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Spectropop - Digest Number 187

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          May be played on monophonic or stereophonic equipment

There are 6 messages in this issue of Spectropop.

Topics in this Digest Number 187:

      1. Jackie DeShannon demos
           From: "Phil Chapman" 
      2. Dee Dee, Peggy/Jessica/Tiffany, and Eddie (is that legal?)
           From: "Spector Collector" 
      3. Dee Dee Kenniebrew
           From: Jimmy Crescitelli
      4. Re: Hoh, Hoh, Hoh & Hoh boy
           From: "Cheryl Jennings" 
      5. Eric Carmen
           From: "David Mirich, Ph.D." 
      6. Re: Sugar Sugar
           From: "Mike Arcidiacono" 


Message: 1
   Date: Tue, 19 Jun 2001 12:29:56 +0100
   From: "Phil Chapman" 
Subject: Jackie DeShannon demos

Listening to some Jackie DeShannon demos that are in
circulation, I noticed that her versions of "Jimmy Baby"
and "I Shook The World" are sung over the same backing
track & backing vocals as on the Bob B Soxx & Blue Jeans
album. There are some other titles that have that early
Spector/Nitzsche/Gold Star sound, including "My Heart
Keeps Hangin' On" which has some very familiar sounding
backing vocals.

Does anybody know the story here?

Jackie DeShannon

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Message: 2
   Date: Wed, 20 Jun 2001 04:27:52 -0000
   From: "Spector Collector" 
Subject: Dee Dee, Peggy/Jessica/Tiffany, and Eddie (is that legal?)

Three topics today, friends:

First, continuing the thread about Dee Dee Kenniebrew and
her modern-day Crystals: John Clemente said he'd heard
that one of them is Dee Dee's daughter. I just found a
site for Dee Dee and these Crystals at
and no mention is made of this, which seems to rule out
the theory as far as I'm concerned.

Also worth noting are the fact that they have a T-shirt
for sale there, as well as a proprietary release of the
recent CD, much maligned on this list, of their late-'90s
rehashes of their classic material (and a few other
selections). The version you can buy from them has the
same cover as the one that Ton Borsboom pointed us to at
CDNOW in digest 184, but is called "All Class" (it
doesn't specify which class) rather than "The Crystals"
(and it's not on the Park South label either), so it's
probably the more collectible (but also more expensive)
choice regardless of one's opinion of the content. It's
already been mentioned here that the same material was
released in England in 1999 as "Then He Kissed Me" on the
PNEC label, with the cover featuring a shot of the
younger, "real" Crystals, but for the sake of
completionism (you'd never believe that I'm an editor,
huh?), I should mention a U.S. 12" single released at
that time on the Dancefloor label (number 9905). It has
five tracks that are identical to their CD versions, but
leads off with the otherwise-unavailable dance mix of
"Then He Kissed Me." I don't know if this is still
available or not, but in case any of y'all want to try,
here's the info on the label: Dancefloor Distribution,
77-99 W. Sheffield Ave., Englewood, NJ 07631; ph (201)
568-7066; fx (201) 568-8699.

I've written Dee Dee with a couple of questions whose
answers Spectropoppers should find interesting, so
assuming that she responds, this is where you'll find the

Continuing with the "unearthing rare Peggy Santiglia (etc.)"
thread, I recently acquired a Bear Family CD containing a
previously unreleased German version of The Angels' "The
Hurdy Gurdy Man" ("The Hully Gully Man," as it turns out
auf Deutsch). I don't know how many other CDs are in this
series featuring American and British singers doing their
songs in German, or what tracks are on them (if anyone
does, please share), but this is volume three. The
overall series title is "1000 Nadelstiche," and this
volume's subtitle is "Twist & Hully Gully," with the
catalog number 16450.

Finally, to clear up Jamie's confusion at Carol Kaye's
joke about "Tiny Bubbles": she was referring to the Don
Ho hit of that name when inquiring, tongue in cheek,
whether Eddie Hoh had a brother named Don. Good one,

David A. Young

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Message: 3
   Date: Tue, 19 Jun 2001 17:48:35 EDT
   From: Jimmy Crescitelli 
Subject: Dee Dee Kenniebrew

She truly IS a survivor!! Figure she's been touring since
1961 at the very earliest? That's 40 years!! From what
I've read, she's the Crystal who gave Spector the most
lip, and she's the Crystal survivor of today... I've
heard her in person (with her new girls) twice in the
past 15 years or so, down here in Florida in small--
shall we say-- clubs. [Yes, Tony, I have pictures!] She
kinda growled through "Da Doo Ron Ron," singing it the
same way she does in that public TV oldies show. To me it
will always be La La's song, though... that kid could

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Message: 4
   Date: Tue, 19 Jun 2001 03:02:57 -0500
   From: "Cheryl Jennings" 
Subject: Re: Hoh, Hoh, Hoh & Hoh boy

I just joined this group after a friendly soul emailed me
about the Eddie Hoh string. I knew Eddie and he was a well
known road & studio drummer in the 60's. When I first met
him he was with the MFQ, latter he was with the Mamas &
Papas, Gene Clark Group, worked with Tim Buckley, Harvey
Mandel, Charlie Musselwhite, Donovan, was on the
Bloomfield-Kooper-Stills Super Session, on the first
Flying Burrito Brothers album and many Monkees sessions.
Sometime in 1969 or 1970 he went to northern California
with Dino Valente to work on a new group and had kind of
breakdown there and never could get himself back together.
He went home to live with his family in Illinois. He was a
super guy, well respected and loved by everybody he knew.

Check out Eddie Hoh on All Music Guide:

With the Gene Clark Group-
On a Jerry Yester site there is a photo of Eddie Hoh -
but the line up should read, from left to right-
Cyrus Faryar, Henry "Tad" Diltz, Eddie Hoh,
Chip Douglas and Jerry Yester. 

There is also a photo of Eddie on the Supper Sessions LP. 
I haven't heard the recently released CD of  Dino
Valente's that was recorded in 1969- 70 but it wouldn't
surprise me if he was on some of those tracks. Eddie was
always working and in demand in those days, both in the
studio and on the road.

Cheryl Jennings

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Message: 5
   Date: Tue, 19 Jun 2001 03:26:58 -0600
   From: "David Mirich, Ph.D."
Subject: Eric Carmen

Although probably not directly related to 60s Spectropop,
I heard a song on the Colorado Public Radio classical
station (KVOD) today at 11:30 that I feared was an
adaptation of Eric Carmen's "All by Myself."  I called
them later in the day to find if they knew what song was
played at 11:30 but was told by a young staffer that
they did not "write down" the songs they played.

I would be pretty sure this station would never play
anything apart from the classics (having listened to it
for many years). Therefore, I must assume that Eric
lifted the song -- melody, chorus and all, from a
classical composition written a few centuries before.

Dave Mirich

contains Rachmoninoff adaptation

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Message: 6
   Date: Tue, 19 Jun 2001 17:20:14 -0700
   From: "Mike Arcidiacono" 
Subject: Re: Sugar Sugar

Can anyone tell me who the Girl Session singer was who
purred "Im Gonna Make Your life So Sweet" on the Archies
"Sugar Sugar"??



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