========================================================= _/_ _ _ _ _. / __ __ _ __ _ /_)_/_)_</_(__<__/ (_(_)/_)_(_)/_)_ / / / ' ' ' ========================================================= Volume #0011 11/12/97 =========================================================Subject: Less known writers, Honeys, Girl Groups Sent: 11/11/97 4:20 AM Received: 11/11/97 7:39 AM From: carol knudson, knudXXX@XXXXXXolumbia.edu To: Spectropop List, spectroXXX@XXXXXXies.com Hi all, OK, I've got a few questions, but first let me start by saying thanks to Jamie and Jack for inviting me to the list. At last!!, a place I can talk about the music of my life with out getting totally put down by all my Pink Floyd/Led Zeppelin head friends at home. (Not that I don't like that stuff too, but, you know...) So, first- a song writer I have come across recently (though I bet he's not unknown to the experts on this list :)) is Gary Zekley. Aside from "Yellow Balloon", I have found several tunes by him, but would love to hear more! Anyone know anything about him? He's also responsible for the song "Cause I Love Him" sung by Alder Ray-WOW!!! This is the closest I have ever heard to a Phil Spector production without actually being one (at least I don't *think* it is). I haven't been able to find any more from her, though- does anyone know of anything else she does? As for the Honeys, Yes I'd have to agree, much as I like the beings of Marilyn and Diane, they are not the singers that Ginger is. I kinda like hearing them though, it gives me a homey feeling to think of Brian working with them. And speaking of Ginger- I just came across "Growing Up Is Hard To Do" (by Ginger and the Snaps) which I hadn't heard before- Great Tune!! Another recent find is "Golly Gee" by Sheila North. Another great song, in the Patience and Prudence vein. In talking about New 'Girl Group' sounding tunes- these songs may not 'count' cause they're not like real out-on-the-radio songs, but "I Do" and "Born To Love That Boy" from the "Grace of My Heart" Soundtrack are both wonderful songs, and probably as close as we can get to that sound these days. Thanks for the info about the Flower Pot Men, guys! I'll have to seek them out- I LOVE the other tunes mentioned that the members were involved with- This list is great!