________________________________________________________________________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ S P E C T R O P O P ______________ ______________ ______________ ________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ There are 6 messages in this issue of Spectropop. Topics in this Digest Number 245: 1. Re: RCA in Hollywood From: Carol Kaye 2. Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah From: "John Hesterman" 3. Re: Brill Bill From: James Botticelli 4. Ann-Margret From: Will George 5. Re:GOIN' BACK: THE SONGS OF GOFFIN AND KING. From: Mike C 6. Goin' Back With Goffin and King From: Mike C ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Message: 1 Date: Fri, 14 Sep 2001 11:29:19 -0700 From: Carol Kaye Subject: Re: RCA in Hollywood > The building Carol is referring to are the Old RCA > studios located at 155 East 24th st here in Manhattan. No, no, it's the old 1-story building on the north-east side of Sunset and Vine Sts. in Hollywood, a very thriving recording studio for many years. Torn down in the 60s. Carol Kaye http://www.carolkaye.com/ btw, just rec'd a great photo from the head engineer in Universal, with the "new skyline of NYC rebuilt".....5 tall skyscrapers, with the middle-finger skyscraper standing really HIGH. Hope everyone here is OK there.Message: 2 Date: Fri, 14 Sep 2001 06:26:55 -0700 From: "John Hesterman" Subject: Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah There is also an interesting version of Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah on the Dave Clark Five's "Return" LP (their second American release on Epic Records). It wasn't released as a single, but was featured during performances on both the Hullabaloo and Shindig television programs during 1965. I have a video tape of the Hullabaloo performance. It's rather bluesy, with a GREAT vocal by Mike Smith. Definitely worth a listen! Regards, John H.
Message: 3 Date: Fri, 14 Sep 2001 14:34:06 EDT From: James Botticelli Subject: Re: Brill Bill In a message dated 9/14/01 7:29:14 AM, spectropop writes: > ...is in MIDTOWN Manhattan, well north of the World > Trade Center. 1619 Broadway...smack in Midtown
Message: 4 Date: Sat, 15 Sep 2001 03:14:14 EDT From: Will George Subject: Ann-Margret Ann-Margret has received the Bear Family box treatment, which I have at home. I'll check the credits next week and post them. Just don't let me forget, Peter!
Message: 5 Date: Sat, 15 Sep 2001 21:48:27 -0000 From: Mike C Subject: Re:GOIN' BACK: THE SONGS OF GOFFIN AND KING. > D C Hampton wrote: > > >...the most exquisite CD collection I've heard > > recently is GOIN' BACK: THE SONGS OF GOFFIN AND KING. > > It was released by UK Sequel a couple of years ago. I > > recently heard someone badmouth this compilation > > because it doesn't contain any original versions. > > And Mick Patrick wrote: > It was me that badmouthed the "Goin' Back" CD to Mr > Hampton. And guess what? It was me that compiled it, too! > It was not really my intention to slag the compilation > off. I merely wanted to inform DC that Sequel's "Songs Of" > series, of which the Goffin/King volume is part, were > intended as tongue-in-cheek collections of cover versions. > That is, they were compiled with a sense of irony. Tongue In Cheek? hmmmmmm. . . very interesting. Thanks Mick Patrick for a great tongue-in-cheek compilation then. Great comp! Great thanks! As a Goffin and King collector, "The Songs Of Goffin and King...goin' back" is a real treat. Not only for the slightly different takes on some of this material, but in some cases a completely different interpretation of it. Like the soul and power of Glo M.'s version over The Paris Sisters "He Knows I Love Him Too Much". The piano alone sells it. It is fabulous! (If we want a good laugh , how `bout comparing The Paris Sister's recording of G/K's "Golden Days" to Sally Field's.) And Barley-Bree's sublime version of "Sometime In The Morning". Unlike many covers of Goffin/King songs, this one shows a true lineage of what the demo surely must sound like and to top it off, these fellows can sing! Once again, the British musicians here have shown the exquisite beauty of the music itself, pushing the piano to a far greater position of importance than say the original Monkees version, which King herself had a hand in producing. The De Laine Sisters singing It Might As Well Rain over Carole King? Well?.I even like Australian gal Noeleen Batley's version, one that shows the fragility of the piano and the strings against each other but still held together by King's glorious serpentine melody. And to confess, perhaps I've heard Carole's version one too many times making the De Laine's version sound just cheeky. And I'll add just a pinch between the cheek and gums of Bobby Vee too. About the Liner notes: What fun! Gobs of great info with several clues for this G/K collector to hunt down---such as-- a version of "Stage Door" by Peter James (???) I do, however, catch one little mistake. Yes, Steve Lawrence did record "Don't Be Afraid Little Darling" but it is a Mann and Weil composition, not a Goffin and King one. The liner notes here is not the first time I'm seeing this error. I also have seen "Magic Town" as credited to G and K, also "I Could Have Loved You So Well" by Ray Peterson, produced by Spector, but written by Barry Mann and Gerry Goffin. Oh well...all are such great songs... Please Mick and friends, compile another. I'll take a compilation of "tongue and cheek" cover versions over the originals any day of the week. Mike C.
Message: 6 Date: Sat, 15 Sep 2001 23:01:08 -0000 From: Mike C Subject: Goin' Back With Goffin and King A great joy for me is finding King and Goffin material that I didn't know existed. Perhaps someone here can help give me some additional information on a couple of tunes that are "new" to me: "Carole" sung by Billy Scott. Credited to Goffin and King. Recorded on Everest Records. The demo of this can be heard on The Right Girl/Brill Building Legends cd as sung by Goffin but this B. Scott recorded version is not published by Aldon, so it's before G & K's days with Donnie baby. I'm beginning to wonder just what was the first recorded Goffin and King song. Any background on Billy Scott? On "Dream Girls" cd (CC #1492) is a song by Diane Emond entitled "The Beginning of The End". I cannot confirm this as being a Goffin and King song anywhere. But.... it sure sounds like one. And I know they have written a song by this title. Does any one own the original record and can confirm this as Goffin and King? "He Who Laughs Last" by Freda Payne. A tune written by Carole King and Jack Keller. What a find. A great tune. Is this the same gal who years later sang "Bring The Boys Home"? Are there any other versions of this song? Perhaps tongue and cheek ones? Here at Spectropop's Carole & Gerry Song Page "Blues For A Young Girl Gone" is listed as having been recorded by The Strawberry Alarm Clock. Musically this song seems very Carole-like, but the title is so un-Goffin. Is the for real? Thanks. Mike C.
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