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Re: "I Want You To Be My Boyfriend" From: "Donny Hampton" 7. Crystal screws and Spector boots From: LePageWeb 8. Spector produced Supremes song? From: "George Young" 9. Shangri-Las From: John Clemente 10. THE CRYSTALS' "IT'S MY PARTY" From: Mick Patrick ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Message: 1 Date: Fri, 27 Jul 2001 10:30:17 EDT From: Jimmy Crescitelli Subject: John Clemente's Dance Party Thanks, John, for clearing up the 4/4 girl group rave that's always moshing in my head! "Quadrophenia," right... that was the one. And I remember the girl in "The Wanderers" calling out directions, like "sweep the floor," etc., as they (it turns out) Wobbled. The older girls on my Brooklyn block were very into hair and dancing in the summer of 1963; I was their little accomplice (7 at the time) because, well, they were just so interesting. They'd have these long afternoon sessions where they would all gather in someone's bedroom and play 45s, drinking those tiny little bottles of Coca-Cola, and generally moaning about the guys on the block. Then we would all troop up the block for Italian ices. Come to think of it, I was probably being baby-sat, but boy did I get an education. --------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------- Message: 2 Date: Fri, 27 Jul 2001 20:00:12 -0000 From: Patrick Rands Subject: Re: shangri-las Jennifer wrote: > a friend of mine just saw on that the > shangri-las are doing a small tour that includes a TBA > boston date. > > anybody know any details?? It most probably isn't -the- Shangri Las - I believe an imitation band has been making the rounds, Patrick --------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------- Message: 3 Date: Fri, 27 Jul 2001 08:41:04 -0400 From: "Mike Arcidiacono" Subject: Re: shangri-las "Jennifer Sullivan" wrote: > a friend of mine just saw on that the > shangri-las are doing a small tour that includes a TBA > boston date. Yes, its one of the original Shangs amd her daughters. They played here in NY last weekend. I didnt see then but a friend of mine did. Mikey --------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------- Message: 4 Date: Fri, 27 Jul 2001 10:43:14 EDT From: Matthew Kaplan Subject: Red Vinyl CYRKLE Red Rubber Ball question I'm looking for a country of origin on a record and maybe one of you can help. The record in question is a red vinyl pressing of The Cyrkle's "Red Rubber Ball" album and it is some for Asian writing on it, Japanese or Taiwanese >from 1966 with a catalog number of CSJ-383. It came in one of those loose sleeves in plastic, can anybody tell me where this came from? Does it have value beyond the crap pressing and the wonderful music? --------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------- Message: 5 Date: Fri, 27 Jul 2001 22:39:17 +0100 (BST) From: Mick Patrick Subject: DIANE RENAY'S ROYALTIES Greetings, Just sat here filing my feet. I find I HAD A DREAM by DIANE RENAY has the perfect rhythm for this procedure. You're picturing it aren't you? Anyway, it got me to thinking about Jamie's missive about DIANE RENAY'S website and her lack of royalty income: Diane has 4 tracks on the Mercury's wonderful GROWIN' UP TOO FAST CD. I believe this CD sold quite well. Heck, it was even released in little old England. The packaging clearly states that the copyright in the recordings contained on the CD is owned by Polygram. Diane's Collectables CD is also licensed from Polygram. Polygram is now part of the Universal conglomerate. They are a big company who can afford to pay royalties. Likewise, the copyright in Diane's DYNOVOICE recordings is owned by EMI in the UK and Rhino in the USA. BOB CREWE sold the Dynovoice label many moons ago. A few of these tracks have appeared on UK CDs in recent times. EMI owes Diane royalties for these tracks if they have licensed them out to other companies. Which they have. Now, I am a simple person. I know little of the law. But it all seems quite clear cut to me. Copyright laws exist, the law should be enforced. All recording artists should receive royalties when their work is reissued on CD. It's the law. As copyright owners, Polygram/Universal and EMI (not Bob Crewe) owe Diane Renay some money. Probably not a lot. Perhaps, if she has not already done so, she should find herself a lawyer. By the way. ARTISTS CAN EARN NO ROYALTIES IF THEIR RECORDINGS ARE MADE AVAILABLE ON FREE-OF-CHARGE MP3 FORMAT. Whatever that is. It has been suggested to me that Diane's UNBELIEVABLE GUY has the perfect rhythm for wanking to . . . get back to me in 20 minutes. MICK PATRICK PS No prizes on offer but who will be the first to name an answer song to NAVY BLUE. --------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------- Message: 6 Date: Fri, 27 Jul 2001 17:24:12 +0000 From: "Donny Hampton" Subject: Re: "I Want You To Be My Boyfriend" If "I Want You To Be My Boyfriend" isn't the same song as "Please Be My Boyfriend," you can't hear it anywhere, because it has never been released. However, I'm not convinced that it isn't the same. I have "Please Be My Boyfriend" on a 45 (Japanese?) with The Blossoms' "Things Are Changing" on the topside. Don Charles "George Young" wrote: > >I'd love to hear that song. > Where might I find it? > >Skip --------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------- Message: 7 Date: Sat, 28 Jul 2001 13:24:14 +0900 From: LePageWeb Subject: Crystal screws and Spector boots Tony Leong wrote: >I found a more interesting Crystals CD collection from >Marginal. Even a full version of "The Screw" is here... Well, not quite "full" to be nitpicky. It has a skip in it because it was mastered from a bootleg 45 vinyl copy that was mastered with the skip in it. Billy Spradlin fixed the skip using a digital editor and played it for us sometime back when the Screw was discussed in great detail here earlier this year. :-) Two threads - the first starting here: http://www.spectropop.com_archive/digest/m574.html ...and the second starting here: http://www.spectropop.com_archive/digest/m613.html It's a good read for those interested in this rare Spector track. >Other Crystals cuts that have yet >to surface on CD are "Please Be My Boyfriend"... This has been issued on CD on a Japan boot entitled "Off the Wall". It has several takes of the song. A (reportedly) complete version was on the B-Side of the Blossoms' Things Are Changing (Japanese 7" vinyl). You can find full track info for Off the Wall and many similar compilations (including the Marginal CD) at >...reported rough draft of La La's take of "It's My >Party"-- Better ask Mick Patrick about that one! ;-) >does anyone reading this know if the Crystals were the >FIRST group to record "On Broadway"?? >From the Barry and Cyn interview by Alan Warner... Barry Mann: "The Drifters were up to record and we had written a song called On Broadway. This is before we ever got together with Mike and Jerry. And we played them the song..." Cynthia Weil: "As a matter of fact we had written it because Carol and Gerry were cutting a group called the Cookies and they were one song short. That's the only reason they came to us - they were desperate! So we wrote this song called On Broadway from a girl's point of view..." Hope this helps... Jamie --------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------- Message: 8 Date: Fri, 27 Jul 2001 12:48:46 -0400 From: "George Young" Subject: Spector produced Supremes song? Does anyone have any info on a Supremes song called "Things Are Changing" written by Phil Spector? It sounds very much like he produced it, but did he? Anyone know what year that was recorded? The Supremes also did a version of "River Deep, Mountain High" which I don't think he showed up for. Skip --------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------- Message: 9 Date: Sat, 28 Jul 2001 01:40:43 -0400 From: John Clemente Subject: Shangri-Las Hello All, No sooner had I e-mailed Tom Waters about Mary Weiss, when I scrolled further down on the last digest to see Jennifer Sullivan's inquiry. Here is what I told Tom: I went to the screening of "Brill Building Pop -- The Teens That Stole Pop Music", shown on May 3 at The Museum of Radio and Television in NYC. In the audience was Mary Weiss, looking as good as ever (she was also interviewed in the documentary). She signed my book and asked if I said she was a "bad girl" in the chapter on the Shangs. I told her no, that I stayed away from most of the cliches, which I had, for the most part. She still parts her hair on the side, straight down, more updated, though. She said that neither she nor her sister have involvement with the current Shangs. They are all imposters. Please don't be fooled by these Shangri-Las. None are originals. John Clemente --------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------- Message: 10 Date: Sat, 28 Jul 2001 01:46:51 +0100 (BST) From: Mick Patrick Subject: THE CRYSTALS' "IT'S MY PARTY" Greetings, Bootlegs, schmootlegs. Don't people collect vinyl anymore? To own an original 45 is far more rewarding than having some dull-sounding bootleg CD. Legal CDs are aplenty. And, hey, they cost no more than boots. If the Crystals have trouble obtaining royalty payments from legal releases, how much are the group likely to earn >from bootlegs? Nothing. Why do you think artists like the Crystals persist in the vile practice of re-cutting their old hits for 'budget' labels? Easy. Because they are PAID to. I've even seen bootleg CDs offered for sale by auction! That stinks. Get real. Don't bid on those things. Burn one, instead. Whatever that means. Anyway, regarding the Crystals' Marginal CD. You know, that bootleg... Tony Leong wrote: > One omission that I was disappointed about was the > "Crystals" version of "Wah Wahtusi" (actually the > Ronettes were the vocalists for that one, but they > sang "Mashed Potato Time" too, and THAT was on this > CD!!!!). Further Crystals cuts that have yet to > surface on CD are "Please Be My Boyfriend" and the > reported rough draft of La La's take of "It's My > Party". Errrr, Ronnie Ronette sang lead on the Crystals' "HOT PASTRAMI" and "Mashed Potato Time" but not on "Wah Watusi". That WAS the real Crystals. Trust me, I know my onions. Whatever that means. I have seen the Crystals' "Please Be My Boyfriend" on a CD. It was a Japanese bootleg called "Off The Wall" - I think. A lovely looking, nicely made, good (for a boot) sounding, EXPENSIVE bootleg. This track has never been legally issued, on vinyl or CD. But it ain't a great track. Nice, not great. I suspect elitism lies behind its appeal. By the way, if this cut is ever proved to be an actual Phil Spector production, I'll eat my copy of "Tandoori Chicken". I realise that it has been long-accepted, since as far back as 1963, that there is an unissued version of IT'S MY PARTY by the Crystals in the Phil Spector vaults. Well, that's not what DARLENE LOVE and FANITA JAMES say. According to them, it wasn't the Crystals that cut the song for Spector but their group THE BLOSSOMS, with Darlene on lead vocals. Heck, ask Darlene nicely and she'll even wail you a bit of how her version went . . . much slower than Lesley Gore's. But, what about the HELEN SHAPIRO version, cut 'pre-Lesley' in Nashville?? Not to mention the ORIGINAL version by BARBARA ENGLISH. Well, I ain't got all day!!! Read the FULL story contained in the booklet of the LESLEY GORE 'toofer' CD "I'LL CRY IF I WANT TO"/"SINGS OF MIXED-UP HEARTS" (Edsel EDCD 645). Barbara English and Darlene Love are interviewed in the booklet. No, it ain't a bootleg. Yes, Lesley Gore gets her royalties from Universal (the copyright owners). And, no, I won't scan my copy of the booklet so you can download it. Whatever that means. Some may have seen a picture of a supposed La La Brooks version of IT'S MY PARTY on a Goldstar label acetate. That pic was a mock-up. I mocked it up. Sorry. Who knows, maybe the real Crystals did do this song too. La La is around. Maybe someone could ask her. MICK PATRICK PS It was too fast and twenty minutes wasn't long enough. Whatever that means. --------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------- End
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