________________________________________________________________________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ S P E C T R O P O P ______________ ______________ ______________ ________________________________________________________________________ http://www.spectropop.com ------------------------------------------------------------------------ There are 9 messages in this issue of Spectropop. Topics in this Digest Number 146: 1. The Screw Story - another version From: Mark Landwehr 2. Snopes does "The Screw" // 40 Years On From: Jimmy Crescitelli 3. Re: Spectrophonic From: Billy G Spradlin 4. Spectrophonic Track Listing From: James Botticelli 5. darlene love From: john rausch 6. Evie Sands From: Jill "Mingo-go" 7. Project - 20 Rock Songs that changed society From: Steve 8. Re: Spectrophonic From: Mike Arcidiacono 9. Stereo Spector and Studio Shangs From: "Tony Leong" ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Message: 1 Date: Sat, 07 Apr 2001 10:30:40 -0400 From: Mark Landwehr Subject: The Screw Story - another version Stewart Mason wrote: > New entry on "(Let's Dance) The Screw" from the > authoritative Urban Legends Reference Pages: > > http://www.spectropop.com/go2/the_screw.html > Nice website, but maybe not quite on point...Here's the way I've heard it: It seems to be accepted as common knowledge that Sill was to get a piece of the first 5 Crystals releases on Philles. This agreement seemed marginally acceptable to Spector at the time, but after 3 of the first 4 releases sold very well ("Uptown", "He's a Rebel", and "He's Sure the Boy I Love" - "He Hit Me", unreleased to the public, was not included), Spector was not in the mood to give Sill a piece of the ever-growing pie, especially since he already had "Da Doo Ron Ron" in the can & KNEW it was going to be a smash hit. So, Uncle Phil snuck in a "ringer", so to speak, something that he knew wouldn't be played on the radio (just the title would insure that), but would fulfill the "5 Crystals-releases obligation." Voila! The Screw!! Once that agreement was finished, he re-issued Philles 111 as a song by Darlene Love, and then released Philles 112 (the above-mentioned "Da Doo Ron Ron"), laughing all the way to the bank...Whether this is, in fact, the true story, I have no way of knowing. But that seems to be the version that's been going around for at least the past 25 years. Ribowsky's book has some mis-information in it, and I think this is an example. Now, you may be wondering "Why, if The Screw wasn't released to the public, was it included in the 5-release agreement?"...."He Hit Me" wasn't included, so why was this one? Good question...Kinda puts a little hole in the above theory, doesn't it? And, there obviously was more than one copy produced, contrary to Ribowsky...The label graphic that is shown on the website is from a copy that used to belong to Frank Castillo and now belongs to me...That's ONE. I know of one other person that has a copy...That's TWO. I also know of a person (C.P., formerly of Hollywood, CA) who had a copy that had a skip in it (caused by a crack in the vinyl), but, nonetheless, proceeded to issue a quantity of bootleg copies that still are in demand today, nearly 25 years later...That's THREE. Most sources (Goldmine, Good Rockin' Tonight, etc) claim that 4 or 5 legit copies exist...Where the other one or two copies are, I don't know - But, there certainly wasn't just ONE copy pressed!!! Again, to quote Ribowsky is to not always quote reality... If you think about it, what pressing plant would press ONE COPY of a record??!!! The usual minimum order is anywhere from 50 to 100 copies from what I've heard...So, where are the others???!!...Did Spector destroy them? Are there STOCK copies in existence? Is Spector sitting on them? (As an owner of one of the legit copies, I hope this isn't the case!!) Just a few musings on a Saturday morning... Mark Landwehr The Phil Spector Label Gallery @ http://home.tbbs.net/~msland/Spector/--------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------- Message: 2 Date: Fri, 06 Apr 2001 04:54:56 EDT From: Jimmy Crescitelli Subject: Snopes does "The Screw" // 40 Years On Hey there Stewart Mason, thanks for posting the Snopes piece about "The Screw." I love the stories behind the hits. All of 'em. I love that the Crystals and Darlene have been "arguing" since 1963 about who recorded "Da Doo Ron Ron," and I love when the girl groups positively "hate" songs that they were "forced" to cut. Who knew that these little vinyl ditties would be so discussed-- and in such detail !!!-- 40 years later! YES-- 40... it's almost 40 years since "He's A Rebel" hit the charts... "Da Doo Ron Ron" will be 40 years old in 2003... 40 !!! And we're still discussing! Isn't it great? Long live Spectropop! Jimmy Crescitelli --------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------- Message: 3 Date: Fri, 06 Apr 2001 22:48:28 -0000 From: Billy G Spradlin Subject: Re: Spectrophonic Frank wrote: > > >Billy mentioned the stereo Crystals recordings...I > >mentioned a whole bunch of Spector stereo recordings I > >just got my hands on. Is this something overlooked by > >the "Back To Mono" crowd? Or is just too insignificant > >to warrant data from the knowledge pool...What gives? > >Was the mono man really stereo as well?? The stereo mixes don't have the "punch" of the original mono singles but they give people like me a different viewpoint of how these records were created. Since they only had 3 tracks at Gold Stat most are very simple mixes. I wonder what they would have sounded like if they had 4 or 8 track equipment at the time. I think it's fun to hear a record for the first time in stereo after you've heard it all your life in mono, though I have heard some lousy CD remixes over the years. I'm curious if any of the backing track session tapes have survived over the years and were recorded on 3 tracks. (like Brian Wilson's sessions for Pet Sounds) Billy --------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------- Message: 4 Date: Fri, 06 Apr 2001 09:16:17 EDT From: James Botticelli Subject: Spectrophonic Track Listing Frank wrote: > many of the ones you found may also be fake stereo. > Could you tell which tracks you have ? Track listing to come (I'm at the slave pit at the moment) thanks for the space... JB --------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------- Message: 5 Date: Fri, 06 Apr 2001 22:29:20 -0500 From: john rausch Subject: darlene love Speaking of Spector Stereo I just recently discovered that Stumble And Fall is in very narrow stereo on the 2 lp set on Warner Spector. I never noticed until now. Just thought I`d share.... John Rausch --------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------- Message: 6 Date: Fri, 06 Apr 2001 10:29:18 +0100 From: Jill "Mingo-go" Subject: Evie Sands With all the talk about Evie Sands, I know she played here in Scotland about 3 years ago, a gig that was put on by members of Belle & Sebastian. There is a lovely production of a track called "Landslide" that I believe was recorded and perhaps written with Belle & Sebastian, which I believe also has never seen the light of day, but gets played down the local club here Divine most Saturday nights, which is absolutely brilliant. Which is how she wound up doing the duet with Chip Taylor. The Marina "Caroline Now!" compilation was put together by David Scott of the Pearlfishers and Duglas T. Stewart (BMX Bandits), right here in Scotland...even though they get little to no credit for it. And I found the A&M LP in LA for 3 bucks in a second hand shop 2 years ago, much to Duglas' delight...it wasn't really up my street. I will endeavour to find out what is happening with "Landslide" as I want a copy myself! Jill "Mingo-go" --------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------- Message: 7 Date: Fri, 06 Apr 2001 23:24:06 -0000 From: Steve Subject: Project - 20 Rock Songs that changed society I am currently working on a project regarding 20 rock songs that changed our society, (not the performance or performers but the music or record itself) e.g., The Twist--dance craze, adults came to accept it, it became a culture within itself, etc. Anyhow, I am seeking suggestions for songs, I have selected 20 already but really need to expand my horizons and see what other people have to say. Thanks. --------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------- Message: 8 Date: Sat, 07 Apr 2001 22:15:58 -0400 From: Mike Arcidiacono Subject: Re: Spectrophonic "Billy G Spradlin" wrote > I'm curious if any of the backing track session tapes > have survived over the years and were recorded on 3 > tracks. (like Brian Wilson's sessions for Pet Sounds) Phil Spector has every single multitrack master he recorded for phillies locked away safe and sound. the ongoing belief is that he will not remix them because he feels that he could not recreate the magic of the original 1960s mixes, so whats issued are the mono mixdowns that were hits. --------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------- Message: 9 Date: Sun, 08 Apr 2001 04:02:23 -0000 From: "Tony Leong" Subject: Stereo Spector and Studio Shangs I was listening to the Ronettes' "How Does It Feel" in mono, then stereo, and heard a difference in the backing vocal track. The stereo version has an all female chorus singing "Weeeoooohh". The mono version has a dominant male presence (Bobby Sheen??), and different phrasing on the bridge. Sounds to me like the mixes were from 2 different takes of the song. I'd love to hear alternate takes of other Philles songs. A friend of mine has a rough cut of "Do I Love You?" featuring Ronnie and only Estelle and Nedra singing (that's a rarity!!), and the handclaps are offbeat!! Now, does anybody know if the '45 version of the Shangri-Las "Maybe" is available on any CD? It is totally different from the "live" version on the first Red Bird LP. The '45 version is a studio take with extremely shrill vocals from Mary. MaryAnn and Margie phrase the background much like the Chantels' original version. Betty is not on the '45 version, although she is featured on the Lp version that pops up on compilations. Also, is there a mono version of the unedited "Leader Of the Pack" (with the band playing a few more measures after the crash) available on any CD as well? Tell me more, Tell me more......... Tony Leong --------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------- End
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