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Spectropop - Digest Number 116

                     New! Jimmy Webb at Spectropop

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There are 10 messages in this issue of Spectropop.

Topics in this Digest Number 116:

      1. Van McCoy
           From: Patrick
      2. Re: California CD
           From: "David Bash" 
      3. Re: 1650 Broadway
           From: Marc Wielage 
      4. Re: 1650 Broadway
           From: "Mike Arcidiacono" 
      5. Re: 1650 Broadway
           From: LePageWeb 
      6. I Stand Accused/A Christmas Gift For You
           From: Stewart Mason 
      7. I Stand Accused
           From: Kieron 
      8. Re: I Stand Accused by the Merseybeats
           From: LePageWeb 
      9. West Coast Pop Art Experimental news
           From: Jason Penick 
     10. Re: I Stand Accused
           From: Billy G. Spradlin 


Message: 1
   Date: Fri, 02 Mar 2001 14:45:03 -0000
   From: Patrick 
Subject: Van McCoy

Hello All;

I just joined the list - and thought I'd start with a
pressing topic which has been on my mind in the past
few months and perhaps some of you can help me. 

We all know Van McCoy and the Hustle - but I've been
increasingly coming across his name on wonderful 1960s
productions - both as producer and song-writer - his
name seems to be everywhere - and always incredible
stuff. Can someone perhaps give me a rundown on his
output at this time (60s). Is there any easy way to
collect these recordings? are they all worth checking
out? Is the reason that this stuff is not collected on
a compilation coz of his untimely death perhaps? 

Any help on this would be great!


--------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]--------------------

Message: 2
   Date: Fri, 02 Mar 2001 04:25:54 -0800
   From: "David Bash" 
Subject: Re: California CD

"jeffrey haynes" wrote:

> Dear David,
> Thanks very much for this. Is the Passionfruit CD
> commercially available? If so, could you let me know
> where you got it from?

Hi Jeff,

As a journalist, I got the CD straight from the source,
but I believe it's available through the Comfort
Website in Japan, at

Just click on "New Releases" and then on "February 2001".
I believe you can also get the "Blue Marble" reissue

Spectropop Rules!!!!!
Take Care,

--------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]--------------------

Message: 3
   Date: Fri, 02 Mar 2001 19:05:29 -0800
   From: Marc Wielage 
Subject: Re: 1650 Broadway

Al Quaglieri commented on the Spectropop Group:

> ...But if you have business
> in Manhattan and some spare time to spend being a voyeur,
> you could do worse than trying to duplicate this experience.


Great story, Al.  BTW, for those following this
discussion, I just found out from a friend-of-a-friend of
mine that the A&E cable channel is going to be doing 5
1-hour shows about The Brill Building as a series of
specials, starting in August (in the U.S.).

Reportedly, there will be at least one show on the
general history of the building, then separate one-hour
shows on specific artist/songwriters like Burt Bacharach,
Neil Diamond, and several others.  I believe there will
be shorter segments on Carole King and Don Kirshner (who
apparantly declined to do longer shows).  

I'll try to post more info as I find out more about it. 
Note that a lot of the A&E shows eventually get released
on home video, so it'll eventually be possible to buy
these tapes as well.


-= Marc Wielage      |   "The computerized authority   =-
-= MusicTrax, LLC    |       on rock, pop, & soul."    =-
-= Chatsworth, CA    |                                 =-

--------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]--------------------

Message: 4
   Date: Fri, 02 Mar 2001 08:39:51 -0500
   From: "Mike Arcidiacono"
Subject: Re: 1650 Broadway

Hey Al...

What a great story!!!  Actually, I live in Manhattan, and
when I was younger, used to roam around 1650 trying to
find studios and listen for tapes being played back. I
remember once, in the mid '70s, I stumbled upon a demo
studio that was so old that it didnt even use
had a disk lathe!!  The guy told me that Barbara
Striesand cut her first demos there.

Anyhow, its nice to see you here.  Hope everything is
well at Sundazed. Also.....any luck on doing the Steve
Lawrence "Columbia Pop" Cd?  I hope you can do it and I
hope you will put all the unreleased stuff you find in
the vaults (  oh...GOD would I love to hear that stuff)
on the Cd...that's the best part, as we all know.

Take care and thanks for all the GREAT music.

Mike Arcidiacono

--------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]--------------------

Message: 5
   Date: Sat, 03 Mar 2001 10:56:29 +0900
   From: LePageWeb 
Subject: Re: 1650 Broadway

Al Quaglieri wrote:

> A few months ago I stayed at the Sheraton Manhattan, which
> is on 7th Avenue between 51-52 St...
> With my day's work ending around 4 pm, I returned to my
> room, sat down with an iced tea, and surveyed the action
> at 1650, window by window.

I've stayed at that hotel a couple of times as well and
I can appreciate the feeling expressed in your story.
Typically in the late afternoon meetings end and
whatever you have planned for dinner is still a few
hours off. Living in a hotel room high above the ground
is a novelty for most of us, and I've found myself
gazing out the window down toward Times Square many an
evening in NYC marveling at the sights. 

> ...somewhere mid-building, an unbelievable sight: three
> people, an older man and woman and a younger black man.
> The older man, head full of white hair, was sitting at an
> absolutely ancient, battered old upright piano, banging
> away, sheets of chicken-scratch in front of him. His
> female partner was sitting on the couch scribbling on a
> notepad. The young man was standing behind a music stand
> singing his heart out.

What a great story!!! 

> As yet another music biz guy with romantic notions about
> the glory days of 1650, I was ecstatic. 

"Yet another?" Yours is an endangered species.

> It was like witnessing a small piece of history.

A living testament to the Brill Building sound, right?
I would have been mesmerized seeing that.

> It was incredible to see that, in the age when I thought
> everyone wrote songs on their MIDI gear...

Everyone DOES do that, Al. Don't get me started...

> ...if you have business in Manhattan and some spare
> time to spend being a voyeur, you could do worse than
> trying to duplicate this experience.

I should say so! Thanks for this wonderful story!

Jamie "Stage Deli on 7th Ave" LePage

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Message: 6
   Date: Fri, 02 Mar 2001 02:36:33 -0700
   From: Stewart Mason
Subject: I Stand Accused/A Christmas Gift For You

Joe Gillis asks:

>elvis costello did a superb remake in '80 (get happy lp).
>anyone know who wrote it?

The GET HAPPY!! (a phenomenal album, btw) liner notes
merely say "Colton/Smith."  Given that all the other
covers on the Ryko reissue have the full authors' names
listed, this may be all that's known, or at least all
that was known in 1994 when this reissue came out.

Jon Cook writes:
>The new MOJO mag has a notice on the recent passing of
>Bobby Sheen AKA Bob B. Soxx. It was gratifying to see
>Bobby Sheen acknowledged in this sad report, but I
>believe the writer of the obituary got a couple of
>things wrong, such as dating the Christmas album from
>1972.  Or am I wrong? 

I believe the Christmas album came out in 1964 originally.
Possibly the source of confusion for the MOJO author
(Geoff Brown) was that Apple reissued it in 1972 in a
different cover, which I *think* was the first time the
LP was available in the UK, but perhaps one of our UK
listees knows better.


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Message: 7
   Date: Fri, 02 Mar 2001 13:24:13 +0000
   From: Kieron 
Subject: I Stand Accused

Joe Gillis asked who wrote The Merseybeats' I Stand
Accused. It's by Tony Colton, a great unsung '60s pop
hero. And by the way, the gong bashing on the fade out
is by Keith Moon.


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Message: 8
   Date: Sat, 03 Mar 2001 13:42:37 +0900
   From: LePageWeb 
Subject: Re: I Stand Accused by the Merseybeats

joe gillis wrote:
> heard this for the 1st time recently -- great track,
> but barely made the UK top 40. elvis costello did a
> superb remake in '80 (get happy lp). anyone know who
> wrote it?

The song was written by Tony Colton and Ray Smith, who
were in a couple of bands with Albert Lee called "Poet
And The One Man Band" and "Heads, Hands and Feet." I've
never heard the former but Heads Hands and Feet had a
double LP released in the late 60s. I remember hearing a
bit of it once or twice  a long time ago, and if memory
serves it had a kind of folky, blues/rock sound that
reflected one of the splinter movements that grew from
the ashes of the 60s pop scene.

I'm pretty sure the Merseybeats were over by '66, when
they changed their name to the Merseys ("Sorrow"), so the
fact that Colton and Smith were writing together that
early implies that they were Denmark Street types like
Carter/Lewis and McCauley/MacLeod. That is, they were
primarily writers rather than artists. It's just a hunch,
though. I would like to learn more about them,
particularly any notable work before Heads, Hands and
Feet. Anyone?


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Message: 9
   Date: Sat, 03 Mar 2001 05:11:57 -0000
   From: Jason Penick 
Subject: West Coast Pop Art Experimental news

Good news for those who are interested in psychedelia and
the West Coast Pop Art Experimental Band. According to
the Band's website, Sundazed is reissuing the group's
three Reprise lp's: Part One, Volume Two--Breaking
Through and A Child's Guide to Good and Evil. This music
is unlike anything else from its time (1967-68)-- very
ahead of the curve in terms of both its heaviness and
diversity. Great songs, too! If you are a fan of the
psychedelic west coast sound, you won't want to miss
these three amazing cd's. 


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Message: 10
   Date: Sat, 03 Mar 2001 05:52:45 -0000
   From: Billy G. Spradlin 
Subject: Re: I Stand Accused

Is there a Merseybeats compilation CD? I have loved thier
song "Sorrow" since I heard it on one of the Sire Records
"History of the British Invasion" LP's back in the 70's.


--- In spectropop Kieron wrote:

> Joe Gillis asked who wrote The Merseybeats' I Stand
> Accused. It's by Tony Colton, a great unsung '60s pop
> hero. And by the way, the gong bashing on the fade out
> is by Keith Moon.
> Kieron

--------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]--------------------

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