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Spectropop V#0122

  • From: The Spectropop Group
  • Date: 07/29/98

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     Volume #0122                         July 30, 1998 
            New Improved Full Dimensional Stereo        
    Subject:     Re: Attention All Ronette Fans
    Sent:        07/29/98 5:33 am
    Received:    07/29/98 6:33 am
    From:        WILLIAM STOS, wsX
    To:          Spectropop List, spectroX
    R Teyes, RTeX om wrote:
    >The Spector vs Spector trial has been set to continue in August...
    >in the meantime Ronnie Spector has been invited to Hard Copy TV 
    >Magazine and Entertainment Tonight.
    Rob, is there any word on when she will appear, or has this already
    happened?  I'd love to see the interview.
    >the internet also has a 
    >wide variety of stuff under Ronnie spector or the Ronettes.. 
    >Robert the Ronette Hound
    Can you give us some links? I know John Rausch always has great 
    Ronettes stuff on his page, but are there other sources I  may 
    have missed?
    --------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]--------------------
    Subject:     Re: TURNTABLES
    Sent:        07/29/98 4:53 am
    Received:    07/29/98 6:33 am
    From:        Billy G. Spradlin, bilX
    To:          Spectropop List, spectroX
    I bought a very nice Technics SL-D1 direct drive turntable at a 
    Local Thrift Store for 10(!) Dollars two years ago, and the only 
    thing that needed replacing was the cartridge! Its not a Technics 
    SL-1200 (which most radio or club/rap DJ's use) but its quiet, 
    lets me cue up records for copying to CD and does the job for me!
    Billy G.
    >Will... Sears carries a very nice, inexpensive ($99.95 US) 
    >turntable to play your vinyl on. And yes, stop at every roadside 
    >sale for those elusive Spector gems, many of which can be bought 
    >for mere pennies when found at these garage sales, tag sales, etc.
    >You have a good chance of finding pearls this way!
    >Jimmy, JimmyX om
    Billy G. Spradlin                           E-mail: bilX 
    29 Rim Road                    Homepage:
    Texas 75662     IRC Chat: Wild`Bill at #Bob's_Tavern (Effnet) 
    --------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]--------------------
    Subject:     Re: The Love Notes
    Sent:        07/29/98 1:31 am
    Received:    07/29/98 6:33 am
    From:        Ron Sauer, RGSaX om
    To:          Spectropop List, spectroX
    In a message dated 98-07-28 12:17:28 EDT, you write:
    <<A while back this group was comparing the Ronettes' "You Baby" to 
     Linda Scott's version. Although I consider both of these gems>>
    Anything by Linda Scott attains gem status with me.
    --------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]--------------------
    Subject:     Oldies Radio Is Alive In The Boonies
    Sent:        07/29/98 12:07 am
    Received:    07/30/98 2:02 am
    From:        David Marsteller, davebX
    To:          Spectropop List, spectroX
    Hi All!
    I just got back from a brief trip to Memphis and Jackson, 
    Mississippi. While there, I heard an oldies station (for Yazoo 
    City, MS) that played some unusual tracks for oldies. Some of what
    I heard:
    Supremes-I'm Livin' In Shame
    Martha & The Vandellas-Come And Get These Memories
    Gene Pitney-Backstage
    Beatles-Octopus' Garden
    Of course, there were big hits too (My Girl, etc.)
    Unfortunately, I suspect this was an automated system because I 
    never heard an announcement of what songs had been played. 
    --------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]--------------------
    Subject:     Re: the walker brothers
    Sent:        07/29/98 12:18 pm
    Received:    07/30/98 2:02 am
    From:        Jeffrey Thames, KingoGrX om
    To:          Spectropop List, spectroX
    In a message dated 98-07-28 12:17:28 EDT, marc asks:
    <<I recently picked up "Take It Easy With The Walker Brothers" on CD
     and was very pleased. Anyone know if their other 2 (?) LPs are any 
    all i own is the *anthology* cd from one way, but it's convinced 
    me i need all of the reissues as soon as i can afford them (or 
    they come out domestically)...i bought it at the same time i 
    bought the scott walker comp on razor & tie (having only heard "
    the sun ain't gonna..." [of course] and "make it easy..." and 
    scott's "big louise" and figuring i should take all i can get), 
    and now my scott library has jumped from 2 discs (counting the 
    brothers comp) to 7...and i'm gonna try & get everything in 
    scott's catalog...with and without his "siblings"...
    btw, if anyone knows where i can find *scott 1*, *scott 3*, and/or
    *climate of hunter* on cd, please alert me...all of the online 
    places have 'em backordered if they carry them at all...
    --------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]--------------------

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