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Spectropop - Digest Number 968

               SPECTROPOP - Spectacular! Retro! Pop!

There are 24 messages in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

      1. Re: John Kongos
           From: Dee Lacevic 
      2. Re: The Cookies
           From: Sebastian Fonzeus 
      3. Re: Paisley Pop
           From: Art Longmire 
      4. Musica listening; Kongos
           From: Bob Rashkow 
      5. Re: John Kongos
           From: Art Longmire 
      6. Maggie Stredder - The Girl With The Glasses
           From: Ken Mortimer 
      7. South Africa
           From: Martin Roberts 
      8. please/pleas/elpees
           From: Alan Gordon 
      9. footage
           From: Sean 
     10. Re: Reparata and the Delrons
           From: Louis 
     11. please... don't... stop...
           From: Alan Gordon 
     12. Re: John Kongos, Scrugg
           From: Billy G Spradlin 
     13. Connie Francis's "Souvenirs" Box Set/Chordettes
           From: Tom 
     14. Back up vocals on Patty Duke's records
           From: Louis 
     15. Re: Sonic Past Music Label
           From: Tom Taber 
     16. Reparata and the Delrons: Spectropop
           From: Ian Slater 
     17. "Lady"/"Fallin' In Love"; Gamma Goochee
           From: Phil Milstein 
     18. Righteous Brothers and Johnny Wimber
           From: Stuffed Animal 
     19. Lyn Cornell
           From: Ken Mortimer 
     20. Martha Smith
           From: Ken Mortimer 
     21. Re: John Kongos
           From: Phil Milstein 
     22. Re: Shangs footage / South African beardos / OOP books
           From: Phil Milstein 
     23. Re: please... don't... stop...
           From: Steve Harvey 
     24. Doo-wop horse rock?
           From: Bill George 


Message: 1
   Date: Wed, 23 Jul 2003 11:09:39 -0700 (PDT)
   From: Dee Lacevic 
Subject: Re: John Kongos

I've been listening to a CD called Paisley Pop for
several months now and it features a group called
Schrag doing  "Lavender Popcorn" and "I Wish I Was
Five" - both terrific psychedelic pop songs. 

If you like this stuff, you should check out John
Kongos' "Lavender Popcorn" CD, which appears to
include everything he did from 1966-1969, both
solo and as "Scrugg" (not "Schrag", but with a 
name like that it's tought o keep track).  It's 
all very good.  The CD's on Castle, as is the
"Paisley Pop" compilation.  I'd also recommend
the "Ripples" series on Castle - 30 tracks on each
of them (except 29 on Volume 8), and each is
loaded with classics.  Some volume are a wee bit
better than others, but as these volumes are only 
$10 or $11, even the weakest (IMO "Beach Bash:
Volume 5") is very strong and well worth this
paltry sum of money.  If only the b-side to 
Timon's wonderful "The Bitter Thoughts Of Little
Jane" would turn up on one of the Castle / Pye
reissues.  Anyone got a copy of that?


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Message: 2 Date: Wed, 23 Jul 2003 20:14:59 +0200 From: Sebastian Fonzeus Subject: Re: The Cookies Jimmy Crescitelli >I just want to go on record as >saying that The Cookies are one of the best, most professional- >sounding groups ever. I put them right up there with The Blossoms. Aaaahhh! The Cookies! I just LOVE their "I Never Dreamed". Extremely atmospheric and all-around magnificent tune. Gotta go play it. :) Take care! /Sebastian -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 3 Date: Wed, 23 Jul 2003 18:43:03 -0000 From: Art Longmire Subject: Re: Paisley Pop Art Longmire wrote: > I've been listening to a CD called Paisley Pop for several > months now and it features a group called Schrag doing > "Lavender Popcorn" and "I Wish I Was Five" - both terrific > psychedelic pop songs. Noiro: > The CD you are talking about is overall an excellent CD. It > has several little known groups with some really good songs. > I can't answer any part of your question, but wanted to throw > my nickel opinion out there about the CD. Hello Noiro, Thanks for your feedback on this CD, it is indeed excellent and the tracks I mentioned above are just two of many outstanding songs. I've had a bit of a struggle researching some of the groups and artists on this compilation. For instance a group called the Settlers do a terrific Tony Hatch tune called "Major to Minor" and I would like to find out more about them and if they did other songs. This group sounds a bit like the U.S. groups Sunshine Company and Spanky and Our Gang. Also have to give props to Timon's "The Bitter Thoughts of Little Jane", one of the best songs about alienation I can remember hearing...I can never get enough of the great British pop and psych tunes! Best, Art Longmire -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 4 Date: Wed, 23 Jul 2003 18:43:41 -0000 From: Bob Rashkow Subject: Musica listening; Kongos I highly recommend anything by John Kongos at any time during his diverse career. I also have the 1971 LP with the incredible Tokoloshe Man and He's Gonna Step...which oh-so-briefly appeared on the Hot 100 in '71. A cuople of very moving ballads on there too. Just dropped by musica to listen to Jimmy Hughes and Dawn's Early Light. I sampled about a minute of each which was really more like 3 minutes--there's something kookily wrong with my Media Player and it keeps sticking, creating a very psychedelic effect (especially on Dawn's Early Light, which otherwise sounds TRES COOL) and the only time it plays smooth straight through is on already- downloaded mp3s. So on to try and correct that problem if I can do it without invoking the AOL gods......Hughes sounds really great, too! Did anyone hear ClearChannel CEO justifying his profit machine to Terry Gross on NPR this morning? What a laugh. Bobster -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 5 Date: Wed, 23 Jul 2003 18:56:20 -0000 From: Art Longmire Subject: Re: John Kongos Art Longmire wrote: > ... musician named John Kongos...who had a song out way back > in 1971 that I have been looking for called "He's Gonna Step > On You Again". Anybody else remember hearing this? Phil M: > My local station, WWDJ in Hackensack, NJ, played it heavily in > '71, during the same period I would bike over there every > Wednesday afternoon (timed to coincide with the release of the > week's new chart) and watch the DJs spin. A great track, which > holds up to this day. I was delighted to locate a pic sleeve 45 > of it at some point over the years. On Elektra, if I recall. I > believe Kongos was South African. Hello Phil, Interesting that this tune was played in certain American markets ...I remember it as being just a killer track that I listened for every day on KFXM in Victorville CA. This was about six months after I first started buying records. No question, those were the glory years of A.M. radio, I remember some of the other tunes played at the time including "13 Questions" by Seatrain (which I didn't get either) and "Nevada Fighter" by Michael Nesmith (which I did get!) I feel lucky to have experienced the great days of radio before it all turned to corporate B.S.! Best, Art Longmire -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 6 Date: Wed, 23 Jul 2003 21:55:32 +0100 From: Ken Mortimer Subject: Maggie Stredder - The Girl With The Glasses Hi Everyone I've just discovered the existence of this book which is now 'out of print'. I've tried ordering a copy from my local Waterstones and over the 'net' from Amazon - all to no avail. Does anyone have a spare copy of this book they'd be prepared to sell me or has anyone seen a copy on their travels recently? Thanks Ken -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 7 Date: Wed, 23 Jul 2003 21:22:09 +0100 From: Martin Roberts Subject: South Africa Anita Harris was from the UK, Anita Bryant and Anita Humes were from the US. Anita Harris occasionally wore glasses, not sure about the 'other' Anitas, but I am fairly sure that none of them had beards. Although Marc Frumento, Kingsley Abbott, Phil Chapman and Phil Milstein do. I wonder if perchance they are South Africans? -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 8 Date: Wed, 23 Jul 2003 15:20:04 -0700 From: Alan Gordon Subject: please/pleas/elpees Steve Harvey: > Yesterday I did my weekly check down at the local Goodwill. > You can always tell when somebody's collection get > donated by alot of the same era LPs and their condition. Good gosh, man..! What a great find. I got rid of a huge pile of "oldies" LPs when I "upgraded" to supposedly better sounding new pressings. I forgot that I was keeping all my autographs - from seeing those folks at concerts when I was very young - inside said sleeves... sigh Eddy Smit: > Completely forgot about this, but here's what Lennon had to > say in his Playboy interview : I'm a little behind on my digest-reading, so please pardon my pleas of probable philistinism. Hey Eddy Sir. Did you copy that text directly or were you transcribing that from an audio source? I could be very wrong here, but aren't the lyrics to that song: "Please lend your little ears to my Pleas"? But I guess that might be a result of John's scouse pronunciation of "my" as "me". -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 9 Date: Wed, 23 Jul 2003 22:40:18 -0000 From: Sean Subject: footage Can anyone tell which footage of the Shangri-Las still exists? I only have a Shindig episode of them where Mary, Margie, and Maryann sing "Shout" "Out In the Streets" and "Great Big Kiss". And I have Mary, Margie, Maryann, and Betty singing on a later Shindig episode but I only have them singing "Right Now And Not Later" on it. -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 10 Date: Thu, 24 Jul 2003 04:53:24 -0000 From: Louis Subject: Re: Reparata and the Delrons Louis asked: > Is the correct title of the song "We Need You" or "A Song > For All" because it is listed as track 18 on Collectables > CD COL-CD-0527 as "A Song For All"? Do you know what the > label and number of the record is? Ian: > The details are: > "Shoes"/"A Song For All" (reached #43 in the UK chart) 1975 > Polydor 2066 562 (UK, also released as Dart 2066 562) > Polydor 14271 (US) > "Jesabee Lancer (The Belly Dancer)"/"We Need You" 1976 > Polydor 2058 688 (UK) > Polydor 14298 (US, but apparently unreleased) Dear Ian, Thank you Ian for the information. It is curious that on my Reparata & the Delrons "Whenever A Teenager Cries" (Collectables CD COL-CD-0527) song 18. "A Song For All" starts out with the words "We Need You." I thought that is what you mean by a song titled "We Need You." I have never seen a song on any of my 3 Reparata and the Delron's CDs called "We Need You." That is why I was questioning. Also, my Reparata & the Delrons "Whenever A Teenager Cries" (Collectables CD COL-CD-0527) just lists as song "19. Jesibee Lancer" and it does not have the complete title "Jesibee Lancer (The Belly Dancer)". Furthermore, I noticed that song 19. is DELETED on the current issues of the Reparata & the Delrons Collectables CDs, if you look it up on www.amazon.com or www.oldies.com so they must have removed it for some reason. Anybody know why? Also, the back of the cover is a write up by Johnny Holiday. -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 11 Date: Wed, 23 Jul 2003 15:27:58 -0700 From: Alan Gordon Subject: please... don't... stop... Steve Harvey: > Actually a recently found acetate of the Beatles came up > for sale on Ebay. The title of this demo disc was "Please > Pleasure Me"! Mr. Epstein freaked out upon seeing this title > and told the boys, "You are just asking for trouble, lads." > Eppie had them quickly change it to the better known "Please > Please Me". Is this true??? I have never heard this account... I would assume that the label was mis-worded by whoever typed it. -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 12 Date: Thu, 24 Jul 2003 05:03:24 -0000 From: Billy G Spradlin Subject: Re: John Kongos, Scrugg John Kongos "He's Gonna Step On You" appeared on Rhino's CD "Super Hits of the '70's - Have a Nice Day Volume 6. Great song. -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 13 Date: Thu, 24 Jul 2003 06:12:26 -0000 From: Tom Subject: Connie Francis's "Souvenirs" Box Set/Chordettes I had no idea that one of the people here on Spectropop worked on the great "Souvenirs" Connie Francis box set. I would like to thank you for the selection of songs on the CDs, because I think it's the best Connie Francis collection that has ever been issued. I bought it as soon as it was released, and I've played it countless times since then. I love the girl group items with "Souvenirs" being my favourite track with that sound. "Lollipop Lips" is another really great one. My favourite tracks though are the torch songs like "Whose Heart Are You Breaking Tonight?" and "You Know You Don't Want Me". These two great songs are rarely featured on any Connie collections (in fact, I can't think of any besides this one), but I think they are the best of that genre. Again, you had incredible great taste in selecting the tracks for this collection, I just love it. If any Connie Francis fans still do not have a copy of this set and if you can find a copy, I would recommended it as a definite essential. Regarding the Chordettes, they were one of my favourite original girl groups when I first became interested in the sound. Their harmonies were so pure and beautiful that listening to one of their recordings, to me, was like feeling a refreshing breeze blow into the room. My all-time favourite track that they issued is "No Other Arms, No Other Lips". Tom -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 14 Date: Thu, 24 Jul 2003 08:25:23 -0000 From: Louis Subject: Back up vocals on Patty Duke's records Denise: > "Lightning Strikes" and the entire "Lightning Strikes" album > was not backed up by The Tammys. Hi Denise, Did you mention to me previously that you did the backing vocals on Patty Duke's records? Do you remember which Patty Duke records you sang on? Do you remember who else did back up vocals on those records? Patty Duke's records were among my favorites. Thanks, Louis Girl Groups: http://surf.to/girlgroups Patty Duke: http://surf.to/pattyduke http://come.to/pattyduke http://fly.to/pattyduke -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 15 Date: Thu, 24 Jul 2003 06:19:30 -0700 (PDT) From: Tom Taber Subject: Re: Sonic Past Music Label David Goodwin: > "sonically compatible with our US Stereo systems?" > Uhh, what? It occurred to me that much of the rest of the world may think we Americans have our heads stuck so far up our you-know-what that we'd need the high frequencies boosted significantly in order to hear them at all! I'm not sure that they aren't correct in that possible assumption! Tom Taber -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 16 Date: Thu, 24 Jul 2003 16:57:13 +0100 From: Ian Slater Subject: Reparata and the Delrons: Spectropop Further to the items on this super group, I'd like to clear up some confusion about track naming. On the Collectables CD, the track titled "Love for You and Me" is titled "A Song for All" on the 45 (it is the flip of "Shoes"). The track Collectables call "A Song for All" is in fact titled "We Need You" on the 45: it is the flip of the Europe only ( I believe) "Jesabee Lancer". Both are really beautiful ballads, the former being wistfully philosophical, and the latter, as Ian Chapman has pointed out, a religious song. It is indeed a pity the sound quality on the Collectables CD is so lamentable in parts: "We Need You" sounds as though it was dubbed from a 45 that had been regularly cleaned on a mill-stone. That said, my visually mint (and much better-sounding) original still sounds as though the girls had servings of Rice Krispies with them in the recording booth, so a pukka CD from the original masters would be very welcome. Ian Slater -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 17 Date: Thu, 24 Jul 2003 12:33:45 -0500 From: Phil Milstein Subject: "Lady"/"Fallin' In Love"; Gamma Goochee I have only just now gotten around to ordering Ace's Brian Wilson "Pet Projects" CD. Although I already owned most of the material elsewhere, the idea of having it all in one place appealed to me. But, as I was comfortably enjoying the already- familiar, one track I had never heard before leapt out from the middle of the album and grabbed me where I live. I recognized the American Spring track "Fallin' In Love" as a cover of Dennis Wilson & Rumbo's breathtaking "Lady" ... but where had this version been all my life? So brief, and yet the atmosphere it creates is so palpable that I cannot imagine it leaving anything that might come in its path unchanged. I played this new version over and over again. Judging just from this one song, Dennis clearly had a songwriting gift. Call me a criminal or a jerk, but I've never heard his "Pacific Ocean Blue" album. Is any of it half as good as "Lady"/"Fallin' In Love"? Is it available on CD? Realizing that I need to hear more of Dennis' writing and singing, I found a very good discography of his solo and Beach Boys work at http://www.cabinessence.com/dennis/disc.html On an unrelated -- and frankly self-promotional -- matter, those interested in The Gamma Goochee, who was discussed here a few months ago, will want to read my interview with him, just published in Roctober #36. See http://www.roctober.com/roctober for ordering info. --Phil Milstein -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 18 Date: Thu, 24 Jul 2003 17:37:20 +0000 From: Stuffed Animal Subject: Righteous Brothers and Johnny Wimber Peter Richmnd wrote: > When the duo broke off as the Righteous Brothers, Johnnie Wimber > worked with them as arranger and conductor on the 1963 debut > album "Right Now" on Moonglow Records. However in late 1963 at the > age of 29, he quit the music business completely to enter the > discipleship, working in a factory to make ends meet and was > reunited with his wife who had left him. Becoming the senior > pastor of the Anaheim Vineyard Christian Fellowship in 1977, he > also became a best selling author and conference speaker. Hmmm ... so Wimber didn't arrange the Righteous Brothers albums SOME BLUE-EYED SOUL and THIS IS NEW! I love RIGHT NOW! but the latter two LPs are actually my favorites of the Brothers' Moonglow output ... any idea who wrote the arrangements for those albums, Peter? They are out of this world, especially on "Fannie Mae," "Night Owl," "Baby, What You Want Me To Do," "I Just Wanna Make Love To You" and "Gotta Tell You How I Feel!" I ain't lyin' to you, people .... Stuff -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 19 Date: Thu, 24 Jul 2003 21:23:48 +0100 From: Ken Mortimer Subject: Lyn Cornell Can anyone tell me what Lyn Cornell (ex Vernons Girls) is doing now? Thanks Ken -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 20 Date: Thu, 24 Jul 2003 21:25:50 +0100 From: Ken Mortimer Subject: Martha Smith Can anyone tell me whether the Martha Smith who recorded for Pye in the early/mid 60s is the same Martha Smith who cut a one off single for RCA in 1976 with a song called 'Open Up Your Heart'? Thanks Ken -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 21 Date: Thu, 24 Jul 2003 17:44:45 -0500 From: Phil Milstein Subject: Re: John Kongos Art Longmire wrote: > I feel lucky to have experienced the great days of radio > before it all turned to corporate B.S.! Well about six months after the peak of my WWDJ visitations, right around the time of "He's Gonna Step On You Again", the station flipped to all-Christian talk. And that's the way the program director crumbles ... --Phil M. -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 22 Date: Thu, 24 Jul 2003 18:10:11 -0500 From: Phil Milstein Subject: Re: Shangs footage / South African beardos / OOP books Ken Mortimer wrote re the Maggie Stredder autobiog: > I've just discovered the existence of this book which is now > 'out of print'. I've tried ordering a copy from my local > Waterstones and over the 'net' from Amazon - all to no avail. > Does anyone have a spare copy of this book they'd be prepared > to sell me or has anyone seen a copy on their travels recently? If that request doesn't pan out, you might want to try the Advanced Book Exchange, which is to the lit world what GEMM is to record- collecting -- only done up much better. Few are the OOP books I've searched for there and not found. See http://www.abebooks.com Sean wrote: > Can anyone tell which footage of the Shangri-Las still exists? > I only have a Shindig episode of them where Mary, Margie, and > Maryann sing "Shout" "Out In the Streets" and "Great Big Kiss". > And I have Mary, Margie, Maryann, and Betty singing on a later > Shindig episode but I only have them singing "Right Now And Not > Later" on it. I believe John Grecco has an extensive TVography section at the end of his exhaustive Shangri-Las history, at http://www.redbirdent.com Martin Roberts wrote: > Anita Harris was from the UK, Anita Bryant and Anita Humes > were from the US. Anita Harris occasionally wore glasses, not > sure about the 'other' Anitas, but I am fairly sure that none > of them had beards. Although Marc Frumento, Kingsley Abbott, > Phil Chapman and Phil Milstein do. I wonder if perchance they > are South Africans? Not in the least, although I occasionally wear glasses. Manfred Mann usually wore some sort of lower facial hair, so perhaps there is something to your cockamamie theory after all. --the latter Phil -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 23 Date: Thu, 24 Jul 2003 16:15:45 -0700 (PDT) From: Steve Harvey Subject: Re: please... don't... stop... Steve: > Actually a recently found acetate of the Beatles > came up for sale on Ebay. The title of this demo disc was > "Please Pleasure Me"! Mr. Epstein freaked out upon seeing > this title and told the boys, "You are just asking for > trouble, lads."....... Not only that, but the B-side was a version of "Boys" sung by Brian Epstein backed by Lennon and Gerry Marsden. -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 24 Date: Thu, 24 Jul 2003 19:28:05 EDT From: Bill George Subject: Doo-wop horse rock? This is just a little diversion for anyone who cares to check it out...your own little vocal quartet under your control... http://svt.se/hogafflahage/hogafflaHage_site/Kor/hestekor.swf - Bill (back from vacation and catching up) -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------

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