubs. True? That I don't know. I do remember seeing quite a few DJ's simply having torn off the labels off their records when taking them on gigs. Eddy -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 6 Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2003 07:07:49 -0000 From: Rosemarie Edwards Subject: Eddie Rambeau Website - New songs added Listen to Eddie Rambeau's: 'Hero' 'I Believe in You and Me' 'I Finally Found Someone' 'Where Hides the Woman' (my original compostion). MP3 hosting is courtesy of North Shore Soundworks Rosemarie, Leeds UK -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 7 Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2003 09:22:25 -0000 From: Jorgen Johansson Subject: Re: Doodles Weaver Richard: > Doodles had a version of 'I Want To Hold Your Hand' (Hit 104) in 1964 > but I can find no references to 'Eleanor Rigby' as a single. **Thanx Richard for the info. Must try to locate above 45. JJ -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 8 Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2003 12:29:51 -0000 From: Stuart Miller Subject: Re: Bob Crewe / 4 Seasons Don Bayliss wrote: > A question though .. would the 4 Seasons have been anywhere near as good, > or as big, if they had not teamed up with Bob Crewe ??? It is questions like this that result in the outbreak of World Wars! But it's a hoot to hypothesise anyway. The term "Love/Hate" relationship was designed for Crewe and The Seasons. Couldn't live with eachother, couldn't live without eachother either. As 4 Seasons fans, we tend to hear the stories "one way". Like the time, early on after the Seasons broke through, when Crewe stopped paying them. So they went on strike. And he got four other guys into the studio to cut records as "The 4 Seasons". The group had a mini plague of other acts passing themselves off as them and this could have been the source of some of those stories. There was immense conflict too in the studio between Gaudio and Crewe although these days that's viewed as positive in that it added to the creative ambiance, apparently. As well as the constant battles over accreditation etc. To try to answer the question, on balance the answer has to be yes, they would have gone on to become successful without him and probably as big as they were. That's not for one moment to deny Crewe's input and oustanding creative abilities. The man was a one off, way ahead of his time, and so "out there" that he couldn't have been considered part of mainstream society back then. But there were others around, with their own innovative and creative mindsets that could have done the job. I have a particular Seasons fantasy - imagining what the group's records would have sounded like had they been produced by Mr. Spector. Now that really gets the brain going. Simon White asked: > Have we had The Newbeats as 4 Seasons soundalikes? If I could get Larry Henley in a room on his own, sit him down in a corner and ask him one question, it would be, "Why?" Stuart -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 9 Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2003 08:55:01 +0000 From: Phil Milstein Subject: Re: Soul Harmony Book Paul Lewis wrote: > I just recently bought an excellent CD by Candy and The Kisses called > "Do The 81 & Other Soul Classics". In the sleeve notes the authors > refer to a book entitled "Soul Harmony Singles 1960-1990" and I was > wondering where I could purchase a copy. I have searched over the net > for a few days and have had no luck. Maybe its out of print or > published by a small publisher with no web prescence. Any help would > be appreciated. ABE Books, an online clearinghouse of used book dealers, is a great source for locating obscure and OOP books. Their search engine is located at --Phil M. -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 10 Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2003 16:30:57 +0000 From: Simon White Subject: Louise Lewis, Miss L.L. Do any of the marvellous minds on this here treasure trove know anything about Louise Lewis, Miss L.L.? A web search reveals only info about "mice" and "cheese" and while fascinating, man cannot live by bread or indeed cheese, alone. Miss L.L. had a 45 played on the Northern scene, the snappily titled 'Wee Ooh, I'll Let It be You', a first division girly pop stomper, the type of record of which one might reasonably ask "Why?" and of interest, I think to some Spectropoppers. A male version also exists but it is nowhere near as exciting. Louise appears to be older than one might have expected from someone making this kind of recording in 1967 and as some members know, I have more than a passing interest in mature women and sixties dance beats in a go-go combination. It's not against the law you know. -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 11 Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2003 18:53:50 +0100 From: Antonio Vizcarra Subject: Re: Oldies Quiz And don´t forget Tie-breakers: ------------- Have I done so wrong that you won't take me back now? I've tried to be strong, I hold my tears back now But if you don't care about the tears I'll shed Then let me go. #T1) Dave Clark Five "Hurting inside" You walked out on me and you gave your love to him so willingly Oh he'll hurt you so, I know he'll make you cry Like April showers start to fall You'll bounce right back like a rubber ball #T2) Gary Lewis and the Playboys "Ice melts in the sun" -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 12 Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2003 19:35:30 -0000 From: Mick Patrick Subject: Re: Soul Harmony Book Paul Lewis: > I just recently bought an excellent CD by Candy and The Kisses called > "Do The 81 & Other Soul Classics". In the sleeve notes the authors > refer to a book entitled "Soul Harmony Singles 1960-1990" and I was > wondering where I could purchase a copy. I have searched over the net > for a few days and have had no luck. Maybe its out of print or > published by a small publisher with no web prescence. Any help would > be appreciated. Phil Mil: > ABE Books, an online clearinghouse of used book dealers, is a great > source for locating obscure and OOP books. Their search engine is > located at And if that fails, you could always contact the authors/publishers via paper mail at: Jeff Beckman, Jim Hunt & Tom Kline Three-On-One Publishing Post Office Box 9190 Bayway Station Elizabeth NJ 07202 I cannot recommend this book highly enough. Researchwise, it has been SO useful to me more times than I can tell and has prevented me from appearing a total know-nowt in the company of more knowledgable soul buffs. My copy was a gift. Lucky me. Glad you liked the Candy & the Kisses CD. I was kinda surprised, yet delighted, when Sequel/Sanctuary liked my concept and ran with it. MICK PATRICK -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 13 Date: Tue, 14 Jan 2003 19:21:04 +0000 From: Ken Charmer Subject: Re: 4 Seasons / Bob Crewe It's been so good to see the level of interest in Seasons and Crewe related music in recent postings. The UK Historical Group has for the last year been researching Crewe based material really because of the inspiration and work Mick Patrick and Malcolm Baumgart did in getting the Dynavoice Story out (albeit for a short time) and in our Newsletters 34 and 35 we featured the Bob Crewe Story as we have it. This made us realise how big the story is. Back in the sixties in Liverpool I didn't get to hear the rare Crewe productions coming out in the States and now an 'older' person it is a privilege to be part of this group and to be educated by Mike Miller Leonardo Flores and Mick Patrick. Having opened this can of worms we will continue to research and document both 'Seasons Connections' (as our Ultimate Album compilation in issue Nr 37) and Crewes other work. Recent contributions from Mike and Leonardo will be incorporated in the next issue (February) and Leonardo's Crewe related discography and George Ingram's Bob Crewe discography will be passed on the Stuart Miller and Frank Rovello for inclusion on the G-I-L-G web site soon. Further questions will arise and the Crewe thread will run for some time I am sure. I am working on the next Ultimate CD compilation and looking for nominated tracks. We anticipate at least another 3 Cd's of Crewe related material by which time hopefully someone will decide to produce them commercially so we can all have them in the best sound quality. Anything posted re Crewe and the Seasons will be collated into our Newsletters together with the interesting information in John Clementes 'Girl Groups'and in the next couple of years we may be able to pull together a definitive history of all Crewe's work. Ken Charmer -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 14 Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2003 19:19:49 -0000 From: Guy Lawrence Subject: Re: Marcia Strassman Lou Bova wrote: > ...followed in the footsteps of Marcia Strassman in the form of being an > actress attempting a singing career. Marcia's single "The Flower People" > (Uni 55006) was released in April 1967 and achieved regional airplay in > California. I've been wondering about the Marcia Strassman single since I saw it on an old KFRC radio survey a few months ago.These surveys are a excellent way of finding great regional hits for those of us who weren't there or weren't born. The same survey (May '67) lead me to discover the Sons Of Champlin's sunshine pop extravaganza "Sing Me A Rainbow". Can anybody tell me anything about "Flower People"? Has it been reissued anywhere? I've got a soft spot for this kind of "weekend hippie" record. Regards, Guy. -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 15 Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2003 19:35:49 +0000 From: Richard Havers Subject: Re: Soul Harmony Book I just ordered the Soul Harmony Singles book from A&R Booksearch in the UK. It will be in stock in 6 weeks. Richard -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 16 Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2003 19:54:13 -0000 From: Bill Reed Subject: Nick DeCaro 45's Recent mention of Paul Hampton around these parts sent me to my Nick DeCaro discography at to see which recording of the Canadian singer DeCaro had arranged. I couldn't quite remember the title; it's "Echoes from the Thunder" b/w "Let's Not Take the Lovin' Out of Love" (A&M 831). I have approx. ninety percent of the 200 plus albums DeCaro worked on.. I am sure there are number of you reading this who can identify with such completionism. Yesterday I acquired three more DeCaro- related albums, by James Taylor backup singer (sometimes front and center), David Lasley. DeCaro arr. and cond. strings. Recently on the internet I tracked down a copy of a DeCaro CD that proved especially difficult to find. "Bolero California" by Kazuhiko Kato, formerly of Japan's Sadistic Mika Band. Though Kato's name is above the title, it is a true collaboration between KK and DeCaro, who sang, played, arranged and conducted the 1991 recording. Its engineer Al Schmitt (who made me a copy) and I both feel that it represents some of DeCaro's finest work, a worthy companion to his 1974 success d'estime, "Italian Graffiti," which I am proud AND amused to admit that I even possess, in addition to the Blue Thumb LP version, in a sealed 8-track copy (!). The latter is not only the crown jewel (or sorts) of my DeCaro collection, and perhaps the single most recherche item in my ENTIRE record library. An 8-track of a recording that in its LP form only sold a handful of copies when it first came out (it has since gone on to sell many thousands of LP and CD copies in Japan). When I was in Japan late last year I tromped from one end of Tokyo to the other trying to find, without success, a copy of the now-out-of- print Kato album. It also might have been DeCaro's last foray into the studio before his death early the following year. While at the site checking on the Hampton single, I took the time to count the exact number of entries I have for the arranger-conductor- singer-session player-songwriter DeCaro. Right now it tallies at 236, mostly albums (Parade, Nino and April, Harpers Bizarre, Bonnie and the Treasures, Small Circle of Friends, Claudine Longet, et al) with only a handful of uncollected-on-album singles thus far uncovered by me. I am sure that there must be dozens that have eluded my discographical radar. If anyone knows of any that I have overlooked I would appreciate their contacting me with that info. I feel there must be a number of Liberty and A&M 45's I still have not managed to track down Bill Reed -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 17 Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2003 15:09:33 -0500 From: Marc Subject: Re: Bobby Darin's drummer Kingsley: > Help please gang - does anyone know who played drums on Bobby Darin's > 'La Mer'? An ex-big band drummer maybe - any help appreciated. My money is on Panama Francis, who played on several, if not many, of Bobby's Atco dates. He's on Mack the Knife, you know... Marc -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 18 Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2003 14:57:02 +0000 From: Phil Milstein Subject: Re: Northern Soul Cover-Ups Eddy Smit wrote: > ...I do remember seeing quite a few DJ's simply having torn the > labels off their records when taking them on gigs. I guess they weren't too concerned with their resale potential. --Phil M. -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 19 Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2003 22:07:23 -0000 From: Neil Hever Subject: Shirelles fan - AGAIN! Popsters, I just got the Toni Wine songbook on a trade and got to hear "Please go away" by the Shirelles for the first time. What a great song! It has a tough guitar line and a terrific stop and go bridge not to mention the Shirelles singing. This brought to mind an obscure record "Spontaneous Combustion" on Scepter. The song "Last minute miracle" is a cut in studio track but I think everything else is live at Columbia University. I don't know the date of the recording but it must be around 1965. Is this still in print? And if so, is there a more complete recording out there? If it is not in print perhaps I can arrange trades for interested fans. Cheers, Neil Hever -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 20 Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2003 17:38:16 +0000 From: Phil Milstein Subject: the day of the Knights I'm having some trouble working out a pre-Gamma Goochee discography for John Mangiagli. He recorded under a variety of names, one of which, I am told, was Johnny Knight. Can anyone help me rule out, for reasons of geography, voice or other clues, any of the following as being different Johnny Knights?: Johnny Knight: Rock And Roll Guitar/Snake Shake (Morocco 1005, 1958) Johnny Knight: Come Summer Come Love/Sweet Like A Rose (20th Century 518, 1964) Johnny Knight: Sentimental Sweet And Gentle/Where The Blue Of The Night Meets The ... (Congress 205, 1964) Johnny Knight: Woman/Heartache's Back In Town (Brave 1025, 1966) Johnny Knight & (The?) Kingsmen: Secret Heart/Push A Little Button (Chance 568, unk. date) Thanks, --Phil M. -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 21 Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2003 22:44:21 -0000 From: Monophonius Subject: Re: Bob Crewe IMHO, the 4 Seasons probably wouldn't have made a great success without the talents of Bob Crewe. Let's look at the facts. They were formed in 1955 by Frankie Valli with Nick and Tommy DeVito and Hank Majewski. They changed their name to the 4 Lovers the following year, and in 1959, Bob Gaudio joined them. They were going nowhere until they started working with Crewe in 1962. Then they had a long succession of hit singles starting in 1962 with "Sherry". They racked up four Number One records, 13 Top Tens, by mid-1967 when they began their fade. In the 50s-60s, vocal groups were expected to be just that--sing the song on the record. Songwriting, arranging, production was left up to others. Today, we don't realize the impact producers had on their product in those days. Especially, the kind of producers like Spector, Leiber/Stoller, Crewe, Shadow Morton, et al, who were auteur producers, like Hollywood film directors, controlling every aspect of the record from choosing or writing the song to the rehearsals, laying out of arrangements, conducting the recording session and mastering the record in the lab. But, don't get me wrong. I'm not denying Frankie Valli and the 4 Seasons their share of the credit. After all, Frankie had a unique, unforgettable vocal style. They did their thing and did it well, and Crewe was the captain of the ship, so to speak. He was ultimately responsible for what was in the grooves. I hold Crewe in the highest regard as a music man. To me, he was surpassed only by Leiber and Stoller and Spector, creatively in the early 60s. Hit wise, he had more big hits than either of them. And, he lasted much longer, too, as far as public taste was concerned. Bob Crewe began in 1957 with co-writing, co-producing a very big hit "Silhouettes." by the Rays. Working with Frank Slay Jr. as his writing/producing partner, Crewe had big hits with Billie and Lillie in 1958, Freddy Cannon from 1959. By 1962, he was operating independently as a producer and music publisher, with his brother Dan running the office. Besides the 4 Seasons hits, there were others by Diane Renay, Mitch Ryder, Oliver, Frankie Valli solos like "Can't Take My Eyes Off You", and Crewe himself had an instrumental hit with "Music To Watch Girls By". Between 1957-1969 Crewe had an almost unbroken string of hit records. No resting periods, hiatuses, or retirements or come backs. He stayed with it, spanning the most changing time in music history from 1957's harmony groups to the late sixties' soul and funk. He even had a come back in 1973 with "Lady Marmalade" and "My Eyes Adored You," much in the way as Spector came back with George Harrison and John Lennon, and Leiber/Stoller did with Stealers Wheel in 1973. Crewe was a very prolific songwriter. BMI lists 913 titles to his credit. To put that into perspective, Jeff Barry, also very prolific, has 671 titles, Spector 161, Doc Pomus 562, Eddie Holland 261, Jerry Leiber/Mike Stoller about 250. And there were a terrific amount of big hits and durable songs in that Crewe catalog. He published most of those songs, too. Crewe is 72 years old now. Why isn't he in the Rock Hall Of Fame!!! -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 22 Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2003 22:53:09 -0000 From: Ken Silverwood Subject: Re: An Introduction To Northern Soul In the early seventies I ran a couple of second hand & import record shops in Chester & Wrexham. I had some dealings with a firm called SELECTADISC for my imports. I mainly dealt with Beatles, Elvis, Atlantic/Atco, U/A & Memory Lane for oldies. I started to have teens (I was all of 24 at the time) coming in asking can I get this that & the other on import for them, I had never heard of the discs they were asking for, although some artists were very familiar. When asked where they got the titles from I was informed it was from a club in Wigan, about 30 to 40 miles away. I was then told the records required were part of a scene called Northern Soul, a term I'd never heard. I was of course aware of "soul music" itself, by the way of Motown, Stax and other labels. Anyway for the record among the titles I was being "badgered" for were as follows; NOTHING BUT BLUE SKIES-------------------JACKIE WILSON RAT RACE---------------------------------RIGHTEOUS BROTHERS BAND SWEET & EASY-----------------------------VAN McCOY QUICK CHANGE ARTIST----------------------SOUL TWINS THE RIGHT TRACK--------------------------BILLY BUTLER I DONT WANNA DISCUSS IT------------------LITTLE RICHARD NOBODY BUT ME----------------------------HUMAN BEINZ (which I knew as a pop hit from 67, plus being an Isley Bros single. Along with these came familiar titles by Marvin Gaye, Kim Weston, Barbara Randolph from the Motown roster which could only be obtained on import. So, getting in touch with my supplier I was amazed to find they not only had all the titles but a swathe more just waiting to be discovered. I am always bemused by the tracks that at one time or another assumed the guise of Northern Soul, stuff you could play back in 73 is not given the time of day now, as Simon says the trend now is more towards R'n'B and mid tempo/latin/baon/ styles. My own current favourites? DEAN BARLOW-----------------------------THIRD WINDOW FROM THE RIGHT KURT HARRIS-----------------------------EMPEROR OF MY BABY'S HEART TOMMY NAVARRO---------------------------I CRIED MY LIFE AWAY KEN ON THE WEST COAST -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 23 Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2003 18:25:19 EST From: Subject: Re: Nick DeCaro 45s There's one on ebay at the moment Bill, by The Grads 'Everything in the Garden', don't know the record, sounds good though - I think it's the Greenaway/Cook song, also done by Pet Clark & The Fortunes. Produced by Tommy LiPuma & arranged by Nick DeCaro,it's currently $6.50! -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 24 Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2003 18:27:05 -0500 From: James Botticelli Subject: Re: Bob Crewe Monophonius wrote: > Crewe was a very prolific songwriter. BMI lists 913 titles > to his credit. Crewe is 72 years old now. Why isn't he in > the Rock Hall Of Fame!!! Good question! I think people forgot him as a real pop arranger after the success of "Music To Watch Girls By", originally a Pepsi commercial written by Sid Ramin. That song had such impact on the world of pop--Andy Williams did the vocal version--that Crewe may have been simply looked at as a one-hit wonder. I own the Crewe LPs "Music To Watch Girls By" and "Music To Watch Birds By", the latter written after a tour of England in late '67. They are nothing short of spectacular wordless vocalled instro-pop. A friend recently gave me a 45 of Mitch Ryder's Crewe-arranged "I Make A Fool Of Myself" on. At this address it tops Valli's version mainly due to the strength of Ryder's voice coupled with Crewe's arrangement. Then there's the OST to "Barbarella".....The title song is a mind-wrecker of a pop gem. Frankie Valli was such a standout false tenor that few probably asked about the arrangements. JB -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 25 Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2003 12:37:31 -0500 From: David Ponak Subject: The Liquid Room 01/12/03 The Liquid Room, (usually) hosted by David Ponak (me), airs every Saturday night from Midnight to 3AM (PDT) on 90.7FM KPFK Los Angeles, as well as streaming at There was an air of sadness Sunday morning in the Liquid Room, as I was just informed of the passing of Maurice Gibb just minutes before going on the air. I was ill-prepared to give a full tribute, so you'll note that the opening and closing sets of the show are identical. Big thanks to Steve Stanley (the Now People), who co-hosted the show with me and shared many wonderous vinyl rarities from his amazing collection. Next week, tune in as the talented and handsome Tony Tucci fills in in the Liquid Room. The Liquid Room-01/12/03 1.Bee Gees/Run To Me To Whom It May Concern (Polydor) 2.Bee Gees/Tralfagar Tralfagar (Polydor) 3.Bee Gees/You Know It's For You To Whom It May Concern (Polydor) 4.Apparat Organ Quartet/Romantika 5.The California Poppy Pickers/Why Don't We Do It In The Road Sounds Of '69 (Alshire) 6.Qypthone/On The Palette Montuno No. 5 (Happiness) 7.Ingfried Hoffmann/Robbi, Tobbi Und Das Fliewatuut Robbi, Tobbi Und Das Fliewatuut (soundtrack) (Diggler-Germany) 8.Mathieu Bogaerts/Las Vegas 2000 (Warner Music-France) 9.David Canary/So Many People So Many People (Beverly Hills) 10.Elektel/Midnight Samba Space Travel With Teddy Bear (Sucre-Japan) 11.Lisa Miller/Mechanical Man Within' Myself (Cantebury) 12.Great 3/Karada When You Were A Beauty (EMI-Japan) 13.The Queen's Nectorine Machine/Mysterious Martha Garooo The Mystical Powers Of The Roving Tarot Gamble (ABC) 14.Sondre Lerche/Dead Passengers Faces Down (Astralwerks) 15.The Forum/Trip On Me The River Is Wide (Mira) 16.Tom Jones/Tom Jones International Mr. Jones (V2-Japan) 17.The Alan Copeland Conspiracy/A Bubble Called You A Bubble Called You (ABC) 18.The Singers Unlimited/Angel Eyes Sentimental Journey (MPS) 19.The Full Treatment/Just Can't Wait (single) (A&M) 20.Bee Gees/Every Christian Lion Hearted Man Will Tell You Bee Gees First (Atco) 21.Bee Gees/It's Just The Way Trafalgar (Polydor) 22.Bee Gees/Melody Fair Melody (soundtrack) (Atco) 23.The Feminine Complex/Hide And Seek Livin' Love (Teen Beat) 24.The Campbell Sisters/Gee, I'm Looking Forward To The Future Up With People 3 (Pace Records) 25.The Now People/Some Other Way The Last Great 20th Century Love Affair (unreleased) 26.Maki Nomiya/Shang Hai Melody Lady Miss Warp (Gemmatika-Japan) 27.The Scene/Scenes From Another World (single) (BT Puppy) 28.Elis Regina/O Cantador For Café Apres-Midi (Universal-Japan) 29.The Moon/Pleasure Without Earth (Revola-UK) 30.Stu Phillips/Tired Of Waiting For You Feels Like Lovin' (Capitol) 31.Marc Eric/Night Of The Lions A Midsummer's Day Dream (Revola-UK) 32.Gabor Szabo w/The California Dreamers/The End Of Life Wind Sky And Diamonds (Impulse) 33.Duncan Browne/On The Bombsite Give Me Take You (Immediate-UK) 34.The Aluminum Group/Blow You Kisses Happyness (Wishing Tree) 35.The Shaggy Boys/Behind The Stained Glass Windows (single) (UA) 36.Dino, Desi & Billy/Throug Spray Colored Glasses Follow Me (soundtrack) (Uni) 37.Mary Sawrey/A Lover's Plea Gee Baby Gee-Girl Groups (Del-Fi) 38.James Brown/Call Me Superbad (Cornelius Re-work) James Brown Ultimate Remixes (Universal-Japan) 39.The Unusual We/Feelin' Kind Of Sunday The Unusual We (Pulsar) 40.Katerine/8eme Ciel 8eme Ciel (Universal-France) 41.Pebbles And Shells/Let's Be More Than Friends Tonight (single) (?) 42.Riviera/I Didn't Come To Stay Mood Bazaar (Philter-Japan) 43.Toastgirl/Go Romantic Pop (Philter-Japan) 44.Bee Gees/Run To Me To Whom It May Concern (Polydor) 45.Bee Gees/Tralfagar Tralfagar (Polydor) 46.Bee Gees/You Know It's For You To Whom It May Concern (Polydor) -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------

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