MFW wrote:
> Sounds like a lot of PR hype to me. It's true, Nancy
> Wilson had 34 U.S. charted albums over three decades, but
> none of them even went Gold, let alone Platinum. She also
> had 14 singles, but only two of them made the Top 40 on
> the Pop charts (and seven Top 40 hits on the R&B charts).
> No Gold or Platinum singles, either.
Let's look at Nancy Wilson album chart figures during the Beatlemania
Yesterday's Love Songs, Todays Blues (Feb 1964 reached 4)
Today, Tomorrow Forever (June 1964 reached 10)
How Glad I Am (Sep 1964 reached 4)
Today - My Way ( Jul 1965 reached 7)
Gentle Is My Love (Oct 1965 reached 17)
Touch Of Today (Jul 1966 reached 15)
That's probably the Mid 60s Paul MacArthur is talking
about. And those chart positions aren't bad during the
beatlemania period when, if you didn't have a British
accent you were ignored.
I really don't trust charts of the 60s, sometimes they
didn't actually reflect public taste because too many
people will take Billboard charts as gospel and there are
too many unanswered questions about them that Billboard
has never answered. Just like some of Project Blue Books
explantation of Flying Saucers. I don't believe in Flying
Saucers but I don't believe a lot of the silly Blue Book
explanations either. Some were fabricated because of
security reasons.
Back to Nancy Wilson, she obviously sold to an older
audience than The Beach Boys and The Beatles, but it would
have been the same audience Capitol knew how to market to.
Old Dean Martin, Frank Sinatra, Sammy Davis Jr audience.
These people bought albums over years, not run out this
week and buy an album by a rock group that would be
forgotten in two years, Nancy Wilson had a staying power
and her albums probably sold well over a long period. To
show how important she obviously was to Capitols
bottomline (where it counts), they made a Nancy Wilson
promo album called "Minute Masters" I believe the number
was Capitol Pro 2704 (but I could be wrong) Jack Wagner
was the producer and it was issued about August/Sep 1964
during the height of Beatlemania. The album consists of
Nancy Wilson songs from about 6 of her current albums
edited down to a little over a minute in length. You might
wonder why. In those days (1960s) we DJs had to catch a
newscast on the hour, and you sometimes had a little over
a minute left and no commercial to run. A little over a
minute is not long enough for a full song and if you faded
it early it sounded like a K-Tel edit of the 70s. So
Capitol made professional edited versions of songs by
apparently their hottest artists. These could be kept by
the DJ near the turntables to throw on when you needed
something to fill. It got Capitol and its artists extra
exposure and airplay, very valuable in those days. Albums
I know of were by Nancy Wilson, Buck Owens, and Nat King
Cole. I have the Nat King Cole album (Capitol PRO 2991/
2992, issued January 1966). I had the chance to buy the
Nancy Wilson album recently but passed on it, that's how I
know it exists. They may have made others. I have never
found a Minute Masters album issued on the Beach Boys,
even though they surely had enough songs in the Capitol
catalog to issue one. Her ranking one of these Minute
Masters albums along with such then current legends in the
music like Buck Owens and Nat King Cole, shows how highly
Capitol thought of her.
Paul Urbahns
--------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]--------------------
Subject: Re: Eden Ahbez!
Received: 07/12/99 11:49 pm
From: Jeffrey Thames, Kingoxxxxxcom
To: Spectropop List, spectxxxxxities.com
A quick addendum: *Eden's Island* is nothing short of
superb, and we have a 5-second (or so) wavefile of
"Mongoose" as the startup sound on our computer...
--------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]--------------------
Subject: Re: AMC POP
Received: 07/12/99 11:49 pm
From: Michael B Kelly, docxxxxx.com
To: Spectropop List, spectxxxxxities.com
Paul MacArthur, rtxxxxx.edu wrote:
>I don't know how many of you get American Movie Classics,
>but last week they showed the Girls on the Beach as part
>of their AMC POP series. Here's the rest of the month's
>Saturday, July 10 10:00 PM Pajama Party
>Saturday, July 17 10:05 PM The Endless Summer
>Saturday, July 24 10:00 PM Easy Come, Easy Go
>Saturday, July 31 10:05 PM Tickle Me
>Right up the Spectropop Alley!
>- Paul
Yes, and last night after "Pajama Party,"' they showed the
videos of "Little Miss Go Go" and Misirlou!" I seldom watch
the flicks, but I try to catch the videos!
--------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]--------------------
Subject: re-issue labels
Received: 07/11/99 11:40 pm
From: Ron Bierma, ELRxxxxxcom
To: Spectropop List, spectxxxxxities.com
In a message dated 7/9/99 10:10:37 AM, spectxxxxxities.com writes:
>The new Buddha seems to have so little in common
>with the old Buddah, why didn't they just come up with a
>new name?
I think that the law states that a label retains an
affiliate names unless it lies dormant for 13 years. That
may be why this name has popped up. (tho in the case of
Buddah, I believe that BMG purchased the Buddah tapes and
name from Essex Entertainment-the NJ faction of the famous
and sorely missed Chicago Rose Records family and is using
the name, not only for re-issuing Buddah tapes, but also
as a catch-all name for it's re-issue/liscenced material;
ala Rhino) Other names that come in and out of use are
Portrait and Okeh (both Columbia/Sony owned). Notice that
most of the major labels have liscenced divisions, like
Rhino. BMG has Buddah, EMI has it's Right Stuff label that
is putting out the HI and Philadelphia International
material (among others), Universal has Hip-O and Varese
Sarabande, and WEA has the original, Rhino. Must be a
profitible enterprise, no?
--------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]--------------------
Subject: Soft rock on TV
Received: 07/12/99 11:49 pm
From: Barrington Womble, wuxxxxxet.se
To: Spectropop List, spectxxxxxities.com
This isn't as off-topic as it may sound, but does anyone
watch "Nightstand", the phoney talkshow, starring the
equally phoney Dick Dietrich, which makes fun of real
talkshows like "Jerry Springer"? There were a series of
references in tonight's show to The Grassroots and several
songs by Gary Zekley!
That was a one-off though. However, if the Spectropop-list
is represented regularly on TV, it's on "The Simpsons", a
show *everybody* should watch! The music of Burt Bacharach
has appeared frequently since the show started ten years
(and, thus, years before Burt became 'credible' again), and
you have all kinds of subtle references to sixties' culture.
One of the funniest moments was when Apu's nephew did a
semi-indian vocals-and-tabla version of Jimmy Webb's
"MacArthur Park". You only got to hear the last five
seconds but the sight of the audience fallen asleep and
Crusty the Clown saying in his raspy whiskey-voice "Oooohh
.....I thought that song would never end...." is priceless!
Sorry about the off-topicness --- but this *is* summer
after all! :)
--------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]--------------------
Subject: Spector`s Today`s Hits lp
Received: 07/12/99 11:49 pm
From: john rausch,xxxxx.net
To: Spectropop List, spectxxxxxities.com
Hi Jimmy,
Here are prices I found for the lp you mentioned:
wlp = 400.00(in vg+) and 1000.00(in near mint)
blue/black label = 150.00(vg+) and 400.00(near mint)
red/yellow label = 80.00(vg+) and 200.00(near mint)
These prices may be a bit outdated,from Goldmine lp
price guide 4th edition.
John Rausch
Phil Spector`s Wall Of Sxxxxxp://members.tripod.com/~rauschj/
--------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]--------------------
Subject: Re: VDP/Loss Leaders
Received: 07/12/99 11:49 pm
From: Stewart Mason, flaxxxxx.com
To: Spectropop List, spectxxxxxities.com
Don Richardson wrote:
>Here is the correction to my previous post:
>1. Come to the Sunshine (Parks)/Farther Along (Hopi Indians) (Traditional
>Adapt. Parks) MGM-T-9982 (1966)
>**Numbers 1A/B and 2A/B are not likely to be released
>unless MGM is in a benevolent mood. Number 2B Has not
>appeared anywhere to my knowledge
"Come to the Sunshine" appears on the Warner Brothers Loss
Leader sampler DEEP EAR, released in 1974, or a version of
it does anyway. Barry Hansen's liner note reads: "'Come to
the Sunshine' was written by VAN DYKE PARKS and recorded by
him in 1966, six months or so before Harper's Bizarre cut
the WB single that established Mr. Parks as a Hit
Songwriter. It was Van Dyke's second record (the first was
a rock arrangement of Beethoven's Ninth Symphony). Since
then he's recorded and written and/or produced a great
many others, including one heard elsewhere on this sampler
[Little Feat's "Spanish Moon"]. Thanks be to MGM for the
loan of this track and to Van Dyke himself who personally
re-edited it for inclusion in DEEP EAR."
Having never heard the original, I have no idea how this
version differs. The label gives the length as 2:32.
***************************FLAMINGO RECORDS***************************
Stewart Allensworth Mason "My hair always looks like it's
Box 40172 listening, in some private way,
Albuquerque NM 87196 to a disco album called DANCE
www.rt66.com/~flamingo CRAZE '97."
*********************HAPPY MUSIC FOR NICE PEOPLE**********************
--------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]--------------------
Subject: The Warner/Reprise Loss Leaders
Received: 07/12/99 11:49 pm
From: Charles G. Hill,xxxxxt.com
To: Spectropop List, spectxxxxxities.com
The eminent Don Richardson proclaimed in #0291:
> For those that don't know, WB issued about 30 Promotional
> Samplers between 1969 and the early 1980s. They usually
> had about 30 Warner/Reprise artists on each one and the
> songs were normally unreleased or newly released singles
> for their camp of artists. They are terrific compilations
> and are not real hard to find in a used record store. They
> were nicknamed "Loss Leaders" because the experimental
> style of many of the current WB/Reprise musicians they had
> in the stable were requiring a lot of red ink in the
> balance sheets.. In the early '70s, the compilations and
> liner notes were created by Barry Hansen, who you may
> recognize better as Dr. Demento.
> About two years ago, I asked Bob Merlis, Vice President at
> WB, if they had ever considered re-issuing some of the
> early samplers. His response was that it would take to
> much time and effort to track down licensing and
> copyrights to make it worthwhile to the company. Too bad,
> because they are all pretty interesting.
I'd like to think it might be possible to put out a Best
Of set, maybe two CDs full, but as we all know, these days
the Accounting Department runs the record company.
> Here is a link to a website that has the complete details
> on the Warner/Reprise Samplers:
> http://www.dustbury.com/music/wblist.html
And glad am I to see that you have the new URL (well, new
since March, anyway), since I'm about to close out the
referral page at the old address. I might also add that
there are few things quite as tedious as scanning 12-inch
record jackets on a legal-size (8 1/2 x 14) flatbed
Thanks for the plug, Don. As with anything on the Web,
this is a work in progress, so comments and corrections
are always welcomed....cgh
Charles G. Hill | xxxxxt.com | http://www.dustbury.com/
"Now is the Windows of our discontent." - Richard 3.0
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