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Spectropop - Digest Number 152


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                     Music for the Teenager Market

There are 11 messages in this issue of Spectropop.

Topics in this Digest Number 152:

      1. The Rights to Red Bird
           From: Geoff Mullins 
      2. Dumb Dum Ditty
           From: "Phil Chapman" 
      3. SpectacularTeddy Bears 
           From: Frank 
      4. Teddy Bears 45
           From: Ron 
      5. Who Masters Up For Auction?
           From: "Michael White" 
      6. Who Masters Up For Auction?
           From: Scott Swanson 
      7. Tell Him lyrics
           From: Mark Landwehr 
      8. Re: The Exciters "Tell Him"
           From: Mick Patrick 
      9. Re: Celine 
           From: Carol Kaye 
     10. The Murmaids 
           From: Scott  
     11. Who Sang in "Darling" '65 UK film?
           From: Greg Ogarrio


Message: 1
   Date: Tue, 17 Apr 2001 20:48:28 +1000
   From: Geoff Mullins 
Subject: The Rights to Red Bird

Dear Spectropopers:

I have often wondered where the ownership of the Red
Bird/Blue Cat material now lies. I read somewhere ages
ago that when George Goldner sold the label, the deal was
split between Shelby Singelton and Atlantic.

I then read later on that the Atlantic part of the deal
never actually went through. Does Charly now own the
rights to the entire catalogue from Red Bird 10-001 to
10-083 and to Blue Cat BC-129. In the notes for the
Charly release "Legendary Record Labels" it is stated
that George sold Red Bird and Blue Cat masters to
different companies. If this is the case, would the
rights go with these sales.

I am also not clear that if Charly now own the rights to
the entire back catalogue, would they also own the rights
to the rarer tracks such as Red Bird 10-062 The Silence
with "Hey You Lolita".

Can someone please advise whether there is a Red Bird
Sound Volume 5 planned via Diamond Recordings. Volume 4
was released in 1998. I cannot track Diamond on the net


Geoff Mullins

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Message: 2
   Date: Tue, 17 Apr 2001 19:43:49 +0100
   From: "Phil Chapman" 
Subject: Dumb Dum Ditty

Frank wrote:

> I've noticed that odd moment on Dum Dum Ditty too.

I have no less than four versions of this dumb ditty,
all with the same backing track! Two mixes by the
Goodies, one by The Shangri-Las and one late reissue
under the name of The Bunnies ("Rebel Without A Cause").
The last version is a straight no-movement faders-up job,
extra ad-libs, and five "yeah"s during the break. I
worked with one of the writers, Tommy Boyce, during the
70s, and the original intention was a typical 60s
pop-effect attempt to take out the track and push up the
three main "yeah"s, it just didn't come off that well!
None of these are particularly good technical quality, I
suspect the four track deteriorated before the final mix
was complete.

Oh, and there is a fifth version - this song was
included in an 80s musical by an Australian outfit
called The Fabulous Singlettes, so I guess the original
must have been some kind of hit in Australia?

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Message: 3
   Date: Tue, 17 Apr 01 10:01:20 +0100
   From: Frank 
Subject: Spectacular Teddy Bears 

>Where can I get hold of the Teddy Bears album, and does
>it have Don't You Worry My Little Pet on it?

It is on the Spectacular Sound CD. Don't know if it's
still available.


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Message: 4
   Date: Tue, 17 Apr 2001 12:00:53 EDT
   From: Ron
Subject: Teddy Bears 45

benvj17 writes
> Where can I get hold of the Teddy Bears album, and does
> it have Don't You Worry My Little Pet on it?

Regarding The Teddy Bears, I have a mint, original copy
of the Teddy Bears 45 "To know him is to love him"
backed with "Don't you worry my little pet" on Dore
records. If you would be interested in this 45, please
contact me. 


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Message: 5
   Date: Tue, 17 Apr 2001 01:12:37 -0700
   From: "Michael White" 
Subject: Who Masters Up For Auction?

Greg wrote:
> > (BTW: when are they ever going to settle that suit with
> > Shel Talmy and get back the masters for the "My
> > Generation" album??)
> If I'm not mistaken, didn't Talmy have these tapes up for
> auction somewhere recently?

I seem to remember reading that Talmy posted the masters
on eBay (!) with a minimum bid of half a million.  There
were no takers.

Michael White
Vancouver, BC

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Message: 6
   Date: Tue, 17 Apr 2001 01:41:31 -0700
   From: Scott Swanson
Subject: Who Masters Up For Auction?

>> (BTW: when are they ever going to settle that suit with
>> Shel Talmy and get back the masters for the "My
>> Generation" album??) 
>If I'm not mistaken, didn't Talmy have these tapes up for 
>auction somewhere recently?

Talmy put the tapes up for auction on Ebay last
summer.......with a minimum bid of $500,000!  There were
no takers, and the auction was quickly cancelled.

Personally, I think it was all a bit of a publicity stunt
(or an attempt to get the attention of Pete Townshend
and/or MCA Records).



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Message: 7
   Date: Tue, 17 Apr 2001 16:40:58 -0400
   From: Mark Landwehr 
Subject: Tell Him lyrics

> Jamie LePage writes:
> > >Then there is the case of
> > >Tell Him by the Exciters which for years was only
> > >available with a botched vocal on the 2nd verse (which I
> > >came to like after hearing it so many times! It sounds
> > >like the lyric goes "If you want it...Makes your heart
> > >sing out").
> >
> > That's not intentional?  Huh!
> > So what line is supposed to be in between?
Does anyone have the sheet music to this tune??? Might
have the "original" lyrics in it...


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Message: 8
   Date: Tue, 17 Apr 2001 20:08:15 +0100 (BST)
   From: Mick Patrick 
Subject: Re: The Exciters "Tell Him"


The EXCITERS weren't the first act to record "TELL HIM".
GIL HAMILTON (AKA Johnny Thunder) did it on Capitol and
ED TOWNSEND did it on Liberty. I've just listened to the
Townsend version and he sings:

"If you've got no doubt she'll (he'll) make your heart sing out 
If you want her to only think of you."

I guess that is the couplet BRENDA REID fluffed. Maybe
someone can be bothered to check out the Billie Davis


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Message: 9
   Date: Tue, 17 Apr 2001 11:46:39 -0700
   From: Carol Kaye 
Subject: Re: Celine 

> I was wondering if the Celine Dion Spector sessions
> had come out in any form. I seem to recall a Phil
> Spector press release that said the tracks would be
> released at some point to show how good they were in
> comparison to what Celine did after the project was
> scuttled. I would think that these would be a
> bootlegger's goldmine, but if Spector has the tapes,
> they are probably safe from illegal use. Does anyone
> have any info on these sessions or their release? 

Jon, I had gotten the call to work for Phil on bass for
Celine (but had turned it down - didn't want to work for
Phil), and from what I know....they were not very
serious dates from what I heard, but sort of "getting
back together" dates for most altho' some on the dates
never did work for Phil before.

Evidently Celine et al. had gotten into some sort of
argument in the booth, they were very unhappy with the
tracks and the party-mood of the whole thing from what I
hear, and it was all scrapped from what was told me. 
This was before she was a big star.  But I don't really
know outside of what the musicians tell me.  

Carol Kaye

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Message: 10
   Date: Tue, 17 Apr 2001 08:44:35 -0400
   From: Scott  
Subject: The Murmaids 

Hello Spectropop.  

I've been lurking in the group for quite some time.  I
wanted to know if anybody remembers a group of three
girls who recorded a wonderful record back in the summer
of '63 called Popsicles And Icicles"?  They called
themselves The Murmaids and I was told they were three
high school graduates from Grant High School here in Los
Angeles.  I think they may have had connections with the
music industry.  I love the sound of that record, the
organ, etc. The music is a cross between Spector and the
Beach Boys.  Whatever happend to these gals?  Did they
ever record an album.  Just curious because  Popsicles..
is one of my all-time favorite records. 

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Message: 11
   Date: Tue, 17 Apr 2001 22:41:13 -0000
   From: Greg Ogarrio 
Subject: Who Sang in "Darling" '65 UK film?

No one seems to be able to confirm the girl group who
sang the wonderful song with lyrics "someone to talk to
baby" in the Julie Christie film "Darling" in '65. No
film credits, but it sure sounds like the Breakaways.
Anyone help? 

Greg O.

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