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Spectropop V#0315
From: The Spectropop Group
Date: 09/02/99
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Volume #0315 September 2, 1999
KBLA Presents the Super 30 Records
Subject: "Rosecrans Blvd" lyric
Received: 09/02/99 1:28 am
From: Mr. Fulton, wuxxxxxet.se
To: Spectropop List, spectxxxxxities.com
I can't make out the whole Rosecrans Blvd lyric - can
somebody correct my interpretation? There are a lot of
geographical references which I'm not too familiar with
(actually, where *is* this Rosecrans Blvd located????)
This is how I hear it:
I've passed a lot of exit signs in my time
While driving down this long freeway
To San Diego and [Point South/points south?]
But there was a time last summer
When I came down from Manhattan
And though I know I shouldn't
It was just too hard
And I made my move at Rosecrans Blvd.
Rosecrans Blvd.
Stop [you/your?] calling me
You know I never loved her anyway
I just used her over and over
There were times when she'd laugh
And I'd think I loved her
One [??????????] Manhattan beach
I said things that [???????] to suit her
Then I held her close and dried her tears
Rosecrans Blvd.
Who cares what you think
[?????????] crazy
the way she drove that little car
Down Sunset Blvd. at 3 in the morning
[To?] 90 miles an hour in a 30 mile zone
And blamed me when she got that ticket
Then there was that smile
It was really [what where?] all the airlines go
She was a stewardess you know
Shot down on [?????????????] mission
And though I [fear/hear?]
Everytime I drive my car past Rosecrans Blvd.
I wonder why I did it
Help me with all the [????] please!
Subject: Popeye Soundtrack
Received: 09/02/99 1:28 am
From: Billy G. Spradlin, bgsprxxxxxhlink.net
To: Spectropop List, spectxxxxxities.com
>This listy record fair score: the soundtrack to Popeye,
>arranged and conducted by Van Dyke Parks! It's like a
>prototype for "Jump!"....lots of good songs by Harry
>Nilsson too. Only cost me about $2 :-)
The Popeye Soundtrack was a major stiff here in the USA,
and it was selling in cut-out bins in the 80's for as
little 50 cents. I didn't know anything about Van Dyke
Parks till I saw a article in Musician Magazine when JUMP!
Came out.
Billy G. Spradlin
29 Rim Road
Kilgore, Texas 75662
Email: bgsprxxxxxhlink.net
Homepage: http://home.earthlink.net/~bgspradlin/
Subject: Jimmie Spheeris
Received: 09/02/99 1:28 am
From: haoleboy,xxxxxeboy.com
To: Spectropop List, spectxxxxxities.com
I have been holding on to my Jimmie Spheeris LPs thinking
I'd never see them in CD--but behold, CDNow has three.
Including "Dragon Is Dancing" with the song I've loved all
these years, Blown Out. Otto, who had that record store on
PCH in Laguna, told me he was quite the beachboy character.
Any history on Jimmie and what he's up to? For that
matter, how's Otto? He used to buy from us at City One
Eddie Would Go!
Received: 09/02/99 1:28 am
From: CHRIS KING, cxxxxxnet.co.uk
To: Spectropop List, spectxxxxxities.com
Dear fellow Spectropop members,
The next date of my monthly 60's girl group / femme soul
club DA DOO RON RON (London) is WED 15th SEPTEMBER when
MARK LAMARR is the extra special GUEST DJ.
Mr. MARK LAMARR - the quifftastic stand-up comic, radio DJ
and star of countless TV shows including Never Mind The
Buzzcocks, Shooting Stars, The Big Breakfast and The Word
- is DDRR's supremely special guest DJ on WED 15th
SEPTEMBER. Anyone who had the good fortune to hear his
long-running Sunday morning radio show on GLR (now sadly
deceased), will know that Mark possesses an incredible
record collection and is a passionate devotee of all
things DDRR. Arrive early!!!
DA DOO RON RON is a monthly celebration of classic 6T's
girl groups, Motown minxes, northern nightingales, Detroit
dollies, searing soul sirens and playful popstrels.
Wednesday 15th SEPTEMBER - DA DOO RONxxxxxNA NA 259,
UPPER STREET, HIGHBURY CORNER. N1 London. Venue Tel:-0171-
359-6191. 9.00pm - 02 .00am. Admission is 3 pounds with a
flyer / 4 before 10pm / 5 after.
Regular DDRR DJ's Chris King and Declan Allen plus extra
special guest MARK LAMARR spin femme only tunes from the
For further info. please contact Da Doo Ron Ron promoter
Chris King. E-mail:-cxxxxxnet.co.uk or Tel:-0181-342-
Subject: BOUNCE spectxxxxxities.com: Non-member submi
From: Spectropop Admin, spectxxxxxe.com
Received: 09/02/99 1:28 am
To: Spectropop List, spectxxxxxities.com
========= Start of forwarded message =========
Subject: Re: Hep Stars
From: Dawn Eden, Petite Powerhouse
To: Spectropop Admin, spectxxxxxe.com
I'm very glad to hear that Boettcher is a topic of
discussion once again on the Spectropop list. Has anyone
on the list (besides the one lister you quoted) heard the
Hep Stars album? After looking for it for 11 years (and
owning one 45 from it, "Musty Dusty" b/w "It's Now
Winter's Day," on Chartmaker [probably owned by Clark --
it's the same label that put out the Goldenrod album (go
to http://www.delerium.com for details
of this
Millennium-related project)]), I finally found it a month
ago at Mondo Kim's on St.Mark's Place, in great condition,
for $19.99. (That's got to be the _longest_ sentence I've
typed in a while.) It's decent soft pop, but the
arrangements aren't nearly as good as the songs.
Nearly all of the information I have on this album is
circumstantial. I know that Sandy Salisbury was made aware
of it, as he has a copy of the actual sheet music book that
came out in conjunction with the album. Despite the dearth
of firsthand reports, I can answer the following questions
with certainty:
>Did Boettcher himself work on the record (credited to Steve
No. By the time this album was recorded, circa 1968, he
was long gone from Our Productions. He left Our in mid-'67.
I think the actual date is somewhere in the Millennium and
Ballroom notes I did for Rev-Ola (!).
>Did Clark/Paxton/Our Productions own Boettcher's publishing?
Our Productions, which is to say Steve Clark, owned it
until Curt left the company. Gary Paxton had nothing to do
with it -- he only functioned as a studio owner/engineer
for most of Boettcher's Our productions. (He played a
larger role with Eternity's Children -- have you seen that
Rev-Ola CD yet?)
>Did Hep Stars come to LA or did Clark (and/or Boettcher)
>go to Sweden?
They definitely came to LA, but I don't know if the entire
album was recorded there. It probably was, since it sounds
like it was all done in the same place with the same
arranger, Mike Henderson. Along with Ballroom member Jim
Bell, he did a lot of arrangements and production work at
Our, sometimes in conjunction with Boettcher.
A friend of Boettcher's who knew him in his later years
passed on a great anecdote that Curt had told him. (Pardon
the switching between "Boettcher" and "Curt" -- I'm going
by feel.) According to Curt, Bjorn and Benny approached
him in L.A. The story goes that they were huge fans of his
work and wanted him to produce them. Curt said that he
refused because he thought their work was "oompah music"!
I'm sure that story is at least half true, especially the
"oompah music" part. However, if Curt were approached when
the Hep Stars were about to record the "It's Been a Long,
Long Time" album, then I don't think it could have been
both Bjorn and Benny, as I think only one of them was in
the group then -- perhaps someone else could confirm this.
If it _was_ both Bjorn and Benny, then it would have been
after the Hep Stars broke up and before ABBA. To confirm
that, we'd have to find out if the two of them made a trip
to L.A. while ABBA was in an embryonic state.
>Were these songs recorded by Hep Stars prior to or after
>the Sagittarius and Millennium albums?
I'd have to find out when exactly the album come out. I
would guess that it was at least after Columbia started
releasing the Sagittarius 45s.
Your lister who offered his hypotheses on the
Boettcher-Hep Stars connection sounds intelligent and
insightful. If it's a she, I'll die. Despite years of
hoping, I've yet to meet another woman who is as obsessed
with Curt's music as I am.
>So Dawn, we all would appreciate your taking the time to
>reply whenever you get the chance.
Hope this information helps. It's really nice to know that
there are other people who love Curt's music so much that
they examine his work in such minute detail.
All the best,
========== End of forwarded message ==========
Subject: Unreleased Spector Box
Received: 09/02/99 1:28 am
From: Jamie LePage, le_pagxxxxxities.com
To: Spectropop List, spectxxxxxities.com
Paul Urbahns, Pauluxxxxxcom wrote:
>>I was under the impression that this particular set was
>>compiled in Japan, not in US. Rhino typically would use
>>Bill Inglot and master in LA. The ABKCO set is credited as
>>mastered by Larry Levine and Spector himself.
>Bill Inglot told me on the telephone once he was working
>with Larry Levine on a Spector set. Goldmine even ran an
>article on it and listed all the tracks. The Rhino set
>never came out, no telling how much money people spend on
>Spector and have nothing to show for it.
A photocopy has turned up of Tats Yamashita's liner notes
to the unreleased Japanese Spector box set we've been
discussing. Here's the deal:
The first page of the liners indicates:
Moon Records (predecessor to MMG) contracted the rights
from Phil Spector International in 1987, but the box was
not released because Spector kept changing his mind about
the sequence and song selection. Originally the box was to
be released in exactly the same format worldwide, but at
the time of the writing of the notes (Sept. '89) Japan was
the only country with release plans; even Rhino in the US
had completely given up. Everything about the track
selection, sequencing etc. was decided overseas (outside of
Japan), and the only digital masters Moon had available
were those Spector had designated for the box. Suggestions
from Moon for additional or alternative tracks were met
with silence from Spector's organization.
The unreleased Japanese box is credited as having been
mastered by Mitsuharu Kobayashi.
Mystery solved. Indeed, this was the Rhino box, although
it appears that Spector had both Rhino and Moon pulling
their hair out independently of each other. Thanks for
helping clear this up!
Special thanks to those listers in LA and Tokyo who
helped with this research off-list.
Subject: things I meant to say
Received: 09/02/99 1:28 am
From: Jack Madani, Jack_Mxxxxxk12.nj.us
To: Spectropop List, spectxxxxxities.com
I wrote all these unbelievably clever posts to the list
but they all got bounced, and like a dope I deleted the
originals as soon as I sent them, so all I can do is recap
in general terms what I was trying to say:
#1. Jerry Riopelle, cool! I totally dig Close Your Eyes.
#2. Yamashita singing Tokyo's a Lonely Town. I like that
idea because it means he could use the lyric rewrite Dave
Edmunds employed when he did *London's* a lonely town
("from [insert Tokyo landmark here] to Pasadena's such a
long way....the cars are driving down the street the wrong
way...."). Did he do that, or did he sing the original line
"i feel so out of it walking down [insert Tokyo main
thoroughfare here]"?
#3. I was intrigued by discussion of how Brian Wilson
ended up playing piano on the Things Are Changing Phil
Spector session (namely, that it was because Leon Russell
showed up drunk for that session and was bounced). This
summer I have read both Darlene Love's and Sonny Bono's
autobiogs, and in BOTH books they refer to Russell as
being a real professional for whom showing up drunk at a
recording date was quite out of character--they then tell
the story of one time when Russell DID show up drunk and
was disrupting the session, when Phil came into the studio
and got in Leon's face and said, "don't you know the
meaning of the word respect?", to which Leon boozily
replied, "yeah, don't you know the meaning of the word f---?"
Anyhow, I wondered if that story may have had anything to
do with the story of Brian's one time working in the studio
with Phil.
Subject: one more thing
Received: 09/02/99 1:28 am
From: Jack Madani, Jack_Mxxxxxk12.nj.us
To: Spectropop List, spectxxxxxities.com
I almost forgot to ask; is there going to be any overlap
between the songs on the Here Come The Girls series and
this new Ripples series that sounds so interesting?
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