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Spectropop - Digest Number 20


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                  Life is Sweeter with a Dansette Gem

There are 4 messages in this issue #20.

Topics in this digest:

      1. Re: Yellow Balloon
           From: "WASE RADIO" 
      2. Midge is back (The Pixies Three)
           From: Michael Helfinger 
      3. BOUNCE: Non-member submission
           From: Spectropop: Archive | Bulletin Board
      4. BOUNCE: Non-member submission
           From: Spectropop: Archive | Bulletin Board


Message: 1
   Date: Sat, 12 Aug 2000 19:46:34 -0400
   From: "WASE RADIO" 
Subject: Re: Yellow Balloon

Len wrote:

>Yellow Balloon - what a piece of ear candy circa spring 
>'67 for a 14 year old who dug the Beach Boys vocal sound!
>now, a question - coming out of the chorus and back to the
>second verse - that's either a very clumsy segue: OR a very
>bad tape splice.. does anybody notice this? it's almost
>like the tape dragged for a split second.. comments?

It sounds like a bad transition coming out of the chorus in 
to the second verse. If there was an edit, it wasn't out of 

                                               Michael G. Marvin
                                                WASE radio

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Message: 2
   Date: Fri, 11 Aug 2000 17:57:45 -0400
   From: Michael Helfinger 
Subject: Midge is back (The Pixies Three)

Hi everyone:

As the Toronto Chapter of the Pixies Three Fan Club, I've 
been authorized to announce to the Spectropop List that 
Midge Bollinger Neel, original lead singer of the Pixies, 
has rejoined the group for appearances on the oldies show 
circuit. Her first public performance with the group will 
be at the Marshfield Fair in Scituate, MA on August 19 
(the show will be broadcast live over the Internet at http:

Midge sang lead on the Pixies' first two Mercury 45 
releases in 1963, "Birthday Party" and the double-sided 
"Cold, Cold Winter/442 Glenwood Avenue." She left the group
for personal reasons at the end of the year. Debby Swisher 
(Horn) assumed lead vocal duties, and Bonnie Long (Walker)
joined Kaye McCool (Krebs) on backup. It was this lineup 
that recorded the "Party with the Pixies Three" album and 
subsequent singles, and also comprised the Pixies after 
their 1991 reunion.

Early this year Debby left the group, and Kaye and Bonnie 
persuaded Midge to come out of retirement.

On one hand, I'm sorry to see Debby go - I saw the ladies 
perform in Ohio last fall and she showed herself to be a 
vocalist of spellbinding intensity and passion. Yet, it 
was Midge's smooth, perky, upbeat singing voice that hit 
me between the eyeballs when I first heard "442" on a 
Toronto-area oldies' station during the 1980s - giving the
tune its unmistakable cheerleader-chant quality. Maybe that
explains my subsequent fascination with the Pixies - they 
reminded me of the bubbly, cute popular girls who were 
beyond my reach in high school...I would eventually find 
out through Doc Rock Kelly's epic "Discoveries" article on
the Pixies that Midge actually WAS a cheerleader at her 
school in Hanover, PA.

I offer Midge my best wishes and encouragement, and 
eagerly look forward to the next time the ladies do a show
within a days' driving distance of TO.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

--------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]--------------------

Message: 3
   Date: Sun, 13 Aug 2000 03:01:22 -0000
   From: Spectropop: Archive | Bulletin Board
Subject: BOUNCE: Non-member submission

========= Start of forwarded message =========

Re: CDs Wanted...Name your Price!

Posted by Robert Hull on Thu, 10 Aug 

It has been brought to my attention that the "timelife 
music" reference is not cool. Let me untangle things a bit:

My name is Robert Hull. I am a private collector of many 
things, and one of them is Phil Spector material. I will 
pay top dollar for any or all of the aforementioned CDs.

That's pretty much it. I hope you can help me. Thanks....

--------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]--------------------

Message: 4
   Date: Sun, 13 Aug 2000 02:51:07 -0000
   From: Spectropop: Archive | Bulletin Board
Subject: BOUNCE: Non-member submission

========= Start of forwarded message =========

A&M Records Discography?

Posted by Keith on Fri, 11 Aug 2000

Just surfed in yesterday and have already spent many hours
on this great site... (I think a search for Curt Boettcher 
got me here)

Anyway, anybody working on a complete (LPs in particular) 
discography for A&M Label? I've been to Rudy's Corner 
(another great site) but only a few specific artists have 
discographies there. What with the FANTASTIC discographies
here for so many other great labels, would love to see more
info about A&M -- especially since so much great (and 
relevant to this site) music came out on A&M, in 
particular through the 1970s.

Thanks! and now back to browsing...


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