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Spectropop V#0182

  • From: The Spectropop Group
  • Date: 11/11/98

  • Subject:     
    Sent:        11/11/98 2:13 am
    Received:    11/11/98 2:15 am
    From:        Spectropop List,
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       Volume #0182                       November 11, 1998   
        Expressing the feelings of the young mind of today    
    Subject:     Rebels: Black and White
    Sent:        11/08/98 9:42 am
    Received:    11/08/98 12:29 pm
    From:        Jimmy Cresitelli, JimmXXXXXXXXcom
    Some thoughts about Miss Alston's remarks...
    Barbara, I loved your input re "He's A Rebel." I think a lot of us
    in today's world are too young to know (or have maybe forgotten) 
    what it was like between the races in the early 60s. Even though 
    the world of music revolved on its own cool axis, just the fact 
    that blacks and whites were working together-- even enjoying one 
    another's company-- would have been viewed as radical by much of 
    the nation in 1963. Those studio shots featuring Phil Spector and 
    Darlene Love speaking intimately-- even touching one another-- 
    would have been cause for alarm in many areas of the good old USA.
    I can understand your point about rebels not being black-- society
    would have frowned upon that! Nope... rebels were unshaven white 
    boys who rode motorcycles through Brooklyn, in what we called "rat
    packs." I can well imagine, after having recorded those early 
    beautiful, bluesy, smoky numbers, hearing "He's A Rebel" and being
    told that it was YOUR record to go out and perform on stage!
    The girl-groups songs themselves were aimed toward white teens, 
    mostly, judging by the overall "look" of audiences in those days, 
    not to mention the stars who were promoted heavily. Yes, I realize
    there were plenty of black artists recording in different genres, 
    but girl-group pop was recorded by basically anonymous groups of 
    young black girls. You didn't see many group shots-- though 
    Annette and Lesley were to be seen all over the place! When I 
    began collecting in 1970 at the age of 14, and saw my first Girl 
    Group album covers-- even though by then I'd become familiar with 
    the singles-- I was astonished to see that those chirpy little 
    groups were mostly composed of black girls!
    I remember my Dad coming home from House of Oldies with a copy of 
    "Walking In the Rain" ($7.00 at the time) and telling me that he 
    saw an album by the Ronettes; I asked, "Oh! What'd they look 
    like!!!" And he said, "three cute black chicks." I had no idea, 
    and thought I was very cool listening to "black" music-- even though 
    we know that girl group pop can't really be considered as such, as
    a genre generally speaking. Darlene Love herself talks about having
    to record "that kiddy-bop" music back then.
    Spector truly, truly considered his artists as simply bricks in 
    that wall of sound... but we know better, don't we gang!!!
    Archived by Spectropop
    Subject:     Mono
    Sent:        11/09/98 2:52 am
    Received:    11/09/98 7:44 am
    From:        Trucker Toby,
    I've read many times that people like Phil Spector and Brian 
    Wilson preferred mono cos they could (paraphrasing) "control the 
    listening experience" and I've always wondered what that means 
    exactly!! Is it because they could blend instruments together in a
    way which made them unseparable from eachother, creating one big 
    noise/sound as opposed to a stereo mix where everything is spread 
    PS. This list sure is great! For someone who was born in 1977, I 
    find all yr posts about 60s music so incredibly interesting, 
    particularly as one listee was a member of one of the greatest 
    girlgroups ever!
    Archived by Spectropop
    Subject:     Re: Pizzicato 5/Burt Bacharach
    Sent:        11/09/98 9:00 am
    Received:    11/10/98 1:19 am
    From:        Marc Wielage,
    Trucker Toby <> asked on the Spectropop List
    >but there's one track called "On My Own" which is pretty
    >good and the original must be much better but I haven't heard that
    >one. So who performed the ultimate version of "On My Own" in the
    >first place? The lyrics are written by Carol Bayer Sager which
    >means the track dates from the late seventies to early eighties.
    >Anyone know?
    That would be Patti LaBelle & Michael McDonald's 1986 smash hit, 
    widely available on a dozen different CDs.
    I show that as Burt's sixth-biggest chart success ever, out of 129
    that made the BILLBOARD charts. Here's the Top 10:
     #1 (4 wks.) B.J. Thomas - "Raindrops Keep Fallin' On My Head"   (Scepter 
    12265)  [11/1/69]
     #1 (4 wks.) The Carpenters - "(They Long to Be) Close to You"   (A&M 
    1183) [6/20/70]
     #1 (4 wks.) Dionne Warwick & Friends - "That's What Friends Are For" 
    (Arista 9422)  [11/9/85]
     #1 (4 wks.) Herb Alpert - "This Guy's in Love with You"   (A&M 929)  
     #1 (3 wks.) Christopher Cross - "Arthur's Theme (Best That You Can Do)"
    (WB 49787)  [8/15/81]
     #1 (3 wks.) Patti LaBelle & Michael McDonald - "On My Own"   (MCA 52770) 
     #1 (1 wk.) Maxi Priest - "Close to You"   (Charisma 98951)  [6/30/90]
     #2 (2 wks.) The 5th Dimension - "One Less Bell to Answer"   (Bell 940)  
     #2 (1 wk.) Gene Pitney - "Only Love Can Break a Heart"   (Musicor 1022)  
     #3 (2 wks.) Tom Jones - "What's New Pussycat?"   (Parrot 9765)  [6/19/65]
    -= Marc Wielage      |   "The computerized authority     =-
    -= MusicTrax, LLC    |       on rock, pop, & soul."      =-
    -= Chatsworth, CA    |         =-
    Archived by Spectropop
    Subject:     The John Lennon Anthology & Spector
    Sent:        11/09/98 9:03 am
    Received:    11/10/98 1:19 am
    From:        Marc Wielage,
    I'm surprised nobody's mentioned this yet, but...
    There's about five minutes of hilarious studio chit-chat between 
    Phil Spector and John Lennon on the brand-new JOHN LENNON 
    ANTHOLOGY boxed set that came out last week.
    Spector sounds half-crocked on some of it, but it's interesting 
    just to hear what he sounded like in the mid-1970s.
    There's also a sad & ironic comment from John, where Spector 
    mentions Elton John in passing, pointing out that he has Lennon's 
    first name as his last name; Lennon answers <paraphrasing>: "Elton
    is probably gonna die young. Me, I'll live to be an elder statesman
    of 90." Man, that one really made me misty-eyed. Very sad.
    Great set of unreleased stuff, BTW, if you're a Lennon fan.
    -= Marc Wielage      |   "The computerized authority     =-
    -= MusicTrax, LLC    |       on rock, pop, & soul."      =-
    -= Chatsworth, CA    |         =-
    Archived by Spectropop
    Subject:     Sonny & Cher
    Sent:        11/09/98 11:03 am
    Received:    11/10/98 1:19 am
    From:        john rausch,
    I recently saw a segment on T.V. on one of those "Entertainment 
    Magazine" type shows and they were interviewing two people who 
    were to be the "singing voices" for the actors who are to portray 
    Sonny & Cher in an upcoming movie. I don`t recall their names, 
    the guy sounded a bit like Sonny but the woman had an uncanny 
    grasp on Cher`s singing style.they played a clip of them singing 
    "Baby Don`t Go" and if you closed your eyes you could believe it 
    was cher singing.Really remarkable. My queation to the list is:
    Has anyone heard any info on this movie and who the girl singing 
    Presenting the Fabulous 
    Archived by Spectropop
    Subject:     Re: A Couple of things
    Sent:        11/10/98 10:40 am
    Received:    11/11/98 1:09 am
    First off, I've been very busy these last few weeks, but I promise
    I'll put up Doc's article on "He's A Rebel," for everyone to read 
    by the week's end. It's a fascinating, exhausting recounting of 
    the story.
    Next up, just back from a trip where I picked up LLLLLittle Eva: 
    The Complete Dimension Recordings. 29 tracks including a tribute 
    record as by the Locomotions called "Little Eva." This album is 
    truly great! Little Eva, when not jumping around to the 
    Loco-motion or belting out novelty items like "Makin' It With The 
    Magilla," has an incredible voice. She could have been a really 
    big girl group star if she had been given some better material. If
    you like the Complete Cookies, you'll like The Complete Little Eva.
    Another record of note, this one a little older, and past the 
    Spector era by a bit is The Seventies' Supremes Greatest Hits and 
    Rarities. Absolutely no Diana Ross on this, and she's not missed 
    at all. It sounds a little more modern than the 60s Supremes stuff, 
    but when you listen to songs like "Silent Voices," "I Guess I'll
    miss The Man," "He's My Man," etc, you'll be amazed that the gals 
    didn't have a number one after Miss Ross left.
    Question: How many records did the Tammys make? I've heard two so 
    far and they've both become favourites.
    Also to the group: which groups would you consider the best 
    back-up singers? The Blossoms, no question, but in what order do 
    groups like the Breakaways, the Cookies, the Sweet Inspirations, 
    and others follow?
    Keep an eye out for that He's A Rebel article by Doc on my GG web 
    Archived by Spectropop

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