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Spectropop V#0026

  • From: The Spectropop Group
  • Date: 12/5/97

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            Volume #0026                               12/06/97
                          LONG PLAYING UNBREAKABLE
    Subject:     Re: Stones In Stereo
    Sent:        12/5/97 5:19 AM
    Received:    12/5/97 8:04 AM
    From:        David Bash, BashXXX@XXXXXXm
    To:          Spectropop  List,
    << Subject:     Re: 19th Nervous Breakdown
     From:        dave prokopy,
     <<i have the westwood one disc, and it has (as far as i'm aware) 
    otherwise   unavailable (on CD) true-stereo versions of "honky tonk 
    woman," "get off   my cloud," and "mother's little helper," but no 
    Hi Dave,
    I have the UK version of "Hot Rocks" Part 1, and it has both "Get Off Of 
    My Cloud" and "Mother's Little Helper" in true stereo.  Unfortunately 
    "19th Nervous Breakdown" is in mono.  I also have a Japanese version of 
    "Hot Rocks" Part 2, and it's got "Honky Tonk Women" in true stereo.  I 
    know it's weird that I have one part from the UK and the other from 
    Japan, but that's the way I found them at the store and I really wanted 
    the true stereo songs.
    Spectropop Rules!!!!! 
    Take Care, 
         -----------[ archived by Spectropop ]-----------
    Subject:     Ronnie Spector/Eddie Money
    Sent:        12/5/97 6:45 AM
    Received:    12/6/97 3:11 AM
    From:        Mike Bartolowits,
    To:          Spectropop  List,
      I saw a Christmas cd when I was in a music store last night by Ronnie 
    and  Eddie Money. Has anyone heard it and is it worth buying. Any 
    comments would  be appreciated.
         -----------[ archived by Spectropop ]-----------
    Subject:     Sequel Records
    Sent:        12/4/97 11:21 PM
    Received:    12/5/97 8:04 AM
    From:        Jack Madani,
    To:          Spectropop  List,
    Spectropop List,,Internet writes:
    > Well there's been a recent  compilation on Sequel Records, 
    >by a group that fans of The Flower Pot Men  Will Love.  
    >It's called "You've Got To Be Loved" by The Montanas...
    Sequel Records are my heroes!  They put out a most awesome series of 
    girl-group anthologies called "Here Come The Girls," and they also have 
    reissued several of the Tony Hatch-Petula Clark albums.  Sequel Records 
    rules, as far as I'm concerned.  
    Jack Madani - Princeton Day School, The Great Road,
       Princeton, NJ  08540
    "It is when the gods hate a man with uncommon abhorrence that they
     drive him into the profession of a schoolmaster." --Seneca, 64 A.D.
         -----------[ archived by Spectropop ]-----------
    Subject:     Stereo Stones
    Sent:        12/7/97 2:08 AM
    Received:    12/6/97 3:11 AM
    From:        David R. Modny,
    To:          Spectropop List,
    Hi all,
       On the subject of the Stones' material in stereo, Brad mentioned the 
    German 'Hot Rocks' series. I believe that, although, the German sets are 
    now out of print, the Japanese versions are still in print. I thought I 
    would do a breakdown of all the Japanese discs for "rare" stereo content.
    Here goes: 
    'ROLLING STONES NO. 2' - "Time Is On My Side", "What A Shame", "Down The 
    Road Apiece", and "I Can't Be Satisfied". 
    'THE ROLLING STONES, NOW!' - "Heart Of Stone", "What A Shame", and "Down 
    The Road Apiece".
    'HIGH TIDE AND GREEN GRASS' - "It's All Over Now", "Heart Of Stone", and 
    "Time Is On My Side".
    'HOT ROCKS 1' - "Time Is On My Side", "Heart Of Stone", "Play With Fire", 
    "Satisfaction", "Get Off My Cloud" and "Mother's Little Helper".
    'HOT ROCKS 2' - "Honky Tonk Woman", and "Street Fightin' Man".
    'MORE HOT ROCKS 1' - "It's All Over Now", and "Out Of Time".
    'MORE HOT ROCKS 2' - "What To Do" and "I Can't Be Satisfied".             
                                             Hope this helps,
         -----------[ archived by Spectropop ]-----------

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