________________________________________________________________________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ S P E C T R O P O P ______________ ______________ ______________ ________________________________________________________________________ Jamie LePage (1953-2002) http://www.spectropop.com/Jamie.htm ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ There are 19 messages in this issue. Topics in this digest: 1. Re: Warren Schatz From: Stephane Rebeschini 2. Re: Beau Brummels From: Alan Gordon 3. Re: Warren Schatz From: Mike Rashkow 4. Re: Popeye-Nnillssonn From: Roger Smith 5. Re: Little Eva From: Andrew Jones 6. Strawberry Park From: Mark Frumento 7. Re: KMPX From: Alan Gordon 8. Lindsey Buckingham - can i ask this? From: Alan Gordon 9. Cokes all round From: S'pop Team 10. Re: Strawberry Park From: JJ 11. John Randolph Marr / Nilsson related From: JJ 12. Re: Shames/Consortium From: Mark Frumento 13. Re: The one and only Cher From: Mary 14. Re: Strawberry Park From: Mikey 15. The Innocents interviewed! From: Country Paul 16. Re: Tony Hatch & Bobby Rydell From: Mick Patrick 17. Re: The one and only Cher From: Shawn Baldwin 18. Little Eva From: John Clemente 19. IDs, please! From: John Frank -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 1 Date: Fri, 11 Apr 2003 23:11:37 +0200 From: Stephane Rebeschini Subject: Re: Warren Schatz George Ritter writes: > I noticed your thread and wonder if you might know where > veteran producer Warren Schatz is working these days. Band > members of a group (Banchee) he produced 35 years ago are > looking for him. Warren Schatz can be contacted at: Warren Schatz Perfect Sound Studios, Inc. 105 West 55 Street / Suite 4F New York, NY 10019 -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 2 Date: Fri, 11 Apr 2003 18:48:13 -0700 From: Alan Gordon Subject: Re: Beau Brummels Dave Swanson: > Finally...great news on the Beau Brummels Rhino Handmade thing. > Any idea what is will be? Dave: I hear it will be "mostly" complete. All the albums, but missing some of the very redundant stuff on that Sundazed box set from a few years back. But that's all I know. peace, albabe -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 3 Date: Sat, 12 Apr 2003 09:13:12 EDT From: Mike Rashkow Subject: Re: Warren Schatz George Ritter writes: > I noticed your thread and wonder if you might know where > veteran producer Warren Schatz is working these days. Band > members of a group (Banchee) he produced 35 years ago are > looking for him. Just an anecdote re Schatz, I remember playing him a song that I had written -- he suggested a harmonic variant that was perfect, added another dimension to the section. Best change given me since my Mom dealt me a new diaper. Warren was all self taught both as a studio mechanic and a musician--kind of grew up at Associated Recording from what I understand---maybe even a foster son of one of the owners. Very nice guy. Rashkovsky -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 4 Date: Sat, 12 Apr 2003 09:58:11 -0400 From: Roger Smith Subject: Re: Popeye-Nnillssonn > I hear that the "Popeye" movie is coming out on DVD sometime soon. > Good news for Nnillssonn fans. Unfortunately, there won't be any extras on the DVD. It would have been cool to hear a Robert Altman commentary on the wild things that went on in Malta during the filming. Of course, that might have made the DVD unsuitable for children. :-) According to Nilssonian Curtis Armstrong, BMG has been talking with Marakumi Wolf and Harry's estate about the possibility of a DVD release of "The Point!" Dunno if anything will come of it, but it's interesting news! -- Roger http://www.harrynilsson.com/ -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 5 Date: Sat, 12 Apr 2003 10:43:01 -0400 (EDT) From: Andrew Jones Subject: Re: Little Eva About Little Eva: A genuinely talented girl who was in the right place at the right time (baby-sitting for Goffin and King). Hail and farewell! About WLS/WCFL: When I was a kid, my brothers would sometimes tune in to WLS in the Sixties - to a small-town kid in Michigan, that station was awesome. I listened to it again for a brief time in the mid-Eighties - it was still great. I discovered WCFL around that same time (mid-Eighties), ironically not because of its music programming, but for an old-radio-drama show that ran on it every week! I did get to listen to its music, though, and I was really saddened when it changed its format to ... well, let's not get into that here. -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 6 Date: Sat, 12 Apr 2003 15:14:06 -0000 From: Mark Frumento Subject: Strawberry Park I recently got a 45 by a group called Strawberry Park: "Summer Is a Coming" b/w "Beach Party." It's dated 1982 but is a dead ringer for 10cc doing the Beach Boys. Both sides are really great, melodic harmony pop cira the late 60s. The 45 I have is from Australia but it looks like the group may be from Sweden or Holland based on the copywrite information on the label. The producers and writers are Rob and Ferdi Bolland. Anyone know anything about this group or the record? I can play the record to music if that would help. -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 7 Date: Fri, 11 Apr 2003 18:51:58 -0700 From: Alan Gordon Subject: Re: KMPX Country Paul: > Apropos of nothing, a friend sends me lists of this stuff periodically, > and today's (April 7th) birthdays include an interesting cross-section: > 1967 - Progressive Rock radio begins at KMPX-FM, San Francisco God I'm old. peace, albabe -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 8 Date: Fri, 11 Apr 2003 19:37:25 -0700 From: Alan Gordon Subject: Lindsey Buckingham - can i ask this? One more before I get back to work. Anyone know anything about Lindsey Buckingham's unreleased followup to his '92 "Out Of The Cradle" album, "Gift Of Screams?" albabe -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 9 Date: Sat, 12 Apr 2003 18:52:12 +0100 From: S'pop Team Subject: Cokes all round Dear members, Anniversaries can be stressful events. It's a year since Jamie went to that great Tiki Room in the sky. Would he have wanted this day to be an unhappy one? We doubt it. Chances are he'd prefer we mixed an exotic cocktail and remembered some happy times. Alas, we can't shake a fresh Daiquiri for all 900 of you. However, we are able to offer Cokes all round. Better yet, your barstaff today are: Petula Clark, Jan & Dean, Fontella Bass, the Vogues, Nancy Sinatra, the Four Seasons and Sandy Posey. Click here and they'll be right along to take your order: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/spectropop/files/musica/ Cheers Jamie, The S'pop Team Spectropop - Spectacular! Retro! Pop! -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 10 Date: Sat, 12 Apr 2003 16:09:33 -0000 From: JJ Subject: Re: Strawberry Park Mark Frumento wrote: > I recently got a 45 by a group called Strawberry Park: "Summer Is a > Coming" b/w "Beach Party." It's dated 1982 but is a dead ringer for > 10cc doing the Beach Boys. Both sides are really great, melodic > harmony pop cira the late 60s. The 45 I have is from Australia but it > looks like the group may be from Sweden or Holland based on the > copywrite information on the label. The producers and writers are Rob > and Ferdi Bolland. Anyone know anything about this group or the record? > I can play the record to music if that would help. *c.1981 BOLLAND & BOLLAND(Rob and Ferdi) had a hit with "In the army now", but the more famous Big hit vers. is fr c.86, by Status Quo. I´m pretty sure they came fr Holland. JJ a rare visit to these shores... -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 11 Date: Sat, 12 Apr 2003 16:01:11 -0000 From: JJ Subject: John Randolph Marr / Nilsson related Can anyone supply any vital info on JOHN RANDOLPH MARR, who made one LP on US WB Seven Arts, late ´69/early ´70......Produced by NILSSON HOUSE PRODUCTIONS in association with Brit GARY OSBORNE(ex-Vigrass & Osborne/ Choc Watchband == UK gr, not the US). Have a (gut) feeling JRM is English, but not sure. Thanx! JJ/Sweden -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 12 Date: Sat, 12 Apr 2003 15:54:30 -0000 From: Mark Frumento Subject: Re: Shames/Consortium Kingsley Abbott wrote: > Question for Clark Besch or anyone who knows - Is the Shames CD on > Varese? Still available? I guess without going back too many posts this is about the Cryin' Shames? Thier complete output (that I know of) is available on Sundazed released last year. Of the 3 LPs (on CD the 45s are added) my favorite is A Scratch in the Sky. It's really an underrated harmony pop LP. The strongest of songs being "A Carol for Lorelei" but plenty of other great tracks. The CD added the great "It Could be We're in Love" and their version of "Young Birds Fly" which holds up against the version by the mightly Flower Pot Men. While we're on the subject of harmony pop I've read that Sanctuary is preparing a compilation of material by the great UK band Consortium. Anyone know details? The partial track listing I saw looks great. It's about time this band get it's own CD!! -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 13 Date: Sat, 12 Apr 2003 15:49:41 -0000 From: Mary Subject: Re: The one and only Cher > Unfortunately I missed the NBC broadcast of the CHER Final > Tour, which aired tuesday past. > I missed it as well, but I DID catch her last Final Tour... > there's always another one around the corner..... I agree. There will probably be at least one or two more "farewell tours". How many times did Frank Sinatra "retire" before he actually did so? Will Cher beat his total? -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 14 Date: Sat, 12 Apr 2003 11:33:13 -0400 From: Mikey Subject: Re: Strawberry Park Mark Frumento: > I recently got a 45 by a group called Strawberry Park: "Summer Is a > Coming" b/w "Beach Party." I can play the record to music if that > would help. >>>>Please do!!!! -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 15 Date: Sat, 12 Apr 2003 15:22:48 -0400 From: Country Paul Subject: The Innocents interviewed! As I've mentioned here before, I'm a big fan of the Innocents, with and without Kathy Young. (You can find a recent photo of them together at http://www.kathyyoung.com/Innocents.htm taken April, 2002. Upon visiting The Innocents' interesting website, http://www.theinnocentsmusic.com I had some questions about their music, most of which are the kind of arcania that we Spectropoppers delve into, which Jill West (I'm assuming Jim West's wife) was kind enough to answer for me via e-mail (and let me share with you) on behalf of The Innocents. American fans can get the Ace CD, which reissues the bulk of their Indigo output, at the site. The CD came out in 1992 and has a lot of very nice previously-unreleased demos. Sadly, omitted from the package was their excellent 45 on TransWorld, "Tick Tock" [Goodnight My Darling]/"The Rut." I asked about its history. Jill responded: "'Tick Tock' was put out on TransWorld - produced by Gary Paxton, Kim Fowley and Bobby Rey. They also produced 'Honest I Do' and the flipside 'My Baby Hully Gullys.' When we signed with Indigo Records and 'Honest I Do' started charting, they released 'Tick Tock.' We never did other recordings on Trans- World. "To answer your question re: 'The Rut' [an instrumental], it was played by the studio musicians that backed us when Paxton and Fowley produced 'Honest I Do.'... When 'Honest I Do' rocketed up the charts on Indigo and Paxton and Fowley had only one cut of ours, 'Tick Tock,' they put together 'The Rut' for a flipside so they could release a single. "There are cuts on the Ace CD that they included which were never completed and not intended for release, but it appears that Ace included everything of ours that Indigo had on tape - ready or not. (Three of the songs we wrote are incorrectly credited - we will be addressing this.) We think they did an excellent job of remastering and got a quality sound from the existing masters - some songs which they did not have masters for they took off discs." I asked about a post-Innocents 45 credited to Bobby James: "5000 Tears Ago" [wr. Batcheld-Roberts]/"Memories Linger" [wr. John Marci], Indigo IND-145, "A Mar-Vic Production," arr./cond/by Clyde "Skip" Battin: "'5000 Tears Ago' was done by Jim West [the group's distinctive lead voice]. It was the last music done on Indigo and was done by Jim to get out of contract (he used his middle name - Robert - and his first name - James - hence, Bobby James). There is no CD of this, we hope to include it in a compilation of our works we are working on." One of the songs on the Ace CD I hadn't heard before came from the Innocents' Indigo album [LP-503, "Innocently Yours," 1961]. I asked about the trade-off of lead vocals on this beautiful track: "The second lead in 'It Was a Tear' is Al Candelaria. He is the lower voice that you hear in the part 'at last...'. Jim West does leads and high harmony. Darron Stankey does middle harmony. Al Candelaria does low harmony. Al's voice is soft and wide." This quote comes from the Innocents' website: "We are in the process of compiling material that many of you have never heard. It will include 'My Heart Stood Still,' which we are proud to report came in at #8 in the 2002 Top 50 Countdown presented by Dave Justice on his 'radioactivegold.com' radio show of his most requested songs of the year. We are also writing new songs that will be available." Of course, I had to ask when these would be forthcoming, and if there were other projects happening. Jill answered: "We are currently finishing our 1984 4-song EP which will be available on our site soon (we have a late May target date). We hope to do a compilation of many of our songs that are not available on CD this year. We hope to include 'Tick Tock' with it. We are also planning to have two original Christmas songs ready by the holiday season this year. "Jim is also working on music with a country and adult contemporary spin - and has begun rehearsing for a part in an upcoming musical so,.....the beat goes on!!" --signed "Jill West for THE INNOCENTS" In closing, if you like the group check out the site and let them know if you'd be interested in their new and unreleased work. P.S.: Could anyone please direct me to an Indigo 45rpm discography? I've seen Both Sides Now's excellent history and album discography at http://www.bsnpubs.com/indigo.html but can't find a listing of singles. Country Paul -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 16 Date: Sat, 12 Apr 2003 20:26:14 +0100 From: Mick Patrick Subject: Re: Tony Hatch & Bobby Rydell Mike Edwards: > I was listening to a spoken track by Bobby Rydell entitled > "A Message From Bobby" where he discusses his then current LP > "Top Hits Of 1963". Bobby mentions that during the course of > that year he visited London for the premiere of "Bye Bye Birdie", > met the Royal Family and recorded some tracks in London. One of > these of course was "Forget Him", written by Tony Hatch, which > reminded me that Tony wrote under two pseudonyms, Mark Anthony > and Fred Nightingale. Mick Patrick recently asked for some > questions to submit to Tony, so does Tony have any comments on > the Bobby Rydell sessions? The resultant LP "Forget Him" > contained some fabulous songs, such as "Darling Jenny" that Tony > wrote. I have at my side a copy of the New Musical Express 1964 Annual, published in late 1963, price 3 shillings and 6 pence. Contained therein is a nice article entitled 'The Story Behind The Song' by David Gillard, from which I quote: > I opened the pages of my daily paper one morning and the first > thing that I saw were the headline's of a woman columnist's > article - FORGET HIM IF HE DOESN'T LOVE YOU. And immediately as > I read that, a tune came into my head. It kept coming back to me > all day at the office, so in the dinner hour I decided to settle > down and write a song with the words I had read as the opening > line. I managed to do it and offered the finished product to > Bobby Rydell when he came to Britain. He liked it and recorded > it but neither of us even thought that it would be released as a > single, let alone turn out to be a worldwide hit. Just goes to > show you the power of the press. > TONY HATCH "Forget Him", produced by Tony Hatch and written by him using the pen-name Mark Anthony, was a #13 hit for Bobby Rydell in the UK in the summer of 1963. The record reached #4 in the USA early the following year. I spent years thinking this delicious song was written by Carole King and Gerry Goffin. Wrong! I'd also highly recommend Tony's own instrumental version. More Tony Hatch stories to follow. Mick Patrick -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 17 Date: Sat, 12 Apr 2003 14:53:25 -0500 From: Shawn Baldwin Subject: Re: The one and only Cher John Rausch: > Unfortunately I missed the NBC broadcast of the CHER Final > Tour, which aired tuesday past. Dang - I really love Cher. I didn't think it had been aired yet. Shawn -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 18 Date: Sat, 12 Apr 2003 16:02:30 -0400 From: John Clemente Subject: Little Eva Hello All, It is with much regret that I pass along the following information: Singer Little Eva of 'Loco-Motion' fame dies at 59 Friday, April 11, 2003 Posted: 4:22 PM EDT (2022 GMT) MIAMI, Florida (Reuters) -- Singer Little Eva, who as a teenager recorded the hit 1960s dance song "The Loco-Motion," has died after a long battle with cervical cancer, her manager said Friday. She was 59. Eva Narcissus Boyd died Thursday at Lenoir Memorial Hospital in Kinston, North Carolina, manager Brenda Cape said. "She had cancer. She fought it for a long time," Cape said. Boyd was working as a baby sitter for songwriters Carole King and Gerry Goffin when they asked her to record a song they had written called "The Loco-Motion" in 1962. The song was a hit for Little Eva that year and again for Grand Funk Railroad in 1974. Boyd had other minor hits including "Keep Your Hands Off My Baby" in 1962 and "Old Smokey Loco-Motion" in 1963. She sang background for The Drifters, Ben E. King and others. Cape said Boyd continued to work until October 2001 when she became too weak from her illness to perform. Boyd is survived by two daughters, a son, 15 grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren. I was fortunate enough to interview Little Eva for 'Girl Groups'. May her legacy never die. John Clemente -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------
Message: 19 Date: Sat, 12 Apr 2003 15:33:46 -0700 From: John Frank Subject: IDs, please! Everybody knows now that Bonnie isn't Ronnie, and that Little Eva (R.I.P.) really did sing "Loco-motion" and not her employer. John Clemente confirmed for me in his book that The Halos on Congress really were The Angels. But over time, I've accumulated from here and there some questions about the identity of other artists that I bet someone here can answer. 1. Linda Scott's back-up group on her 1963 version of "Let's Fall In Love" (Congress 200) sounds suspiciously like The Tammys. Could it be? 2. Another version of The Butterflys' "I Wonder" was released on the SSS International label in 1969 and credited to The Blue Angels. Are they really the Ronettes? 3. I don't want to start rumors, but to my ears, Marsha Brody ("Anything"/"Don't Tell Anyone", 20th Century, 1964) sounds a lot like Ginny Arnell. 4. I got a couple of Dorothy Prince songs via a tape trade. On the tape annotation, next to her name was "Betty Everett". Any truth to that? Prince released 3 singles on the M-Pac label in 1963. The songs I got were "Hey Mister" and "Lost A Love". 5. And finally, a question about a songwriter: I keep encounter- ing the last name Chandler as a writer of some excellent songs, sometimes teaming up with Barry Devorzon. Who is this Chandler (or these Chandlers, as the case may be)? Some examples are The Cannon Sisters' "Second Best" and "I'm Sorry I Went", Dean Cannon's "When Love Goes Wrong (Nothing Goes Right)", "Beginning of the End," by Diane Emond, and probably the best-known one in this list, "What About Me?" by Ramona King and by Charlotte O'Hara, whom we also know as Bonnie. Thanks to Mick and Phil for continuing to open my eyes to the world of faux Shangs. Your help is immense! John -------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------