________________________________________________________________________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ S P E C T R O P O P ______________ ______________ ______________ ________________________________________________________________________ There are 8 messages in this issue. Topics in this digest: 1. Jackie DeShannon interview From: Will George 2. Carole King Video Interview Now Available on From: newsletter 3. Soft Pop Questions - Ruthann Friedman, Russ Guigere and Lexia From: Luis Suarez 4. Needles and Pins ID From: "Spector Collector" 5. Re: Ann-Margret From: Will George 6. Spector or Medley??? From: Mark Landwehr 7. Unchained Allegations From: LePageWeb 8. "He snipped me and it felt like a bris" From: "James F. Cassidy" ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Message: 1 Date: Tue, 02 Oct 2001 23:56:15 EDT From: Will George Subject: Jackie DeShannon interview I was in the audience today for a taping of the nationally syndicated show "Speaking Freely." The guest was Jackie DeShannon. She spoke about her career, music and creative process. Nothing groundbreaking for fans that already know her story, but a nice chat. It is supposed to air in December. Check their website ( and your local listings for time and channel. There will also be a review of it at the Jackie DeShannon Appreciation Society website ( in the near future.After Jackie's interview, there was another segment filmed with Judy Collins. She was much more open with anecdotes about her life, and spoke of her activism and music. She even sang a few snippets, and still has the same voice. It was a very interesting and enjoyable interview. -Will -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]------------------- Message: 2 Date: Thu, 04 Oct 2001 10:31:37 +0900 From: newsletter Subject: Carole King Video Interview Now Available on We at are pleased to announce that the first of the new series of CaroleKing "Love Makes The World" video interviews is now available on Look for this and future interviews on the NEW ALBUM page - or simply click here: -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]------------------- Message: 3 Date: Thu, 04 Oct 2001 01:37:35 -0000 From: Luis Suarez Subject: Soft Pop Questions - Ruthann Friedman, Russ Guigere and Lexia Hey Everyone. I'm pretty much a Spectropop lurker, but I've got some questions for the Soft Pop gurus. How's the Ruthann Freidman album? I've read that it's a minor folk masterpiece, but that was from someone who was selling it. Do any Spectropopppers dig the Russ Guigere Lp? I own it, but after a cursory listen, I filed it away. Did I miss something? I also own a record called Lexia on, i believe, MGM/Verve. There's some nice moments, but I've seen it for sale for $30-$50! Is this inflation due to Japanese Soft Rock wantlists, or what? Thanks, Luis Suarez -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]------------------- Message: 4 Date: Wed, 03 Oct 2001 22:44:13 +0000 From: "Spector Collector" Subject: Needles and Pins ID Hey gang, Great news, in the form of positive identification, for Tom Borsboom and everyone else wondering who did the version of "Needles and Pins" posted here a couple of weeks ago: it's by Love and Tears, and was released in the United States in 1972 on Polydor 15038. There are no clues on the label regarding possible Steve Marriott involvement; apart from composer credit, the only information reads "A Michael Holm/Dieter Behlinda Production." Hope this helps, and sorry it took so long to get back to you, Tom! David A. Young -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]------------------- Message: 5 Date: Tue, 02 Oct 2001 23:49:47 EDT From: Will George Subject: Re: Ann-Margret In a message dated 10/2/01 9:35:24 AM, spectropop writes: > Will George let on that Bear Family did an Ann-Margret > set. Was there really enough material for that? Any > further comments on the box set and/or Ms. Margret's > Brill era recordings? It is a 5-CD box set, with a beautiful hardbound book, as is standard with Bear Family. It includes all of Ann-Margret's recordings except for her album and singles with Lee Hazlewood, her Tommy soundtrack stuff, and her 1980 disco album. The dates are 1961-66 I believe. Disc 5 is mostly her film music, including Viva Las Vegas (her tracks on CD for the first time), State Fair, Bye Bye Birdie, The Swinger, etc. The rest of the discs consist of her four RCA albums, her singles, many unreleased tracks, her album with Al Hirt (Beauty and the Beast), and a couple other odd album projects. There are many styles represented, from early rock n roll (I Just Don't Understand), girl group (Little Star, What Am I Suppose To Do), show-biz (Billy Bailey) standards, and her sublime lounge classic, Bachelors Paradise. No, she's not a great vocalist, but she has a certain style. Yes, there are some horrific tracks on here, but there are also some great, overlooked classics here, including three Sloan-Barri songs, a couple of Goffin-King tunes, and a previously unreleased Bacharach-David composition. It's a hefty price for the casual fan, but well worth it in my opinion. Will -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]------------------- Message: 6 Date: Tue, 02 Oct 2001 12:22:45 -0400 From: Mark Landwehr Subject: Spector or Medley??? Since posting a reply RE: "Home of the Brave" producer discrepancies, innocently using Philles 129 "Unchained Melody" as an example of not believing everything one sees on a record label, I have been barraged by Spectropoppers who zealously contend that Spector DID produce that song - I intimated that Medley MIGHT have produced it....Talk about stirring up the beehive!!! Let's say that Phil did produce it...If so, then tell me why the heck didn't he put his name on the label as producer??? He put his name on many other B-sides (which is what "Unchained" started out to be) - even on those funky instrumentals!!! Why, then, didn't he put it on this song (a very GOOD song, at that)?? Give me a definitive answer and I'll cross over to the other side (an answer of "he forgot" won't cut it)! Jack Fitzpatrick told me that he listed "Unchained" as produced by Phil just to avoid controversy - He wasn't convinced that Phil DID produce it, though...Peter Richmond certainly wasn't convinced either...Mark Ribowsky told me that, according to Larry Levine, Phil produced EVERYTHING the Righteous Brothers did...A- and B-sides, and all LP tracks. Whew! Where does one go from THERE??? TO CAROL KAYE: What really went on here, Carol, was Phil at the "Unchained Melody" sessions??? Mark The Phil Spector Record Label Gallery (revised) @ -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]------------------- Message: 7 Date: Thu, 04 Oct 2001 15:58:49 +0900 From: LePageWeb Subject: Unchained Allegations "Don Charles" wrote: > Heaven has no wrath like a Spector fanatic informed that > one of his favorite Philles hits was not, in fact, > produced by Phil Spector! I had the same argument about > "Unchained Melody" with former Goldmine editor Jeff > Tamarkin. > > It took Peter Richmond's wonderfully provocative article > from Philately (I forget the date of publication) to > convince him . . . and I'm still not certain he's > totally convinced. Well, I'm convinced that Spector added his producer credit after the record gained airplay. I also think the "wall-of-sound" on this recording is less dense than on other Philles records of the day. But it takes a leap of faith to go from there to believing Medley produced the side. I don't have the answers, but it is kinda fun to think about for a minute. By the way, due respect and kudos to Peter Richmond for his true dedication to the cause which all can see firsthand at the most incredible Righteous Brothers website on the internet (linked at the Spectropop Righteous Brothers page). First of all, if anyone knew the value of the throwaway B-side, it was Phil Spector. When he didn't claim writer credit on the B, he gave it away (e.g., to Medley, Hatfield, Turner). Yet, Mr. Spector intentionally put a cover on the B of Hung on You. Did Spector suddenly decide he didn't mind giving away 1/2 the publishing money on his next hit record to an outside publisher? Don't even joke about it. So, then, why did Spector suddenly deviate from form and use an expensive production of an outside song as the flip? Don't tell me he just forgot this time! Did Spector believe an old standard could never become a contemporary hit? Think Zip-a-dee-doo-dah. Did Spector believe Unchained Melody wasn't suitable for covering? Think Teddy Bears. Did Spector have too much confidence in Hung On You? Think British Invasion jitters. Did Spector not "hear" Unchained Melody as a grandiose production in typical wall of sound style with hit potential? Dubious conclusion. At the very least, we know Spector had to approve the recording budget and pay all those string players. Why would he suddenly let Medley do expensive string dates? Despite the fact that Medley found it difficult to "hear" a hit song (remember, he unbelievably didn't think "Lovin' Feeling" was suitable material when he first heard it!), he nevertheless did exhibit an ability to ape Spector on arguably the greatest faux Spector recording ever, Soul and Inspiration, and while that's true, at the time of Unchained Melody, Medley's work was much along the lines of What'd I Say and Oo-Poo-Pah-Doo. Suddenly Medley is producing erect-a-Spector string dates **on Spector's dime** and Spector is using it as a throwaway B? I wonder. (Side note - decades later Medley DID produce the Righteous Brothers recording of Unchained Melody for Curb Records in a decidedly inferior version.) So why did Spector couple Hung On You with Unchained Melody? Was he shooting for a double A? I don't know, but it sure would help explain a lot. If so, why didn't he credit himself on the initial run? Perhaps because he was banking on Hung On You but stacked the odds this time just in case? Maybe. I don't know. On the one hand Spector only added the producer credit after DJs started playing it. That we know. On the other hand, there is no doubt that Unchained Melody (1) is a Phil Spector/Philles master, (2) with a budget approved and bankrolled by Phil, (3) engineered by Phil's guy, (4) booked and tracked at Phil's preferred studio, (4) performed by Phil's regular musicians from the local #47, and; (5) selected for release by Phil and pressed on Phil's label. People have been called producer for far less than that! Carol Kaye has told us that she and her colleagues sometimes worked for clueless producers that had to rely completely on the engineer and musicians to get the records made. Who got producers credit on those? How many times have you heard the proverbial jilted lead guitarist say "I actually produced the record even though I didn't get credit for it." Much of the time, those who make such claim actually believe it themselves! But you gotta take it all with a grain of salt. The contention that Medley produced Unchained Melody will inevitably remain debatable. Why? Because it was, in fact, >from its inception, a Phil Spector recording, whether Medley stood in the Gold Star booth and asked Larry Levine if there was enough echo or not. Now given what we are certain Spector DID do in connection with the production of the recording (1-5 above), if Medley did in fact "produce" the record, what exactly did he do? Tell Larry to make it sound more like Lovin' Feeling? Tell Don Kirschner that Hung on You was more suitable for the Everly Brothers? Or what? If someone has a quote from Medley answering this question I would be very keen to read it. After thinking about it, though, it's hard to imagine the answer could be anything except the typical "I had the creative ideas but so-and-so took the credit." Jamie -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]------------------- Message: 8 Date: Tue, 02 Oct 2001 11:44:45 -0400 From: "James F. Cassidy" Subject: "He snipped me and it felt like a bris" WHATEVER BECAME OF ... DEPT: I was listening to the BBC World Service in the car yesterday when a familiar name caught my ear. The news story concerned a law passed by the Swedish Parliament restricting the circumcision of boys. Circumcisions will now be allowed only under anaesthetic, and with a doctor or nurse present. Swedish Jews and Muslims object to the new law, saying it violates their religious rights. The representative of the Swedish Jewish community who offered his reaction to the new law was identified as "Rabbi Phil Spector." Jim Cassidy -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]------------------- End