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Spectropop - Digest Number 584

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                        Jamie LePage (1953-2002)

There are 14 messages in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

      1. Spectropop NY party!
           From: Sheila 
      2. Soul 24 -7
           From: Simon White 
      3. Brute in Birmingham
           From: Michael Greenberg 
      4. Re: Spectropop NY party!
           From: Mark Frumento 
      5. Re: Spectropop NY party!
           From: Mikey 
      6. Re: Music for people and Music Money stuff
           From: Rex Strother 
           From: Gene Sculatti 
      8. Re: Nobody Knows What's Goin' On (In Brute Force's Mind  But Him!)
           From: Freya 
      9. Re: Brute in Birmingham
           From: Freya 
     10. Velocette
           From: Kingsley Abbott 
           From: Mick Patrick 
     12. Re: Brute Force + Interstellar + Hello, I'm new, how are you....
           From: Otis Fodder" 
     13. Re: Velocette
           From: Freya 
     14. Poppy Family tabs!
           From: Freya 


Message: 1
   Date: Fri, 30 Aug 2002 09:18:27 -0400
   From: Sheila 
Subject: Spectropop NY party!

Calling all NYC Spectropoppers:

Hey everyone! I've noticed a lot of recent posts asking about 
a Spectropop party in NY. I've been in contact with some 
Spectropoppers involved in the London party who said they are 
uncertain if any US members are organizing a NY party.

If this is the case, I would love to help organize this party! 
I've had quite a bit of experience putting together specialty 
music nights (specifically Japanese pop music nights), and I 
have many ideas for the Spectropop party. Perhaps we can get a 
small group together of those interested in working on the party 
to discuss ideas and decide on an official date?

If there is someone out there who already has this party in the 
works, then please disregard this message. But if not - I am up 
for the job!



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Message: 2 Date: Fri, 30 Aug 2002 15:09:52 +0100 From: Simon White Subject: Soul 24 -7 This Sunday 1st September on Soul 24-7 7pm-9pm GMT The Metropolitan Soul Show 2 hours of Northern Soul. This week - The Utterly Marvellous Simon White. All sixties - and Norhern Soul has quite a loose base sometimes! Send me any requests and I'll see what I can do. -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 3 Date: Fri, 30 Aug 2002 13:59:59 -0000 From: Michael Greenberg Subject: Brute in Birmingham In response to Freya - Brute did indeed play Birmingham (UK, not Alabama) and not London. In fact, this gig was announced on the list, but I'm not sure you were a subscriber at that point. Sometime ago, I put BF and a musician fan of his in touch with each other by email. They subsequently met and Brute was invited to play the gig you're referring to. I think it was the first time he'd played with a group in a very long time and, from what I gather, it was a very successful ] collaboration. Michael -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 4 Date: Fri, 30 Aug 2002 10:31:47 -0400 From: Mark Frumento Subject: Re: Spectropop NY party! Sheila: > Hey everyone! I've noticed a lot of recent posts asking about > a Spectropop party in NY. That'd be great. I haven't seen Bill George around... I think it was he who first brought it up. -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 5 Date: Fri, 30 Aug 2002 10:05:14 -0400 From: Mikey Subject: Re: Spectropop NY party! > I've had quite a bit of experience putting together specialty > music nights (specifically Japanese pop music nights), and I > have many ideas for the Spectropop party. Sheila...I live right here in Manhattan....count me in!! -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 6 Date: Fri, 30 Aug 2002 09:04:23 -0600 From: Rex Strother Subject: Re: Music for people and Music Money stuff Freya: [about Terry Jacks/Seasons In The Sun] > Maybe there is some other way he could make money from it tho? > I guess you must still be able to make money from your actual > recording being reproduced on the air???, as opposed to the > performance of a song? Perhaps this explains the difference > between the PPL and the PRS? Anybody know about these things? Terry Jacks, as just the performer on SEASONS IN THE SUN (which, with CATS IN THE CRADLE, would have to satisfy my teenage desire for a depressive world-view until I discovered Leonard Cohen), could have made decent money from record sales, depending on his contract for royalties. This would was probably a set amount per mechanical release (maybe 2 to 5 cents for a single track like SEASONS) or possibly a percentage. But when it came to Master Recording Licensing (for TV, commercial or film use), many labels pay 50% of the license to the performer. For use in a TV show, or a movie, these licenses can run $10,000 to $50,000 a pop for a popular hit song. RCA charged $10,000 for the use of BERMUDA in the 1996 film GRACE OF MY HEART, and my aunts split a $5,000 check. And BERMUDA is a pretty obscure tune (p.s., anyone who wants to run a British dance re-mix of the song to the top of the radio play charts, contact me). I'd bet SEASONS has been used far and wide for this purpose, and could net TERRY a healthy check each time. Whether he could live off that ...? Rex Strother -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 7 Date: Fri, 30 Aug 2002 09:30:11 -0700 From: Gene Sculatti Subject: Re: QUICKSILVER MESSENGER SERVICE: BEARS (ROGER PERKINS) > I am desperately trying to track down a scan for the > Quicksilver Messenger Service single entitled "Bears" > from 1968 (Capitol 2320, flipside "Stand By Me"), it > was their second single and at the time it never appeared > on any of their releases. Matthew, "Bears" is on Rhino's QMS two-fer, "Sons of Mercury". Gene Sculatti Director of Special Issues, Billboard magazine -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 8 Date: Fri, 30 Aug 2002 18:47:15 -0000 From: Freya Subject: Re: Nobody Knows What's Goin' On (In Brute Force's Mind But Him!) Phil Milstein wrote: > Freya wrote: > ...kind of suprised to see Mr Force mentioned on here! I discovered Mr Force > on some strange website where you could download a BF album and also stuff by > shooby the human horn! I've never been able to find the website again but > seem to think it had some strange connection with the bran flakes who in turn > have some kind of connection with Brian Wilson??? > > The site (Freya) describe(s) sounds like the Interstellar Cafe, hosted by > Otis F. Odder: It could be??? I downloaded Brute's album on the site and it was a site where they would have bizzare music recordingas from time to time for download. They would change what recordings were available every couple of months or something. As I remember I downloaded some preety strange Serge Gainsborough recordings too, no idea what happened to those but it seemed really interesting. I tried the link you sent but it seems broken at the moment I'll try again later. Maybe it is the one! :) love Freya -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 9 Date: Fri, 30 Aug 2002 19:01:20 -0000 From: Freya Subject: Re: Brute in Birmingham Michael Greenberg wrote: > In response to Freya - Brute did indeed play Birmingham (UK, not Alabama) and > not London. In fact, this gig was announced on Spectropop... Wow that is so bizzare! That was the only date he played in Birmingham(!!!!) I think that is rather fitting for Brute actually, I guess he was always kind of bizzare and to have a UK tour where he just plays Birmingham seems kind of right somehow! :) > on the list, but I'm not sure you were a subscriber at that My account is web only and I had a time during which things were too crazy for me to check the list sadly. :( > point. Sometime ago, I put BF and a musician fan of his in touch with each > other by email. They subsequently met and Brute was invited to play the gig > you're referring to. I think it was the first time he'd played with a group > in a very long time and, from what I gather, it was a very successful > collaboration. That's kind of wonderful! Did he get quite an audiance? Who were the group that backed him up? The Hummingbird was a huge venue although It might be different by now I've not set foot in the place for a long long time. love Freya -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 10 Date: Fri, 30 Aug 2002 21:38:38 +0100 From: Kingsley Abbott Subject: Velocette Good that Freya has brought attention to the Velocette issues. I have both Get Yourself Together and Bitterscene on CD and 7" - Love Bitterscene!! So much so that at the time I sent extra copies to some pals in the US. Can't confirm a different demo, but I'll try to find out. Certainly a group for 'Poppers to look out for in the reduced racks - neat covers too! Kingsley -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 11 Date: Fri, 30 Aug 2002 23:45:15 +0100 From: Mick Patrick Subject: THE WONDERMINTS Hi All, Spotted on the back of the new Wondermints' CD: a very nice tribute to Spectropop founder Jamie Le Page (Page Porazzo). He would have been SO proud. Click below to view: The CD also features appearances by Spectropop faves Brian Wilson and Evie Sands. MICK PATRICK -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 12 Date: Sat, 31 Aug 2002 06:14:48 -0000 From: Otis Fodder" Subject: Re: Brute Force + Interstellar + Hello, I'm new, how are you.... Previously: > The site (Freya) describe(s) sounds like the Interstellar Cafe, hosted by > Otis F. Odder: It was, but I closed down and moved the content to other places across the web. It's been planned for a bit. Introductions, introductions... Hi everyone. I'm Otis, new to this list and signed on after having it recommended to me by a friend. Looks like I'll be enjoying discussions here after reading a good slab of the archives this evening. Brute and I just opened up this week. I previously had him up on the interstellar domain. I'm doing the webmaster stuff for him, which is great to help put the word out about such a talented artist. The Birmingham gig was indeed 'that' Birmingham in the UK. Brute is working with others on editing together a video of the event which will soon be available for sale on his site. At one point early last year, I did have the Confections album online for download for about 2 weeks. But now, Brute has his material for sale on his site, so you can support him by purchasing his work. :) Freya: > I downloaded Brute's album on the site and it was a site where they would > have bizzare music recordingas from time to time for download. They would > change what recordings were available every couple of months or something. That was the interstellar cafe. Actually, I'm no longer doing the rare uploads of stuff on a regular basis. Too time consuming and I don't want to step on any legal lines in regards to clearing material or stepping on toes if reissues are planned. I did however just post up 38 tracks of The DeZurik (Cackle) Sisters yesterday. Rare stuff that may never see the light of day, so it's online to share (but only for a couple of weeks, so grab it quick). Recordings from the 30's and 40's... most from 16" transcription discs. This might be of interest to folks on this group. Many smiles await you when listening to these gals! > As I remember I downloaded some preety strange Serge Gainsborough recordings > too, no idea what happened to those but it seemed really interesting. Those were from a release called "Gainsbourg Inedits" - 02 disc set. Actually, there are 3 Inedits discs floating around from what I hear. Speaking of Gainsbourg, Sylvie Simmons (of Mojo Magazine) wrote a book (IN ENGLISH) on Serge called "A Fistful Of Gitanes". It was published last year. Highly recommended if you can track it down. Again, hello and happy to join the Spectropop group! - Otis Otis Fodder -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 13 Date: Sat, 31 Aug 2002 07:17:49 -0000 From: Freya Subject: Re: Velocette Kingsley Abbott wrote: > Good that Freya has brought attention to the Velocette issues. I have both > Get Yourself Together and Bitterscene on CD and 7" - Love Bitterscene!! So > much so that at the time I sent extra copies to some pals in the US. Can't > confirm a different demo, but I'll try to find out. Certainly a group > for 'Poppers to look out for in the reduced racks - neat covers too! "Bitterscene" is the next great track on the album, followed by "Spoiled Children". I think there might be a 4th great track on there as well but I'm not sure! Most of the other tracks aren't as good but then, they wouldn't be really, it's hard to be brilliant all the time! Actually, I have the cd single of "Spoiled Children", I wonder what's on the b side? I felt kind of mean mentioning it the way I did tho, as there are wonderful songs on the album, it's just that the production is such a let down compared to the original 7 inch. I can't understand why they didn't at least have the original 7 inch mix on there but maybe it didn't fit the production of the rest of the album. It's just the production on that first 7 inch is so outstanding and the album production is so bland in comparison. Everyone I know who has both feels the same. :( I want to establish an internet link with the other universe where they made the whole album that way and they are really popular and you know, "Smile" was the biggest lp of all time etc. ;) [Erm, when I say production, I probably mean the sound engineering, but you probably know what I mean!] love Freya -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 14 Date: Sat, 31 Aug 2002 07:31:24 -0000 From: Freya Subject: Poppy Family tabs! Yay, Poppy Family guitar tabs! Stephanie will be really happy to see they even have "Which Way You Goin' Billy"! :) Sadly, there's no tabs for "I'll see you there". I was hoping it would help you with your cover, Elizabeth. Although I'm not sure if you play guitar or not! :) love Freya -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------

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