________________________________________________________________________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ S P E C T R O P O P ______________ ______________ ______________ ________________________________________________________________________ Clean with a slightly damp, lint free cloth ________________________________________________________________________ There are 5 messages in this issue of Spectropop. Topics in this Digest Number 63: 1. Re: a net From: Jeffrey Thames 2. Turtles 20 Greatest Hits From: "Jack Madani" 3. Phil Spector Interview From: "GSPECTOR" 4. Mel Carter, Shirley Alston, et al. From: Jared Martine 5. Cha Cha Charming #3 From: "Jamie LePage" ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Message: 1 Date: Wed, 22 Nov 2000 07:10:25 -0600 From: Jeffrey Thames Subject: Re: a net > > And she had these absolutely horrid songs out > > like "Pineapple Princess" and "Tall Paul", but she > > was, after all, Annette and could get away with... Since it's been mentioned, you can find an excellent utilization of "Tall Paul" at: [look for it under "music"] Cheers, Jeffrey [I was always more of a Darlene Gillespie guy myself] Thames --------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------- Message: 2 Date: Wed, 22 Nov 2000 10:44:40 -0500 From: "Jack Madani" Subject: Turtles 20 Greatest Hits I'm now into the report-writing phase of my school's first trimester, which means I start pulling out certain cd's for repeat-mode play to drown out ambient home noises and hopefully help me concentrate. This time around the first disc to hit heavy rotation is the Turtles' 20 Greatest Hits on Rhino. Zowie, what a lot of hits, and even the tunes that weren't chart hits are clever. All of a sudden I am in total love with "Guide For The Married Man," which just keeps building and building and building with the orchestration and the key modulations and the bomp-ah bah's, until near the end when the lead singer hits the high falsetto on "this thing's universal from Pittsburgh to Japan," I think I'm gonna wet myself. What a perfect slice of imaginatively produced 60's rock and roll. Music for the movie of the same name. >From Pittsburgh to Japan????? Lou Christie to Puffy, I guess. jack --------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------- Message: 3 Date: Wed, 22 Nov 2000 14:13:05 -0700 From: "GSPECTOR" Subject: Phil Spector Interview Hello all. Just thought I'd let you know about some Spector interviews that were published recently. 1st was the Nov 9, 2000 issue of Rolling Stone (with Al Gore on the cover). In this interview, they ask him about his relation with John Lennon. The 2nd was the recent issue of Vanity Fair (I think). In this interview, they ask him personal questions. I was very surprised with some of his answers for personal reasons. I am sure as fans, you will all find it interesting too. >From the Keyboard of: Gary Spector Not just another P.S. fan. --------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------- Message: 4 Date: Thu, 23 Nov 2000 06:16:06 -0800 (PST) From: Jared Martine Subject: Mel Carter, Shirley Alston, et al. PBS (WQED) has produced a second "DooWop" special. Not normally a fan of the oldies circuit, I was completely enthralled by production values and great orchestra work in the first show. You have to wonder how much work, frustration, pain and joy went into putting something like this together. In December, PBS stations will air the second set. It will feature: Mel Carter, Jerry Butler, Bill Pinkney's Original Drifters, The Dells, The Coasters, The Chiffons, Shirley Alston Reeves, Mel Carter, The Tokens & The Crystals, The Edsels, The El Dorados, The Cadets, The Classics, The Clovers, The Diamonds, Don & Juan, Cleveland Still & The Dubs. Also performing are John Kuse & The Excellents, The Five Keys, Hank Ballard & The Midnighters, Johnny Keyes & The Magnificents, Larry Chance & The Earls, Maurice Williams & The Zodiacs, The Orioles, Randy & The Rainbows, Frankie Lymon's Legendary Teenagers, The Tymes and Virgil Johnson & The Velvets. (I wonder what Frankie Lymon's Legendary Teenagers are like without Frankie)? If anyone saw the Crystals/Blossoms backing the Rightous Brothers doing 'The Night Time (Is The Right Time)....well, that alone should entice you to watch for this show. We'll get a rare chance to see them together again, along with the incredible Mel Carter!! --------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------- Message: 5 Date: Fri, 24 Nov 2000 09:05:31 -0000 From: "Jamie LePage" Subject: Cha Cha Charming #3 Hey everyone, Just got my hands on the latest ish of Cha Cha Charming - ESSENTIAL!!! Besides extensive articles on J-Pop goddesses Chocolat, Heaco and Puffy, there is an in-depth interview with Diane Renay. Many rare pics of US and UK 60s girl groups too, including a wonderful photo of Nancy Sinatra decked out in a bikini and knee high boots.Tracy Dey, Canon SIsters, Sham-Ettes, Bonnie & the Treasures,...a publication every fan of 60s girl groups will want to keep as an essential reference book. There is a huge article on 60s Japanese girl groups as well, for which Glen Sadin contributed. Even I helped a little bit, but certainly not enough to merit a credit! Other Spectropoppers credited are Doc Rock (author of Liberty Records) and John Clemente (author of Girl Groups-Fabulous Females that Rocked the World). Spectropop Group members who have seen the earlier issues of Cha Cha Charming will be delighted with the layout and design of the latest issue. All the photos are reproduced beautifully and the printing and paper Cha Cha Charming uses places it far above the typical "fanzine." This mag is great! Sheila B - You have outdone yourself (again)!!! Check out Cha Cha Charming's website: http://www.chachacharming.comNow, back to the Diane Renay interview... Jamie "une nuit avec Chocolat" LePage --------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------- End
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