In the early 60s, Ron Barrett and Jack Nitzsche, together and separately,
were producing, arranging and writing for a variety of artists. A
check of their recorded collaborations found on Part Four, the discography
page, shows just the six 45s. But these few records belie the importance
and, I suspect, number of their recordings together. Trying to understand
the criss-crossing of artists and the associated labels involved,
on both coasts, is no easy task. It is certainly beyond my capabilities!
Using the label information from 45s, my interviews with Ron Barrett
and plenty of conjecture, I hope to get near to the story!
Gamboa's "Why Lover"/"She's Never There" (Star Revue 1003) was not
a big seller nor was it re-issued. It's very hard to find but at least
the disc's history is clear (-ish)! The flip was also recorded as
"He's Never There" by Orphelia McFall on Saturn 403 in '63. No arranger
or producer credits are given. The success of The Duals "Stick Shift",
Sue 745, which Juggy Murray had licensed from Star Revue, sparked
a flurry of Ron Barrett and/or Jack Nitzsche releases on the Sue label.
Hannibal's "The Biggest Cry"/"I Need A Woman ('Cause I'm A Man), on
Sue 751, was the first. The A-side was written by Jack, and he arranged
both sides. Frustratingly, as with all Sue 45s, no producer or arranger
credits are given. In the sleeve notes to the Mighty Hannibal's CD
compilation on Norton Records, "Hannibalism!", Hannibal recalls working
with Nitzsche:"Jack Nitzsche, Phil Spector's arranger, we worked
together on a thing called "The Biggest Cry". Juggy Murray hooked
us up. I remember Jack, Jimmy Holiday and Will Hutchins, the star
of the TV show Sugarfoot; they'd come to the black clubs and hang
out." The next release, Sue 752, is hard enough to find but is
actually a re-release. Interviewed by Ken Barnes for BOMP!, Jack Nitzsche
had this to say about Judy Hart's "That's Enough" (Staccatto S-1001-A):
" That's obscure. Judy Hart is Judy Henske. H.B.Barnum and I went
into business and both started labels." This 45 was released in
January '61 - a few months before Ron Barrett started his Star Revue
label - and went nowhere. Jack hadn't given up on Staccato though,
and later in '61 he recorded another female artist, again under a
pseudonym, called Sammi Lynn (Staccatto S-101-A). This was actually
Jack and Ron Barrett's debut 45, complete with a rarely seen 'Produced
by Ron Barrett' credit. Two Nitzsche credits are on the disc; Jack
as arranger, and song-writer on the flip, "Blue Butterfly". Ron has
confirmed the long-held rumour that Sammi Lynn is indeed, Jack's wife,
Gracia Nitzsche. This Staccato 45, with its label numbering almost
the same as the earlier release, was perhaps not intended for general
release. Jack gave the only copy I know of as a gift to Al Hazan.
Duals follow-up to "Stick Shift" was "Travelin' Guitar"/"Cha Cha Guitar"
on Sue 758, released at the same time as their debut LP "Stick Shift".
The Duals next 45 featured them in a back-up role to Ron Barrett,
who, as producer, songwriter and vocalist on "The Big Race", rocks
along on this hot-rod number at a fair rate of knots. Ron wrote the
flip, "Oozy Groove" with the Duals' Henry Bellinger. Apparently, this
was first released, one of only a handful, on Mr. Murray's Sue-affiliated
label, Juggy (321), eventually to be reissued, with the Duals' name
featuring more prominently, on John Marascalco's label, Infinity (032).
Prior to this, Jack had arranged Billy Storm's "I Can't Help It" (Infinity
023), but surely this is another story!
I'd only read one mention of Dorothy Berry's "The Girl Who Stopped The
Duke of Earl" being released on BNH 1. This was by Ken Barnes in his
BOMP!, discography and interview. No reason to question Ken but I was
beginning to wonder if the label credit may have been a typo or something.
Finding the 45 on Little Star 232 had been proved difficult but at least
I'd previously seen the 45 listed in various record lists and price guides.
I had begun to doubt the existence, of what I assumed to be the earlier
BNH release but then eBay came to the rescue. I lost out in the auction
but the seller had scanned the 45 with the 'Arranged Jack Nitzsche -
Produced by Ron Barrett' clearly shown. (S'pop friend Hans Huss won the
records and has kindly scanned the labels for the site to use.) I asked
Ron about the release; "It was true in the early sixties that I recorded
this record first on Little Star. Then Barrett, Nitzsche and Hazlewood,
a joint venture, was completed. A lot of things started to happen due
to the immediate success of the record. I pulled it and turned my back
on records for a long period of time." One is left to speculate on the
reasons for the 45s withdrawal. Ron may have become disillusioned
with the biz side of the record business but the lure of making great records
couldn't be erased.
I'd like to think that Jack at least, may have been involved in other
records released on HB Barnum's, Little Star label. The most likely candidates
are Sherrell Townsend's, "Summer Days Are Here"/"I Love You Alone",
(released first on Lute Records), The Viceroys "Uncle Sam Needs
You"/"I'm So Sorry" (later on Smash records) and Ophelia McCall's
"Every Every Night"/"One Heart One Love".
Ron and Jack had two more cool records to be made. Merry
Clayton's first release, under the name Marry (sic) Clayton, "The
Doorbell Rings", written by Joe Saraceno and Russ Regan, came out
on a small label called Teledisc (501). Arranged by Jack, co-produced
with Saraceno, the 45 made no impression, but, thanks to the Northern Soul crowd's
it's now highly collectable. £400's is the latest
value put on the disc by Mick Patrick who also noted that the flip "I've Got
My Eyes On You" was written by Richard Berry and produced by Ron Barrett.
Knowing a superb voice when he heard it Ron signed Merry to his Star Revue
company but when Capitol wanted to record her, he willingly
released Merry from her contract. I originally assumed Ron Barrett
& The Buckskins "Louie, Louie"/"Lilli" (Magnum 715) to be an early
session. Perhaps it was, but it was their last known release together,
coming out in '64. What a fine, good-time record to end with.