________________________________________________________________________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ S P E C T R O P O P ______________ ______________ ______________ ________________________________________________________________________ Simple suggestions for proper record care ------------------------------------------------------------------------ There are 8 messages in this issue of Spectropop. Topics in this Digest Number 85: 1. Nitzsche "Lonely Surfer" CD release From: "Spector Collector" 2. The speed of the Internet! Jack, Jackie & PJ too From: "Martin Roberts" 3. Re: Spector Soundalikes From: "Mike" 4. Faux Spector From: David Ponak 5. Wanted: Brill Building Box Set From: Eddie 6. Re: Jack Nitzsche From: "Leighanne Nitzsche" 7. Re: lawsuits - rights - credits From: Andrew Hickey 8. Boss Town From: Gary Mollica ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Message: 1 Date: Sat, 06 Jan 2001 01:34:30 -0000 From: "Spector Collector" Subject: Nitzsche "Lonely Surfer" CD release The good news: at long last, Jack Nitzsche's classic "The Lonely Surfer" album is being reissued on a legitimate CD by Collector's Choice Music. Here's a link to the ordering information: The bad news: unlike on the recent bootleg, there's not a bonus track in sight on this disc. It's hard for me to imagine how the CCM folks blew it to this extent given the care they usually pour into their proprietary releases, since there are so many worthy contemporary singles that would have fit perfectly with the album cuts. And when the heck is someone going to release his soundtrack music from "Village of the Giants," which also would have been a great stylistic match, bonus-track-wise? In any case, the CD's due out in two weeks, as is the Honeys compilation CCM has been postponing since its originally announced October release date. David A. YoungMessage: 2 Date: Sat, 06 Jan 2001 20:03:35 -0000 From: "Martin Roberts" Subject: The speed of the Internet! Jack, Jackie & PJ too Question posted 18/12/99 by Jake Tassell any more Nitzsche/Proby tracks beside PJ's Enigma LP's two offerings 'I Can't Make It Alone' & 'You Make Me Feel Like Someone' answered in part 10/09/00 by Steve Todoroff who replied with Proby's 'So Do I' (Johnny Cash style but not bad)/I Can't Take It Like You Can' US Liberty 45. Now my turn over a year later! (I've been busy for the last few months building a Wall Of Sound for my record collection- sure makes it easier finding them. Caught up with Spectropop listings just after Christmas)Now possibly with more questions than answers part 3. Jack Nitzsche is in my opinion up there with the premier league top pop hitters Phil Spector, Brian Wilson, Gary Usher, Greenwich/Barry, Goffin/King, Irving Martin, Bob Crewe and a fair few others-but you know what I mean-all names that if you see on a dusty 45 and don't know the track (certainly early 60's to mid 60's), you buy them and 9 times out of 10 you've got a winner. Certainly the original question deserves an answer. 'I Can't.....(my favourite of many by PJ)/'If I Ruled The World' 45 released in the US LIB#55915 (nice pic sleeve) credits Nitzsche with producing both sides. He didn't it was pr. Ron Richards arr. Johnnie Spence. Great voice 'English' production. The UK release LIB#10250 plain sleeve but excellent B-side credits Jack with producing and it is also co-written with George Dempsey. Not as good as 'I Can't ......' but not many records are! Two other Proby tracks I think Jack may have been involved in are Jackie De Shannon comps. The earlist PJ's 2nd 45 US LIB#55505 'The Other Side Of Town' co-wr with Sharon Sheeley is credited on the label as a Dick Glasser production (who Jack & Jackie both worked with) an excellent track which has turned up on the latest UK RPM release of Sharon Sheeley's claimed early 60's productions. Mainly demos co written with Jackie De S. that DeShannon is also credited with producing. Wonder if her mate Jack was also in the studio. The two versions LIB 45 & RPM's cd are the same. I guess Dick was just picking up the royality cheque! The 2nd is also a nice song which backed 'Somewhere' a huge UK hit. No production credits on this, would we belive them anyway? Sorry I can't remember his name but a Spectropoppy was asking about records to buy by Jackie de Shannon, lots! . You can't start any better than by buying 1994's 'What the world needs now is...Jackie De Shannon, The Definitive Collection cd. My copy is UK EMI but I'm sure there was also a USA release. Superb! The cd remix by Ron Furmanek & Kevin Reeves is interesting, maybe too 'clean' and lacking the power of the original 45's, especially true on my favourite by her the Charles Blackwell produced 'Don't Turn Your Back On Me' However if you get the cd you'll want to get the original to have Nitzsche's co-wr 'Be Good Baby'. 28 tracks inc. unreleased, 06 of them Jack Nitzsche arr.'s./(possible prods.). The first track is of historical intrest but the next eleven are essential for any Spector/Girl Group devotee. Lots of other good ones but as with a lot of her recordings I find some a bit lightweight. However there isn't one of her 60's albums that hasn't got at least 3 good tracks (well maybe Jackie's first folky album!) Martin
Message: 3 Date: Fri, 05 Jan 2001 11:20:27 -0800 From: "Mike" Subject: Re: Spector Soundalikes >In response to Hans' "What does a 'Spector soundalike' >sound like?? Well, the nice thing for us Gg collectors is that there are literally thousands of Phil spector Soundalikes..... ....if you can find them. Thats the hard part, because most never made the charts and were pressed in very small quantities. The ones that seem to surface more are the ones that were produced for major labels......every so often, some guy in the reissue department at one of the majors gets his bosses to allow a GG comp of songs that they own, so it doesnt cost much to issue. "Dream Babies" was like that. The Cd series "The Wall of Sound" and "The Girl Group Sound" are probably the best source for the average collector. Past, that, its studying mailing lists in Goldmine for that never listed Molly Bee 45!! Mikey
Message: 4 Date: Fri, 05 Jan 2001 09:44:18 -0800 From: David Ponak Subject: Faux Spector Those looking to explore "Spector Sound Alikes" might want to check out a compilation series of such recordings called "Touch The Wall Of Sound." The discs were issued by the late, semi-boot Japanese label M&M, who also issued the "Still I Dream Of It" compilation of Brian Wilson productions. (Before Japan extended their copyright protection laws a few years back, these sorts of unlicensed compilations were legal in Japan.)
Message: 5 Date: Sun, 07 Jan 2001 05:06:01 -0000 From: Eddie Subject: Wanted: Brill Building Box Set Seeking Brill Building box set new or in mint condition. Must be complete.
Message: 6 Date: Sun, 07 Jan 2001 05:11:41 -0000 From: "Leighanne Nitzsche" Subject: Re: Jack Nitzsche Hello! Mu name is Leighanne Nitzsche. Jack was my uncle and although I never knew him and I don't know you either I will try to help you out if you help me out. Steve Nitzsche is jacks younger brother and he is my father. I have never met him before and I dont know how to find him. My point is, I will do the best I can to help you if you help me find my father. Leighanne Nitzsche
Message: 7 Date: Fri, 05 Jan 2001 16:10:45 -0800 (PST) From: Andrew Hickey Subject: Re: lawsuits - rights - credits > Why should we care? Because the outcome affects those of > us interested in seeing continued expansion and > commercial distribution of vintage recordings. For Pet > Sounds, Mike Love etc. contractually had artist " > approval rights" and used them to delay the Pet Sounds > box for 18 months so new liner notes could be written. > In this latest BB lawsuit. in the unlikely event the > court negates the original artist agreement with Hite/ > Deck, my guess is we will never see a session box of the > Hite Sessions, except perhaps as a bootleg, and certainly > not as well researched and documented as the set Deck > licensed to Surf's Up - and that, friends, is the rub. > Because if the court negates the original contract that > has been in effect for nearly 40 years, takes away > ownership from Deck and gives it to the Beach Boys, we > could see a slew of similar suits by other artists > against their early labels, and the result could cause > many recordings to become indefinitely unavailable. While that is true, there are a couple of points to be made here - the first being that whether it is convenient for us or not, the artists should have the right over their own material. The trend at the moment is very much against this - see the recent change in US law to make recordings now count as 'works for hire', thus making the record company rather than the artist the legal author of the recording, and *any* move towards the rights of the artists as opposed to the record companies is, IMHO, to be welcomed. The second is that these recordings will *not* be 'indefinitely unavailable' - international copyright law as it currently stands means that the copyright to a recording only lasts 50 years - Elvis' recordings will start going out of copyright in 2004, the Beach Boys' in 2011, the Beatles' in 2012, and so on, unless the law is changed. It may well be, but that's a separate issue. In fact, this would make it very much in Mike Love's interests, if the BBs regain control of this music, to allow a well-annotated, well packaged issue of these recordings in the best possible quality, for the simple reason that in 10 years' time anyone can put them out, and people will then buy the best version. This is presumably also the thinking behind the recent RCA rejigging of the Elvis back catalogue...The only way anyone could block the release of the recordings after 2011 is if any feature songs that have never been legally commercially released in any form by anyone, and even there, only the songwriter or publisher could do so. Having said all this, I must reiterate that I suspect Brad is an entirely innocent party caught in the crossfire here, and I hope he does not suffer from this lawsuit... ===== Subliminal message: Buy the new Stealth Munchkin album -
Message: 8 Date: Sat, 06 Jan 2001 14:56:14 -0800 From: Gary Mollica Subject: Boss Town > Jimmy Botticelli writes: > >Its nice to see the Bosstown Sound of the Sexties > >brought up here. I was there and remember the hype > >very well. And make no mistake, it WAS hype. It > >started with local DJ Dick Summer who, perhaps > >schilling for M-G-M Records following his successful 2 > >hour AM Sunday night "Subway" show on WBZ, began > >urging us all to "wear an 's' and spread the sound". > >The 's' was supposed to be a paperclip we bent to form > >said 's'. My God, I'd forgoten about the paper clips!!! I was a huge Subway fan & have been looking for over 30 years for any airchecks - no-one's got 'em. There's a bunch of Dick doing his syrupy poetry on WNBC a bit later. I was such a huge fan that when I got to do a prime-time punk-rock radio show in college in '77, (everyone else in the country was doing it on the overnight shifts) I purposely had it on Sunday nights in honor of Dick. Wrote him & told him so, & he sent me an autographed picture. Just might have to go pick up the Complete Orpheus CD set today! best, Gary Mollica
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