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Spectropop V#0227

  • From: The Spectropop Group
  • Date: 02/14/99

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       Volume #0227                       February 16, 1999   
                           Living Stereo                      
    Subject:     Eternity's Children/Starbuck
    Received:    02/14/99 7:42 pm
    From:        Javed Jafri,
    To:          Spectropop List,
    The recent discussion about Eternity's Children prompted me to 
    listen to their self titled second album and I remembered that 
    Bruce Blackman who was a member went on to score a top ten hit 
    in the 70's with the group Starbuck. I'm sure many of you 
    remember their smash "Moonlight Feels Right" which was a 
    pleasant piece of 70's soft rock.
    --------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]--------------------
    Subject:     For: Diane Renay and Will Stos
    Received:    02/16/99 9:06 am
    From:        Jimmy Cresitelli, JimmyXXXXXXXXom
    To:          Spectropop List,
    Ms. Renay: Oh oh! You're right; I got my Jeans mixed up... Jean 
    King was truly a member of the Blossoms, not Jean Thomas... I 
    had a brain shimmy there for a second. I guess you would have 
    remembered if the Blossoms had accompanied you, eh? From all 
    accounts, Darlene Love in the studio was an unforgettable 
    presence: when she wasn't singing, she was yelling, complaining,
    or laughing-- by her own account, mind you!! 
    Will Stos: You got it! "You're So Fine" by Dorothy Berry is 
    certainly in my Top 10 Fave GG Song List; to me, it embodies the
    whole sound. That song really churns, ya know? 
    --------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]--------------------
    Subject:     Marvelettes...
    Received:    02/14/99 7:42 pm
    From:        Carol Kaye,
    To:          Spectropop List,
    >From William Stos:  
    >Also, question for Carol Kaye. I was listening to some late 60s
    >Marvelettes the other night. Did you play on any of their later  
    >stuff. Motown insists it was all recorded in Detroit, but
    >you've told up otherwise. The bass on some of those songs is wild!
    Funny thing, I finally got a re-use royalty check from Motown 
    Records. I have 113 dates in my log for Motown in the 60s, other
    studio musicians here in LA do too. 
    I had a discussion on the phone about 1990 with Producer Lester 
    Sill, who was pres. of Jobete, about the percentages of what was
    recorded out here in LA in the 60s (original Motown hits) and 
    what was cut in Detroit -- I tho't it was about 30-40% tops cut 
    in LA, but Lester insisted it was more like over 60% cut out 
    here. I still don't know.
    There are many interviews in magazines from 80s on with engineer
    Armin Steiner, Joe Sample, Earl Palmer, even Steve Douglas, 
    others about Motown dates we all did out here in LA. 
    Earl's book, "Backbeat" will be out March 1st, he talks about 
    Motown in there (Smithsonian Press) -- lots of evidence of 
    Motown being out here as they leased 2 floors of office suites 
    in the prestigious Sunset/Vine Towers building from 1963 on -- 
    we all saw all the groups rehearsing there, people writing 
    arrangements there...I used to go up with my tunes from time to 
    time. The books that speak of Motown being "only" in Detroit are
    from mostly hearsay, or what they want the public to believe.
    Berry Gordy is quoted on a 1964 filmed interview speaking with 
    great pride of all the "fine tracks coming in from LA", and also
    in his book. It's quite well-known amongst all the studio 
    musicians out here, even our past Union president who played 
    trumpet on many of those dates, and finding the Lewis Sister's 
    mikes not even plugged in (on the Supremes' tracking dates we 
    did out here), my kids met Stevie Wonder, 04 Tops, etc. as most 
    of us did too.
    I do have the Marvelettes marked down in my log on some dates, 
    so yes, I did do some Marvelettes' dates. But James Jamerson was
    the innovator of the Motown bass styles, played on so many dates,
    I'd have to listen to those recordings some more to tell you if 
    it was myself or not. 
    I did do bass on the hits of Bernadette, Love Child, I Was Made 
    To Love Her, I Can't Help Myself (and in fact, just ran into 
    engineer Ami Hadani, who owned TTG back then and he verified the
    fact that that recording was entirely west coast from start to 
    finish like Armin Steiner said -- and said "yes, we laid down 
    the final vocal of James Levi's on "I Can't Help Myself" at TTG 
    at 2AM one night, finished the west-coast-cut tracking and 
    vocals out here back then for the 4 Tops".
    There are some later-made up union recording contracts (back in 
    Detroit) which were NOT there years before all the recordings 
    became being re-used. And in fact, one Detroit songwriter, with 
    blank contracts was trying to force his way into our Musicians 
    Pension fund, belligerantly trying to force the Federation to 
    give him part of our Pension fund as he had blank contracts and 
    was trying to find out how to fill them out.....not a legal 
    So there is evidence of hanky panky and of course we're NOT 
    getting our rightful reuses at was our fault for 
    letting them get away with paying us cash for quite a while, but
    we liked to record the music...but we did get 1,000s of dollars 
    back pay when one member of our musician group snitched to the 
    Union about our under-the-table Motown dates (he's passed away a
    long time ago) around 1967 and that's when Motown finally 
    announced "we're moving to LA", they've been out here all that 
    So, yes, the answer is that I did play on some of theirs, just 
    don't know what at this point. You can access my website and 
    sample the soundbytes and you'll hear parts of Bernadette, and I
    Was Made To Love Her as well as about 20 other bass things on my 
    site. There will be more on this as people own up to the truth 
    of the matter eventually. 
    Carol Kaye
    PS. Yes that was Jean King with Fanita and Darlene Love. Fanita 
    and Darlene and I were pregnant all at the same time together in
    1963 and we used to drive Larry Levine at Gold Star Recorders mad
    when we kept working and got really big and would walk in at the 
    same time. He confided in me later, he was afraid he'd be a "
    mid-wife" on one of the pianos with one of us.
    --------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]--------------------
    Subject:     The Gordian Knot
    Received:    02/16/99 9:06 am
    From:        Steve Stanley,
    To:          Spectropop List,
    Matthew Kaplan wrote:
    >so my question is...who were the Gordian Knot?
    Steve Stanley wrotes:
    Finally the Gordian Knot gertting their Spectropop Spotlight!!!
    One thing for harmony nuts to take note: the Gordian Knot's sole
    LP on Verve was produced by no less than Clark Burroughs of the 
    Hi-Los!! One of the finest contributors to the golden age of 
    softness, I must say!
    --------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]--------------------
    Subject:     To: Ian Chapman~From: Diane Renay
    Received:    02/14/99 7:42 pm
    From:        Diane renay, CEIInvXXXXXXXXom
    To:          Spectropop List,
    Hi Ian:
        Very interesting information regarding my two single 
    releases "Can't Help Lovin' That Man," and "It's A Good Day For 
    A Parade"! Where did you get all this information from, I never 
    heard of this and never even knew that my records where played 
    outside the US!!!! Thanks!
        Sorry, but I don't remember the name of the third girl who 
    sang backup for me and later became one of the Ragdolls.
         Sincerely: Diane Renay <[:>)
    --------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]--------------------
    Subject:     Together
    Received:    02/16/99 9:06 am
    From:        Ron Bierma, ELRONXXXXXXXXom
    To:          Spectropop List,
    In a message dated 2/13/99 10:02:46 PM, writes:
    >In fact, the whole Together Records catalogue needs 
    just found the 2 LP set by Danny Cox on Together #1011, produced
    by Mr Usher. Haven't listened yet, anyone know anything about it?
    Opinions? Reviews?
    --------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]--------------------
    Subject:     Vinyl Fixations Go To The World of Auctions
    Received:    02/16/99 9:06 am
    From:        Matthew Kaplan, TweeXXXXXXXXom
    To:          Spectropop List,
    There was an article about this in yesterdays New York Times, so
    I decided to check out the web site with regards to the following
    auction at the William Doyle Galleries in NYC. The following is 
    from the Doyle Web site:
    single-owner collection of records. Including almost 60,000 
    singles, EPs, LPs and CDs by The Beach Boys, The Beatles, Buddy 
    Holly, Roy Orbison, a selection of recordings by Elvis Presley 
    on the Sun label, rare rhythm and blues and rockabilly among 
    numerous other recording artists from the early 1950s through 
    the mid 1990s. The sale also features juke boxes, disc jockey 
    equipment, lights, disco balls, Solid Gold scrapbooks, posters, 
    photographs and ephemera Auction: Tuesday, February 16 at 10am 
    Exhibition opens February 13 For further information or to 
    consign property to Collectibles auctions,  please call Tara Ana
    Finley at 212-427-2730, ext. 211
    Here's the web address for the starts getting
    interesting around lot 200
    --------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]--------------------
    Subject:     The Big Hurt
    Received:    02/16/99 9:06 am
    From:        Shelby Riggs,
    To:          spectropop,
    I have just been informed of the passing away of
    Miss Toni Fisher. She recorded "The Big Hurt" in
    Toni died from a massive heart attack in Hyrum, Utah. 
    Ahe was 70 years of age.
    Shelby Riggs
    --------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]--------------------
    Subject:     Buddy Knox
    Received:    02/16/99 9:06 am
    From:        Shelby Riggs,
    To:          spectropop,
        To all Oldies Fans,
        With deepest sorrow and regret, I am relaying information 
    from Buddy Knox's Manager, Johnny Vallis, that Buddy Knox passed
    away this morning at his home in Port Orchard, Washington. He was
    diagnosed with stage 3 cancer on 2-5-99. The doctors told him he 
    had less than 90 days to live.
        Buddy was engaged recently to Dr. Becky Carpenter. They were
    to be married later this year. 
        Buddy had 17 hits from 1957 to 1961. His biggest hits were 
    "Party Doll"(1957), "Rock Your Little Baby To Sleep"(1957), "Hula
      Love"(1957), "Lovey Dovey"(1960).
        Buddy was born on April 24, 1933, he would have been 65 on  
    that date.
    Shelby Riggs
    Las Vegas, Nevada
    --------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]--------------------

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