________________________________________________________________________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ S P E C T R O P O P ______________ ______________ ______________ ________________________________________________________________________ Jamie LePage (1953-2002) http://www.spectropop.com/Jamie.htm ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ There are 10 messages in this issue. Topics in this digest: 1. Re: The Beatles Anthology - A long and winding road From: Roger Smith 2. Re: Moulty and Hooke From: Dan Hughes 3. Re: The Beatles Anthology - A long and winding road From: Dave Swanson 4. The Raiders RULE, dude... From: Dave Swanson 5. Re: The Beatles Anthology - A long and winding road From: Eddy 6. Re: Brill Comic Strip From: Jean-Emmanuel Dubois 7. American Breed: 45 vs CD From: Michael Edwards 8. Jack Nitzsche at Spectropop Update From: Martin Roberts 9. Re: Gordian Knot From: Patrick Rands 10. Re: The Rose Garden From: Jeffrey Glenn -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 1 Date: Sat, 05 Apr 2003 18:58:35 -0500 From: Roger Smith Subject: Re: The Beatles Anthology - A long and winding road > Back in 1995, I recorded "The Beatles Anthology" broadcast > by ABC. The whole thing last 6 hours (including adds) and I > recorded it on 3 video cassettes. It seemed like the complete > Anthology of the Beatles at the time. Recently, the first 4 > DVDs of the set were released, with almost 10 hours of footage > (no annoying adds, I suppose). Did ABC shrink that Anthology > to less than 5 hours of broadcast time? Is it the same Anthology? The original home videos of The Beatles Anthology were released on VHS and Laser disc and included about three hours of material not in the broadcast version. The DVD set adds another hour and a half of content including more video of Paul, George, and Ringo in the studio, a "Making of" segment on the "Free as a Bird" video, and the "Real Love" video. -- Roger Harry Nilsson Web Pages http://www.harrynilsson.com/ -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 2 Date: Sat, 05 Apr 2003 21:46:57 -0600 From: Dan Hughes Subject: Re: Moulty and Hooke Billy Spradlin: > the Shames also had a tamborine player by the name of J.C. > Hooke (aka Jim Pilster) who lost one hand during a childhood > accident. But instead of using a prosthetic hand, he had a > hook like Captain Hook. JB: > where's Moulty when you REALLY need him? We may be onto something here, James. Has anyone ever seen Moulty and J.C. Hooke together?? ---Dan -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 3 Date: Sat, 05 Apr 2003 22:59:42 -0500 From: Dave Swanson Subject: Re: The Beatles Anthology - A long and winding road Denis Gagnon wrote: > Back in 1995, I recorded "The Beatles Anthology" broadcast > by ABC..... Recently, the first 4 DVDs of the set were released, > with almost 10 hours of footage....Did ABC shrink that Anthology > to less than 5 hours of broadcast time? Is it the same Anthology? The Beatles Anthology on DVD is indeed the same one in question from the ABC TV 1995 Broadcast. When it was released on VHS, it boasted extra footage not seen in the original TV show. Now with the DVD release there is an extra disc that features 81 minutes of unseen footage. Most of it is more interviews and recollections. The other DVD set you mentioned, "The Long & Winding Road" is one of those unauthorised "documentaries" that, from what I have heard, features no original Beatle music, but rather concentrates on stock footage, interviews and so forth. There is a similar release out from the same company that covers The Rolling Stones in the same fashion. Speaking of which, how bout a DVD release of "25 X 5" updated and expanded! -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 4 Date: Sat, 05 Apr 2003 23:14:21 -0500 From: Dave Swanson Subject: The Raiders RULE, dude... Alan Gordon wrote: > I think these Raider-guys are one of the (if not "the") > quintessential garage bands. Their first couple of albums, > and the cool double cd set "reissue" of the first album > with all the extra goodies (Mojo Workout!) just wreck my mind, > man. Mark's voice is truly one of the best blue-eyed-soul- > screamin'-rockin'-type-dude's voices there ever was. Bravo! Paul Revere & The Raiders are drastically under rated. They made some killer records! Not just the hits either! Sure there was some goofy stuff along the way, but the great stuff was indeed great. The Boyce & Heart discs you mention are both in the "grey area" (ie: bootlegs!), but...they are fantastic! Great sound quality, packaging and song selection. Basically everything they released and then some. There are some great Monkee demos, a solo track or two, but all from the prime era. Worth searching out for sure. Finally...great news on the Beau Brummels Rhino Handmade thing. Any idea what is will be? I had heard they were originally going to do "Triangle" and "Bradley's Barn" (just out on Collector's Choice and supposedly soon to be out as UK imports with many bonus tracks on each). -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 5 Date: Sun, 06 Apr 2003 08:57:23 +0200 From: Eddy Subject: Re: The Beatles Anthology - A long and winding road Denis, The TV version of Anthology is indeed an edited version of what was later to appear on VHS. The DVDs are the same as the VHS with the added bonus of the Threatles material. Eddy -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 6 Date: Mon, 07 Apr 2003 12:36:05 +0200 From: Jean-Emmanuel Dubois Subject: Re: Brill Comic Strip Richard!!! Can't open the comic strip!!! Help JED -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 7 Date: Sun, 06 Apr 2003 17:30:17 -0000 From: Michael Edwards Subject: American Breed: 45 vs CD Many many years ago I threw away my well played copy of the American Breed's 45, "Bend Me Shape Me" and purchased the album, named after this hit tune. I never became comfortable with the version of "BMSM" on this album, as it seemed to lack the urgency I was used to with the 45. Fast forward to the mid 90s and I pick up the Sarabande CD, The Best Of The American Breed. No help there so I purchased a couple of 45s but of so-so sound quality. I spent about an hour this morning transferring the above to .wav files so that I had a common platform on which to listen to them. Let me get the "duh" piece over with first: the times are listed on each of the 45, album and CD. The 45 version clocks in at 2:05; the album and CD at 2:25. The 45 version has been stretched by 16% to achieve the album format (or vice-versa)! Was this practice widespread? I cannot recall another example offhand. I am certainly used to longer versions being on albums but I thought this was because music was edited out to achieve the 45 format. The CD version is the worst. It lacks the dynamism of the 45 and the brass is less shrill than on the vinyl album. This was intended to be a lively record, after all. So hold on to those 45s, and has anyone got a pristine version of the American Breed's Acta 45 they can loan me? Thanks, Mike Edwards -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 8 Date: Sun, 06 Apr 2003 20:13:06 +0100 From: Martin Roberts Subject: Jack Nitzsche at Spectropop Update An overwhelming vote for Kathy Young "I'll Love That Man" as the new Record of the Week, playing now on http://www.spectropop.com/JackNitzsche/index.htm Next week's choice is between Rod McKuen "I Turn To You" or Chet Baker's Mariachi Brass! "El Paso" (both LP tracks). Chet's track is good but if I were you I'd vote for Rod! Over on Nitzsche Radio: http://www.spectropop.com/JackNitzsche/jacknitzscheradio.htm Jingle #7 Tijuana is playing on the airwaves. Martin PS Just to add my two cents, good to have you on board, Brett. -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 9 Date: Sun, 06 Apr 2003 20:53:59 -0000 From: Patrick Rands Subject: Re: Gordian Knot Scott wrote: > Here's a link to brief review of the Gordian Knot LP ... > http://www.geocities.com/badcatrecords/GORDIANknot.htm I would take any reviews from Bad Cat Records with a grain of salt. They have a knack of pumping lp prices up while knocking the lps down. Sure the Gordian Knot lp isn't the best record in the world, but it's got its moments. I doubt it's worth $25 though. They also knocked the Canterbury Music Festival lp and sold it for $350 - and that lp is super fine. :Patrick -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 10 Date: Sun, 06 Apr 2003 14:57:56 -0700 From: Jeffrey Glenn Subject: Re: The Rose Garden James Botticelli: > The LP, an original copy of which I still own, is sold as > 'stereo', but several of the tracks are in mono. I just checked - using headphones - my CDR made from a copy of the original stereo LP, and it's entirely in true stereo. Jeff -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------