________________________________________________________________________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ S P E C T R O P O P ______________ ______________ ______________ ________________________________________________________________________ joining the legions of fans ------------------------------------------------------------------------ There are 25 messages in this issue of Spectropop. Topics in this Digest Number 408: 1. The Lively Set on AMC this week From: "Jack Madani" 2. Re: Jan & Dean/P.F. Sloan From: "Justin McDevitt" 3. WTBA From: "David Bell" 4. Re: Tony Romeo Question From: "Mike Arcidiacono" 5. Re: Donna Loren From: Dan Hughes 6. Lothar and the Hand People From: Stewart Mason 7. Re: quo vadis castle sequel? From: Michael Coxe 8. Re: Jan & Dean/P.F. Sloan/Jill Gibson From: Mark Frumento 9. Re: Jan & Dean/P.F. Sloan From: "Robert Conway" 10. Sharon Tandy From: "Ian Chapman" 11. Re: Jan & Dean/P.F. Sloan From: Billy G. Spradlin 12. Curt Boettcher page is moving... From: Matthew Moring 13. Re: The Baby/songs using sitars From: "Justin McDevitt" 14. Sitars 'n such From: Bob Rashkow 15. Re: Tony Romeo/Lou Christie LP/Pledging My Love From: Mark Frumento 16. Re: Bob Crewe Presents Dyno Voice CD From: Michael Edwards 17. Re: two more recent electric sitar sightings From: Billy G. Spradlin 18. Re: Merseybeats /Escorts From: Mark Frumento 19. Ellen Mcilwaine, Big 3, Lou Christie From: "Paul Payton" 20. Re: theremin From: Scott Swanson 21. Re: Jill Gibson From: "David Salter" 22. what kind of sitar From: Alan Zweig 23. Elvis Costello the singer of songs From: Matthew Kaplan 24. Re: I'm Gonna Make Lou Mine From: "Martin Roberts" 25. Phil Produced Unchained From: Alan Ackerman ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Message: 1 Date: Sun, 10 Mar 2002 17:32:41 -0500 From: "Jack Madani" Subject: The Lively Set on AMC this week Here's a heads-up on what's on AMC this week: THE LIVELY SET 1964 Color, 101 min 11:00 /EST Friday March 15, 2002 Starring James Darren, Pamela Tiffin (oh that snaggle tooth!), Doug McClure, Joanie Sommers, and several fellas listed as playing "himself" Songs written by Bobby Darin, Darin/Randy Newman, and Darin/Terry Melcher. Performances by James Darren, Wink Martindale, Joanie Sommers, the Surfaris, and Bobby Darin. Synopsis: An ex-GI-slash-college dropout would rather play with cars than anything else until he meets the lovely Edie with whom he falls passionately in love. They get engaged and go to San Francisco where he begins working on building a prototype car for a millionaire. When the arrogant young man ignores the millionaire's advice and destroys the car, he is immediately fired. The young man, determined to make his engine work, manages to scare up enough cash to get his engine back from the millionaire. He then goes on to enter the Tri-State Endurance Race. After it is all over, will the young fellow find that he has become a serious young man? Will he then marry his girl, and go back to college? And will Joanie actually surrender her honor to James in a drunken binge while being serenaded on-screen by Barney Kessel? Dewds, this is one to watch. jack -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]------------------- Message: 2 Date: Sun, 10 Mar 2002 15:02:32 -0600 From: "Justin McDevitt" Subject: Re: Jan & Dean/P.F. Sloan Hi Robert; I Found A Girl is one of my favorite Jan and Dean songs. I have a 45 of this record which is in fairly good shape. I have a couple of vinyl Jan and Dean Best-Ofs, though this track is not included. Is it featured on a CD Best Of compilation? Justin -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]------------------- Message: 3 Date: Sun, 10 Mar 2002 21:05:45 -0000 From: "David Bell" Subject: WTBA I got out my German Bear Family box set to get Connie's version of the recording of "WTBA". Here's what she says: "I called Howie and Neil and said :"Guess what? You two guys are going to write your first song title for a motion picture." "What's it about?" asked Howie. "What's the difference?" "Well, then, give me the title." When I told Howie it was "Where The Boys Are," he said: "That's impossible. Call it "Where Are The Boys?" and maybe..." But since the movie was based on a Top 10 book we were stuck with the title and I told him "Just write the song and get it on a plane!" "The following week there were tons of songs caled WTBA and I received my package from Howie. Inside were 2 different versions of their WTBA. One we all loved; the other we all hated. At a meeting of all involved in the production that I attended with Joe Pasternak, I played them the first version and they immediately said: "We're sorry, Connie...You were right...Your friends do know how to write a hit song." I said: "Please don't say that, because this is the better song," and played the second version. They said "No, we like the first one." I said:"Please, there's no comparison." "I then called Howie and Neil and said:"I've got good news and I've got bad news. The good news is that you've written the title song for my new movie. The bad news is that it's not the great version." The one preferred by Connie, Neil and Howie was never recorded..." As with Connie's book, I'm amazed at her total recall of exact conversations from decades ago!!! David. -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]------------------- Message: 4 Date: Sun, 10 Mar 2002 11:15:02 -0500 From: "Mike Arcidiacono" Subject: Re: Tony Romeo Question Mark Frumento wrote: > Was exchanging email with another Spectropopper about The > Partridge Family and it reminded my how great Tony Romeo's > songs are. I love the Lou Christie album as well. Mark, what is the name of the Lou Christie Lp that Tony Romeo wrote for? thanks! Mikey -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]------------------- Message: 5 Date: Sun, 10 Mar 2002 10:37:19 -0600 From: Dan Hughes Subject: Re: Donna Loren On Sat, 09 Mar 2002 Alan Gordon writes: > Donna's site is really great... but I was wondering if any > Spectroppers might "have," or know where a wistful old > fanboy might find better resolution copies or those great > Dr. Pepper ads, or calendar pieces, or just about any old > retro thing with Donna on it that could be used as desktop > wallpaper. All of the images at Donna's site were very low > res. Hi Alan, Here are a few sites with Donna Loren photos: http://www.briansdriveintheater.com/donnaloren.html http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=1522269867 http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=1523085906 http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=850534951 -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]------------------- Message: 6 Date: Sun, 10 Mar 2002 13:42:21 -0700 From: Stewart Mason Subject: Lothar and the Hand People Profrock wrote: >Another fascinating instrument used for the first time in >pop music in that era was the theremin. Obvious example: >Good Vibrations, but are any of you familiar with Lothar >and the Handpeople? "Lothar" was the name the band members >gave to their theremin, and their spacey sound was >attributed to it. I bought their CDs from a company in >England because I have their vinyl. No one else around >here is familiar with them and am just curious as to the >extent of knowledge you Spectropoppers have of theremins >and their use in the mid and late 60's. I have both Lothar and the Hand People albums (actually, I have the self-titled LP and my fiancee has the follow-up, SPACE HYMN), and my only complaint is that they actually don't use the theremin *enough*, especially on the first album, which is a lot more conventional than releases by a lot of the more out-there early electronic groups of the era. They do get points for integrating electronic and acoustic instruments better than most. I'm pretty sure there's some theremin on the United States of America album -- I just had that out yesterday and I was struck by how really good it is. Stewart-------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]------------------- Message: 7 Date: Sun, 10 Mar 2002 13:49:53 -0800 From: Michael Coxe Subject: Re: quo vadis castle sequel? >From: "Jack Madani" > >Did something happen to Castle Communications and Sequel >Records? I just checked out their old web site >(http://www.castlemusic.com) and it's not there anymore. >And a quick perusal of the web with dogpile doesn't come >up with anything promising. Jack, Looks like they were merged in to the Sanctuary Records Group website. Try http://www.sanctuaryrecordsgroup.co.uk. Both Castle & Sequel catalogs are there. - michael -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]------------------- Message: 8 Date: Sun, 10 Mar 2002 19:01:37 -0500 From: Mark Frumento Subject: Re: Jan & Dean/P.F. Sloan/Jill Gibson > I Found A Girl is one of my favorite Jan and Dean songs. I > have a 45 of this record which is in fairly good shape. > > I have a couple of vinyl Jan and Dean Best-Ofs, though > this track is not included. Is it featured on a CD Best Of > compilation? Was just checking this out this weekend. That song is on the Liberty, 02 CD set "All The Hits". Their version IS great and there is some other wonderful material on this set as well. On of my favorite J&D songs "It's A Shame to Say Goodbye" is also included. Though it was recorded a year or so earlier IASTSG could easily have fit on "Save For A Rainy Day". I'm sure others will weigh in on this topic but I highly recommend "All The Hits". Also the Raven set of J&D LPs. "Easy As 1-2-3" is especially good, offering 3 LPs on one CD. Jill Gibson was cowriter on so may of J&D's great pop songs. Did she write for other people? I know she worked with Gary Zekley and did a brief stint in the Mama's and the Papas. But other than that what did she do? Anyone know where she is now? -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]------------------- Message: 9 Date: Sun, 10 Mar 2002 18:25:04 -0600 From: "Robert Conway" Subject: Re: Jan & Dean/P.F. Sloan >From: "Justin McDevitt" > >I Found A Girl is one of my favorite Jan and Dean songs. I >have a 45 of this record which is in fairly good shape. > >I have a couple of vinyl Jan and Dean Best-Ofs, though >this track is not included. Is it featured on a CD Best Of >compilation? Yes sir it is. I believe it first appeared on the duo's "Folk and Soul" LP which I believe has been reissued on CD (maybe as a two'fer with another LP). Anyhow, I first had it on CD when EMI released its Legendary Masters Series. The J&D CD was just plain awesome for quality and EMI/Liberty track selection...it had just about everything needed in terms of singles and best-of tracks. Anyhow, I still own it but about 4-5 years ago I bought the duo's 2-CD set on EMI with absolutely everything you could need on EMI plus commercials/radio jingles I believe, plus the duo's pre-EMI stuff like Jennie Lee, Baby Talk, Heart and Soul, etc. Title is "All the Hits from Surf City to Drag City." It is about $28 and I believe it still is available although a few sources claim it has been deleted. I have a package of CDs arriving very soon from Denmark and this double may be in it. Let me know if interested. It includes "I Found a Girl" and is hands-down the duo's best compilation. If the set is in the forthcoming package you can have it for $25 and that includes CD plus postage and insurance. Reason why I am acquiring it...sometimes I buy doubles of CDs I really like for my car or just to have as I have been known to lose CDs and then have to rebuy them. Also, I oftentimes buy CDs when I heard from industry sources that the CDs are about to be deleted. I know I have at least two DynoVoice Story 2-CD sets arriving from overseas and I may have another one or two coming from another overseas source but I am not certain. I can usually sell these types of acquisitions at a later date or else trade for imports I need but don't need for $40 each such as most Japanese imports. Thanks. -BC -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]------------------- Message: 10 Date: Sun, 10 Mar 2002 23:58:41 -0000 From: "Ian Chapman" Subject: Sharon Tandy Ken, The song Sharon Tandy recorded (on Atlantic) was "Toe Hold", not the Chris Clark song. Sharon wasn't with Motown - could you perhaps have been thinking of Kiki Dee? Ian > The Smokey Robinson song you could be thinking of is "From > Head To Toe" released in 1967 by Chris Clark on one of > Berry Gordy,s labels. She was a white girl who went on to > be a big wheel in the Motowm set up. She also recorded a > number of classics whilst there, including "Love's Gone > Bad (what an atmospheric track that is!!). "Head To toe" > was also released by a Sharon Tandy maybe on Polydor in > England, who if I remember correctly spent some time with > Motown. -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]------------------- Message: 11 Date: Mon, 11 Mar 2002 00:46:05 -0000 From: Billy G. Spradlin Subject: Re: Jan & Dean/P.F. Sloan --- In spectropop, "Justin McDevitt" wrote: > I Found A Girl is one of my favorite Jan and Dean songs. I > have a 45 of this record which is in fairly good shape. > > I have a couple of vinyl Jan and Dean Best-Ofs, though > this track is not included. Is it featured on a CD Best Of > compilation? I have it on 3 CD's: "Surf City / Folk 'n Roll" (One Way) - Has the original split-track stereo mix that's on the Liberty album, though whoever mastered it moved the channels in a bit. Most J&D albums sound very good in stereo with some inventive use of only 3/4 tracks, I have always wondered why this LP was mixed so wide with nothing in the middle. "Surf City - The Best Of Jan And Dean" (EMI-USA) - Remixed Stereo with a long fade out. "All The Hits - From Surf City To Drag City" (EMI- USA) Remixed Stereo, a better sounding mix. It's a nice 2-CD set and the best J&D comp I have seen. Billy -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]------------------- Message: 12 Date: Mon, 11 Mar 2002 00:47:48 -0000 From: Matthew Moring Subject: Curt Boettcher page is moving... Hi all- Just a heads up - Jason P's & my "Complete Curt Boettcher Collection" discography page is moving to a new URL, which is: http://home.attbi.com/~pinkpuzz/curt.html Thanks, Matthew Moring -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]------------------- Message: 13 Date: Sun, 10 Mar 2002 14:13:54 -0600 From: "Justin McDevitt" Subject: Re: The Baby/songs using sitars Hi Group, Another late 60's entry on the Songs with a Sitar list would include Hooked On A Feeling by B. J. Thomas. Justin -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]------------------- Message: 14 Date: Sun, 10 Mar 2002 19:36:11 -0000 From: Bob Rashkow Subject: Sitars 'n such Isn't that a sitar on The Music Machine's "The People In Me" (1967)? Granted it wasn't a smash but it didn't fare too badly. Is their Warner Bros. output worth a listen? Understand it's pretty interesting even if unsuccessful......Lothar and the Hand People were just absolutely KILLER!!! I have the repressed Capitol album but unfortunately it's not complete. Each track is terrific (I daresay somewhat ahead of their time), check out "Sex and Violence" which is completely tongue-in-cheek, "You Won't Be Lonely" and that digital mini- freak-out at the conclusion, "It Comes On Anyhow" which uses "IT DOESN'T MATTER" as an ongoing mantra (reminded me of Bill Murray in MEATBALLS!!!) The Bobster -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]------------------- Message: 15 Date: Mon, 11 Mar 2002 00:28:01 -0000 From: Mark Frumento Subject: Re: Tony Romeo/Lou Christie LP/Pledging My Love --- In Spectropop, "Norman" wrote: > Indian Lake and Path of Love by the Cowsills were Tony > Romeo songs. The latter being a blueprint for the sound > of the Partridge Family (give it a listen). Yes. Those are great songs... they were the ones that lead me to the Lou Christie material. I had always thought that TR was a country writer. --- In Spectropop, Mike Arcidiacono wrote > Mark, what is the name of the Lou Christie Lp that Tony > Romeo wrote for? That album is called "Lou Christie" and it's on Varese Sarabande... at least I think it is still in print. It's a classic from start to finish. This is the album with "Beyond The Blue Horizon". The 4 bonus tracks are also great. And if memory serves 2 of the bonuses were written by TR too. "Hey You Cajun" is also on that album. A great song by Lou and his old writing partner. If you've ever heard the Partridge Family's version of 'Mornining Rider On the Road' then you have to hear LC singing it. David Cassidy has nothing on Lou! There is also a great LC/TR collaboration on LC's last album "Pledging My Love" called "I'm Gonna Wait For You Baby". Obviously this song was left over from something else give TR's untimely death. Lest anyone think that Lou lost his gift in the 70s needs to hear the wonderful PML (again on Varese). As usual the man proves that he cares more for great song writing than record sales. Great originals, great covers and great singing. A genius in our midst. -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]------------------- Message: 16 Date: Sun, 10 Mar 2002 21:42:04 -0500 From: Michael Edwards Subject: Re: Bob Crewe Presents Dyno Voice CD Robert wrote: > ...anybody who still doesn't own it can contact me > and I will gladly part with the extra copy for my > cost (CD and overseas airmail postage). -Bob Conway Thanks, Robert. I tried Disc Collector again and they were able to find me a copy. Thanks again, Mike Edwards -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]------------------- Message: 17 Date: Sun, 10 Mar 2002 21:45:59 -0000 From: Billy G. Spradlin Subject: Re: two more recent electric sitar sightings --- In spectropop, Stewart Mason wrote: > Marshall Crenshaw -- "Blues Is King" (DOWNTOWN, Warner > Brothers 1985) I dont think there is a Sitar on this track (it's one of my favorite M.C. songs, too bad he didnt work with Mitch Easter again) - but the next track, "Terrifying Love" has one. The Smithereens - "Kiss Your Tears Away" from "Smithereens 11" Aerosmith - "Taste Of India" -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]------------------- Message: 18 Date: Mon, 11 Mar 2002 00:16:14 -0000 From: Mark Frumento Subject: Re: Merseybeats /Escorts --- In spectropop, Ken wrote: > > > The Smokey Robinson song you could be thinking of is "From > Head To Toe" released in 1967 by Chris Clark on one of > Berry Gordy,s labels. Thanks. I realized though that I was wrong and that this song was done by the Escorts... another Mersey band. Costello's version is quite good but basically a copy of the song with Steve Nieve's great piano line. -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]------------------- Message: 19 Date: Sun, 10 Mar 2002 20:54:11 -0500 From: "Paul Payton" Subject: Ellen Mcilwaine, Big 3, Lou Christie Bill Reed: nice to hear about Ellen McIlwaine. We used to play her a lot at WHCN in Hartford in the early 70's. I'm having a reunion with several folks from thet station this week, and will pass along the word of her success. They'll be gratified to know. Rachel Michaeli: interesting that there's a Cass in your fave, the Big Three. The first Big Three was a folk group in NYC in the early 60's featuring one Cass Elliot, of the Mamas & the Papas. All this Lou Christie talk makes we want to chime in with my two faves of his from different eras: "Make Summer Last Forever" (great chant in the chorus: "never-ending, no-ending, never-ending, no-ending"); and the very different "Hey You Cajun." Country-rock at its finest! Country Paul -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]------------------- Message: 20 Date: Sun, 10 Mar 2002 15:20:34 -0800 From: Scott Swanson Subject: Re: theremin >Another fascinating instrument used for the first time in >pop music in that era was the theremin. Obvious example: >Good Vibrations, My understanding is that the Beach Boys didn't actually use a theremin -- supposedly they used a device called the "electro-theremin", which was a modern-day (for the '60s) contraption designed to replicate the 'theremin sound' using a keyboard instead of having to wave your hands in the air. Can anyone out there confirm this? Regards, Scott -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]------------------- Message: 21 Date: Sun, 10 Mar 2002 21:10:36 -0600 From: "David Salter" Subject: Re: Jill Gibson If you want to see what Jill Gibson is doing today go to: http://www.gibsonarts.com ----- Original Message from "Mark Frumento" > Jill Gibson was cowriter on so may of J&D's great pop > songs. Did she write for other people? I know she worked > with Gary Zekley and did a brief stint in the Mama's and > the Papas. But other than that what did she do? Anyone > know where she is now? -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]------------------- Message: 22 Date: Sun, 10 Mar 2002 22:23:28 -0500 From: Alan Zweig Subject: what kind of sitar >From: Freeman Carmack > >lets not forget "Turn Down Day" by the Cyrkle,or >"Cry Like a Baby" by the Boxtops. The lists would be too long in either case but are you guys talking about sitar or electric sitar? The list for plain old sitar would be a bit shorter I think. There's a Noel Harrison tune or two with sitar. And one by the Buckinghams. And I think the one by the Association that's playing in my head right now is something like "Wanting ain't gettin". And there's Bobby Vee with electric sitar. But like I say, I sort of "collect" these things but it would be too much work to list them and even then it would be nowhere near definitive. AZ -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]------------------- Message: 23 Date: Sun, 10 Mar 2002 16:51:46 EST From: Matthew Kaplan Subject: Elvis Costello the singer of songs Here is a 90 minute tapes worth of songs of Elvis Costello cover's of classics of lost gems: I JUST DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH MYSELF (Burt Bacharach/Hal David-Dusty Springfield) MY FUNNY VALENTINE (Rogers & Hart) WHAT'S SO FUNNY 'BOUT PEACE, LOVE & UNDERSTANDING (Nick Lowe) I CAN'T STAND UP FOR FALLING DOWN (Sam & Dave) I STAND ACCUSED (The Merseybeats-The Glories) GETTIN' MIGHTY CROWDED (Betty Everett) SO YOUNG (Jojo Zep & The Falcons) LOVE FOR SALE (Cole Porter) GLOOMY SUNDAY (S.Lewis/R.Seress) >FROM HEAD TO TOE (Smokey Robinson & The Miracles- The Escorts) THE WORLD OF BROKEN HEARTS (D.Pomus/M.Shuman- Amen Corner) NIGHTTIME (The Escorts-The Strangeloves) REALLY MYSTIFIED (The Merseybeats) DON'T LET ME BE MISUNDERSTOOD (The Animals) EISENHOWER BLUES (J.B. Lenoir) THEY'LL NEVER TAKE HER LOVE FROM ME (Hank Williams) THAT'S HOW YOU GOT KILLED BEFORE (David Bartholomew) IT TEARS ME UP (Percy Sledge) THE ONLY DADDY THAT'LL WALK THE LINE (Ivy J. Bryant) YOUR MIND IS ON VACATION (Mose Allison) YOUR FUNERAL MY TRIAL (Sonny Boy Williamson) DAYS (The Kinks) STRANGE (Screamin' Jay Hawkins) HIDDEN CHARMS (Willie Dixon) REMOVE THE DOUBT (The Supremes) LEAVE MY KITTEN ALONE (Little Willie John) BAMA-LAMA-BAMA-LOO (Little Richard) POURING WATER ON A DROWNING MAN (James Carr) THE VERY THOUGHT OF YOU (Ray Noble-Nat "King"Cole) PAY DAY (Jesse Winchester) I THREW IT ALL AWAY (Bob Dylan) MUST YOU THROW DIRT IN MY FACE (Louvin Brothers) There are more but this is the tape that I put together for myself a few years back. Matthew Kaplan -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]------------------- Message: 24 Date: Sun, 10 Mar 2002 21:44:38 -0000 From: "Martin Roberts" Subject: Re: I'm Gonna Make Lou Mine Richard Williams wrote: > Every now and then a Spectropopper writes something > that makes it all worthwhile What 'turns me on' is the snippets of info, the mention of records that gets me digging through my boxes, the (often dry) wit but most of all reading a Spectropper's enthusiasm for a record, artist, concert etc. Okay, the subject in question might not always generate that much excitement in my soul (Soft Pop, Bubblegum, electric sitars!) but music is first and foremost about 'feelings'. That's why I so enjoyed Jack Madani's 'review' of Lou Christie's "I'm Gonna Make You Mine" (b-vox Ellie Greenwich, Linda Scott and Lou himself-although I'm sure he knew this already). Great reading. Needless to say I don't agree with his choice of Lou's top pop hit! When "If My Car Could Only Talk" finishes on my record player I usually think this has to be the best record ever made! Martin -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]------------------- Message: 25 Date: Sun, 10 Mar 2002 16:29:43 -0000 From: Alan Ackerman Subject: Phil Produced Unchained Reading over the messages on the Carol Kaye website I began to re- think the debate over whether Phil or Bill produced Unchained Melody. Previously, I'd been leaning on the side of Medley producing the Righteous Brothers 1965 version because of certain ingredients on the track that were missing that were obviously Phil Spector's signature at the time. I was not 100% convinced it was Bill Medley's production either, because he had never done anything like that at Moonglow or with the album cuts (which he was credited) on the first Righteous Brothers album. In the Righteous Brothers thread that begins on 3-05-02 on Carol's message board, she states emphatically that Phil Spector produced the version of UM that is always played on the radio and that Bill Medley had done a remake, years later, of UM that is not played on the radio. Carol goes on to say: "I don't think anything Bill produced was near anything that Phil produced in quality, sounds, musicianship etc., difference of day and night.....the proof is in the pudding too, what hits has Bill had?" One of the arguments in favor of Medley producing UM is that Phil didn't have his name on the 45 as producer until after the deejays began flipping over Hung on You and UM became a hit. Then the subsequent pressings had Phil listed as producer. This argument isn't totally convincing. There are examples in the Philles 45 catalog where Phil duly credited other producers. The flip side of Puddin n Tain (# 108) had Feels So Good with a producer credit going to Lou Adler. The Ronettes I Can Hear Music (# 133) lists Jeff Barry as producer. It is interesting to note (and this cinches the debate for me) that the flip side of # 133 is When I Saw You (a Spector production for sure, from 1964 Ronettes album) that doesn't even have a producers credit on it! However, it does say "From the Best- Selling PHILLES LP 4006, Presenting the Fabulous Ronettes." Now, the Righteous Brothers record of Philles 129 has Hung On Uou on the a- side with the usual Spector/Nitzsche/Levine credits. The b-side side has Unchained Melody with no credits except "From the Best Sellign Philles LP 4008 JUST ONCE IN MY LIFE. Very similar wording to the the Ronettes 45-133. Furthermore, the 3 Righteous Brothers albums each have different ways of stating the producer credits. The Lovin' Feelin' album credits the whole album to Bill Medley as producer expect for You've Lost That Lovin' Feelin' which is credited to Phil Spector. The whole second album, Just Once In My Life, is credited as a joint venture of Phil Spector/Bill Medley as producers, with no guidance as to who did what track. The last album, Back to Back, separates the producer credits individually by track, with Spector credited with Hung on You, Ebb Tide, For Sentimental Reasons and White Cliffs of Dover. Medley is credited with the rest. Medley's subsequent Verve production work (modeled after Spector for sure) do not have the aural colorings and taste that Spector had. Even Medley's and Hatfield's vocals are less than the best on the Verve tracks. Spector, like all great producers, knew how to coax the best vocals out of his lead singers. Has Sonny Charles ever matched the performance he gave on Black Pearl? Ditto for Carol Connors, Ray Peterson, Curtis Lee, Priscilla Paris, Barbara Alston, La La Brooks, Darlene Love, Ronnie. None of these artists had any kind of hit record career once leaving Spector. Only Tina Turner went on to a big career after Phil and that probably had more to do with leaving Ike than anything. Still, Tina's vocals on the Spector tracks are tremendous--very soulful, throaty, earthy--a female Ben E. King. Prior to signing with Philles records, Bill Medley had never bothered with recording older, standard songs like Unchained Melody. Phil, however, had done so many times, going back to the Teddy Bears era (their LP is full of standards). Bob B. Soxx's Zip-a-dee-doo-dah is another example. My conclusion is that Phil Spector produced the hit version of Unchained Melody. -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]------------------- End