________________________________________________________________________ SPECTROPOP - Spectacular! Retro! Pop! ________________________________________________________________________ There are 12 messages in this issue. Topics in this digest: 1. The Millennium, Sandy Salisbury, and Randy Meisner on Sonic Past Music Label From: Ron Weekes 2. Re: Hamilton Camp From: Art Longmire 3. Re: Hamilton Camp, "Here's To You" From: Art Longmire 4. Re: Mommie Dearest - Cissy Houston From: Shawn Baldwin 5. Re: Hamilton Camp, "Here's to You" From: Art Longmire 6. Re: Brute Force From: Mike Rashkow 7. Re: Hamilton Camp From: Dan Hughes 8. 3 New Eddie Rambeau Tracks From: Rosemarie 9. You Go Go Girl From: Patrick Rands 10. Re: Big O PPM Crosby lyrics From: Tom Taber 11. Steve Harvey @ Goodwill From: Mike Edwards 12. Re: Hamilton Camp From: Phil Milstein ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Message: 1 Date: Wed, 16 Jul 2003 16:00:10 -0000 From: Ron Weekes Subject: The Millennium, Sandy Salisbury, and Randy Meisner on Sonic Past Music Label Not too long ago, Kingsley posted some info about the new releases being distributed by Sound City Entertainment. These Millennium related releases are on Joey Stec's Sonic Past label. Here's my review on the label's first three releases. Ron Weekes July 15, 2003 There is no arguing the fact that some of the most melodic and memorable music of the late Sixties came from Gary Usher, Curt Boettcher and Keith Olsen produced groups like The Millennium and Sagittarius. Although not as commercially successful compared to the popular music of the day, listening to this music over thirty years later proves that the artists who comprised The Millennium and Sagittarius individually and collectively were well ahead of their time. Maybe that's why listening to their music in this new millennium is such a joy. The dilemma for fans of the Usher, Boettcher, Olsen musical triumvirate is finding their music in the United States and at a reasonable price. Over the past few years, original Millennium member Joey Stec and his Sonic Past Music has released such gems with foreign labels like Dreamsville in Japan and Poptones in the U.K. Those of us stateside have had to pay higher import prices to add these releases to our collection. But this dilemma has been solved for U.S. fans of Usher's, Boettcher's and Olsen's stable of artists. Stec will shortly be releasing (July 22) the first three CDs on his newly created Sonic Past Music label. The first three releases will be offerings from Sandy Salisbury, The Millennium, and Randy Meisner. Even if you have previously purchased the Japanese or U.K. versions of these releases, I strongly encourage you to lay your money down and pick up Sonic Past Music's domestic releases when they hit the shelves in the next few days. The main reason is that each of these releases, and subsequent Sonic Past Music releases, have been completely remastered by John Porter (Roxy Music) to be more sonically compatible with our U.S. stereo systems. Each of these discs have new liner notes including some never before seen photos. Liner notes have been written by the likes of Matthew Moring, Jason Penick, Joe Foster, Randy Meisner, and Gary Usher biographer, Stephen J McParland. Distributed by Sound City Entertainment, the discs will have a mid-level list price and will be easily obtained at stores like Tower Records and Wal-Mart. Now the question you have all been wondering about: what exactly is on these first three releases? First up is Sandy Salisbury's lost classic called "Do Unto Others". This disc receives its name from Salisbury's first Together Records single of the same name. This album was recorded back in 1969 with Usher and Boettcher as producers and Olsen as engineer. The first eleven of the fifteen tracks on this release were slated to be released as Salisbury's first solo album in September 1969. Unfortunately, the Together label went under before the album could be released. Sonic Past Music's release includes all the tracks that are missing from both the Dreamsville and Poptones releases plus several alternate mixes. My favorite is the marimba track from "Once I Knew A Little Dog", which is mixed down in the completed track. The gem of these first three releases is The Millennium's "Pieces". According to Joey Stec, "this is actually pure Millennium!" No Ballroom or Sagittarius on this release. Recorded prior to Sandy Salisbury's ill-fated solo release, this Keith Olsen and Paul Bluff engineered recording includes twenty-one tracks. Although billed as a disc of outtakes, the band produced such high quality demos that these could very well be considered as completed tracks. The biggest selling point is the fact that this release compiles tracks from three hard-to-find releases from Dreamsville, Poptones, and Polystar. Missing from this release is a Levi's commercial (no great loss) and the tune "Love At Last". Hopefully Joey Stec is holding the latter for release on a subsequent The Millennium release on his new label. Sonic Past Music's release also provides the listener with a great anthology of how the individual artists comprising The Millennium gelled into a phenomenal under appreciated L.A. supergroup. An A-B comparison between this release and the actual "Begin" album should provide some great insights and a long term discussion on such Internet-based discussion groups such as Spectropop! Last up is a release I have never heard before. It has been available as an import, but it's nice to finally see Randy Meisner's live album from 1982 available here in the U.S. Simply entitled "Live in Dallas" this fabulous album was recorded on December 1, 1982 at Nick's Uptown Theatre in Dallas, Texas. The first time I heard this release was on my car's CD player. My first impression, sounds like a live Poco/Eagles concert! Backed up by seven other musicians, Meisner has total control over the group and their sound is very, very tight. The backup vocals are amazing. If you are into a country-flavored rock with very tight vocals, this release is a must for your collection. One suggestion: when you listen to it, play it loud!!! So what's next from Sonic Past Music if this isn't enough for you already? In October we should be seeing three more releases including a Lee Mallory solo effort, Davey Johnstone's (Elton John) solo album, and an enhanced CD of Lee Mallory and Joey Stec's live unplugged concert in Japan. I can't wait. In the meantime, you know what's playing on my stereo. Play it on yours! Ron Weekes http://www.GaryUsher.com -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 2 Date: Wed, 16 Jul 2003 23:21:20 -0000 From: Art Longmire Subject: Re: Hamilton Camp Hello, Ken. Thanks for the info, even Hamilton thinks "Here's to You" is obscure. It made #76 on the Billboard charts in the spring of '68, not that high, but I sure remember it being played on the radio as a kid. I know that it was covered by Ian and Sylvia on an album, haven't heard their version. Art Longmire -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 3 Date: Wed, 16 Jul 2003 23:13:57 -0000 From: Art Longmire Subject: Re: Hamilton Camp, "Here's To You" Hello Bill, Hamilton Camp was really a sort of "Jack of All-Trades"-a folk-pop musician, actor, and voice-over artist. I have several children's records on the Scholastic label that feature him as narrator under the name "Hamid Hamilton Camp" which he went by in the early seventies. As an actor I've seen him on an episode of the Mary Tyler Moore show, and may have seen him on many other shows without realizing it-his resume as a character actor is huge. I'd definitely like to check out the "Here's to You" LP. One of the people who dissed it was Richie Unterberger, and Unterberger is well known for not appreciating some of the great pop music. I do have the first Quicksilver LP and wouldn't mind hearing Camp's version of "Pride of Man" as well. Best, Art Longmire -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 4 Date: Wed, 16 Jul 2003 18:41:28 -0500 From: Shawn Baldwin Subject: Re: Mommie Dearest - Cissy Houston Mick Patrick asked of Cissy Houston's biographer Jonathan Singer: > The other week, UK C4 re-ran a Whitney Houston documentary. I > realise that you might not want to comment on this but I, for > one, would like to know if you are of the opinion that Cissy > Houston, as an overbearing showbiz Mom intent on bestowing > upon her daughter the stardom she was unable to achieve for > herself, is in any way responsible for the mess young Whitney > seems to have made of her personal life? I don't feel that way at all !Cissy didn't make it as you say for a lack of talent their are few women who have the vocal abilities of Cissy Houston are who have contributed to Music what she has !Whitney wanted to be a star Cissy didnt' want Whitney in showbusines period maybe for some of the reason's we see but all in all I think People make way to much of Whitney so called drug problem as if other Major stars haven't been worse off !Whitney too me sounds better than ever and doesn't sound like a immitation of her Mother anymore ,Whitney's 80's Material was really way to high for her being an alto they were really for someone like her Mother a Top soprano .It's really sad to me that people are trying so hard to tear Whitney down yes she has done some things that maybe people don't like but so have a lot of people .This is why Cissy didn't want Whitney in SHow business "They Build You Up To Tear You Down ".!Shawn -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 5 Date: Wed, 16 Jul 2003 23:28:27 -0000 From: Art Longmire Subject: Re: Hamilton Camp, "Here's to You" Hey Rob, Got that CD as soon as it came out, just to get the tune on CD (I purchased the 45 back the same week I heard it in 1984). You're right, it does have some excellent tunes, including the great pop- psych gem "Looking At a Baby" by the Collectors (don't miss this group's first album on Warner Brothers if you can find it)! Art Longmire -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 6 Date: Wed, 16 Jul 2003 20:12:19 EDT From: Mike Rashkow Subject: Re: Brute Force Martin Roberts: > ..."In Jim's Garage" to musica. This is not only interesting but > musically enjoyable as well, in a very 'over the top' way! I recall > Rashkovsky mentioning the recording of this LP, anything to add sir? Not add, but reiterate; that it was my favorite cut on the LP, that the production on that LP was first class--Columbia Studio, John Simon Prod. AND, Ellie, Jeannie and Mikie all the way in the BG parts. -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 7 Date: Wed, 16 Jul 2003 19:38:33 -0500 From: Dan Hughes Subject: Re: Hamilton Camp Art, I remembered the name of the album I like: WELCOME TO HAMILTON CAMP. ---Dan -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 8 Date: Thu, 17 Jul 2003 05:04:50 -0700 (PDT) From: Rosemarie Subject: 3 New Eddie Rambeau Tracks I have updated the Eddie Rambeau Website - and replaced the music on the homepage with 3 New Tracks by Eddie.. Stop by and listen to them if you get a spare moment. Rosemarie http://www.edrambeau.com -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 9 Date: Thu, 17 Jul 2003 14:13:20 -0000 From: Patrick Rands Subject: You Go Go Girl Hi all, I've posted my music review of Go Girl. What a wonderful collection, a lot of love went into this one. If anyone has any corrections for me, please feel free to email me and I'll correct any inaccuracies. :Patrick Go Girl - Dream Babes Volume 4 various artists label:: RPM format:: CD Dream Babes just keeps getting better and better, the further along the Dream Team get, and Go Girl - Dream Babes Volume Four is yet another incredible romp into the 1960s Brit Girl Group Singer Sound. The Dream Team this time around have centered their attention on the groups, the superstars and the Northern Soul Classics. The groups and girls included are - The Chantelles, The Orchids, The McKinleys, The Breakaways, Twiggy, Linda Thorson, Ross Hannaman, Jacki Bond, Paula Parfitt, and Janie Jones. Dream Babes is an incredible series of girl group music which came out in the UK in the 1960s. While I wouldn't say this series is crucial for everyone - I would definitely have to say that it is crucial for those who have jumped headlong into the girl group sound and are hungry for more. For those girl group fans, this is a treasure trove of some groovy 60s girls. And the series gets better as it goes along. click to read the whole review: http://www.gullbuy.com/buy/2003/7_15/dreambabes4.htm -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 10 Date: Thu, 17 Jul 2003 05:39:51 -0700 (PDT) From: Tom Taber Subject: Re: Big O PPM Crosby lyrics Eddy Smit wrote: > Also, I [John Lennon] was always intrigued by the words to a Bing > Crosby song that went (singing) "Please lend your little ears to me. > Please ... I was intrigued by the double use of the word "Please". > So it was a combination of Roy Orbison and Bing Crosby." Lennon was obviously slightly misquoted. I think the real lyrics were even cooler - "Please - lend a little ear to my pleas..." Tom Taber -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 11 Date: Thu, 17 Jul 2003 10:22:58 -0400 From: Mike Edwards Subject: Steve Harvey @ Goodwill Steve writes: > Yesterday I did my weekly check down at the local Goodwill. Very nice message, Steve. Always good to read about people still being enthused by the vinyl. Best, Mike -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 12 Date: Thu, 17 Jul 2003 11:12:44 -0500 From: Phil Milstein Subject: Re: Hamilton Camp Dan Hughes wrote: > And finally, you probably know he's also an actor, having appeared in > nearly a hundred films. From IMDB: "Has dubious distinction of being > a cast member on two of television's biggest failures: both "Turn-On" > (1969) and "Co-ed Fever" (1979) were cancelled after only 1 episode." I believe Camp was also a semi-regular on M*A*S*H. I also saw him in the early '70s in an off-Broadway production called Paul Sand's Story Theater, where he was billed as Hamid Hamilton Camp (had he semi-converted to Islam?). Very tiny dude -- couldn't have been more than 5'3", but he had a lot of talent. --Phil M. -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------