________________________________________________________________________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ S P E C T R O P O P ______________ ______________ ______________ ________________________________________________________________________ There are 9 messages in this issue of Spectropop. Topics in this Digest Number 265: 1. Andrea J. Thomas From: Roberto Tirado 2. BOETTCHER'S BOOTIQUES From: Mick Patrick 3. The Sunshine Company From: Brian Chidester 4. Re: Snuff Garrett From: Billy G. Spradlin 5. Re: The Phil Spector Recording Sessions From: Mark Tilley 6. Phil on Jeannie TV From: Mark Landwehr 7. Gil 45s From: "Randy M. Kosht" 8. Questions: Shelby Flint; Perry Botkin/Valiant From: "Paul Payton" 9. Poll results for spectropop From: "Spectropop Administration" ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Message: 1 Date: Sun, 14 Oct 2001 21:01:41 -0700 (PDT) From: Roberto Tirado Subject: Andrea J. Thomas Hi, just a note to inform you that Andrea J. Thomas, who along with myself and Lydia Guerrero, were handpicked by Phil S (the author) from our PS 57/101 glee club in the 60's to do backup, died a few months ago. We never kept in contact but I visited Spanish Harlem last week and found out. We were chauferred then to Mirasound or A&R after school. Phil told our parents this was for our experience, hence no fees paid. Andrea had the most beautiful voice although she was very overweight. Lydia sounded like Florence Ballard. I was a prepubescent so I must've sounded like a fairy. But I met everyone who just happens to be famous nowadays. We never went to the california sessions but i recall phil being a tyrant when he closed all doors and our being frightened and never wanting to go back but we always did. Hi to John Rausch and Mark. I have been very busy so i have not written to anyone for awhile. Estelle I hear is living in Brooklyn and does not even resemble herself anymore. At least Nedra does. Where the Ronettes lived at 1305 Amsterdam is a real mess today. Their apt. (actually Phil's) at 89th st and west end ave is still lovely (13th floor and all) and a lawyer lives there now. That is where Ronnie's mom is holding that gold record at this site. Again, I read everyone's notes once in a while and reflect on those days. Please say a prayer for Andrea. Always, Roberto TiradoMessage: 2 Date: Mon, 15 Oct 2001 08:14:45 +0100 (BST) From: Mick Patrick Subject: BOETTCHER'S BOOTIQUES Greetings, I'm at the research stage of a project and find myself in need of some expert help. Can anyone please tell me anything about a group called THE BOOTIQUES. All I know is their 45 "DID YOU GET YOUR FUN" on the Date label produced by CURT BOETTCHER. Group line-up, anyone? Publicity photo or magazine ad, anyone? I know Mr Boettcher has many devotees among the Sunshine Pop and Soft Rock fraternities out there in Spectropopland. Any information will be much appreciated. MICK PATRICK
Message: 3 Date: Mon, 15 Oct 2001 12:47:44 EDT From: Brian Chidester Subject: The Sunshine Company I've heard that Curt Boettcher was involved with the Sunshine Compnay, but I've never heard anyone say in what capacity he was involved. Joe Saraceno was the producer and Boettcher is not listed as arranger or anything of that sort. Maybe he sang with them? Maybe he was just a mentor? Maybe an uncreditred arranger? Anyone know anything on this one? Brian Chidester
Message: 4 Date: Mon, 15 Oct 2001 18:47:04 -0000 From: Billy G. Spradlin Subject: Re: Snuff Garrett --- In spectropop@y..., Will George wrote: > Garrett diluted the rawer aspects > of the music in many cases. Granted, he produced some real > gems, but he also ruined some potentially great records. > One need look no further than Eddie Cochran's records to > prove that point. I couldn't agree with you more, Snuff didn't do Del Shannon any favors by forcing him to cut albums of mostly cover tunes while he was on Liberty in the mid 60's. Many of the country records he produced for Warner Brothers in the early 80's (Shelly West, David Frizell - I recall he even produced a horrible Clint Eastwood 45 with double tracked vocals ala Gary) were lowest common denominator corn- pop. Snuff was strictly a POP producer. When hooked up with the right singer (Vee, Lewis, Hyland) song and studio pro's he could work Top 40 magic. BTW did Snuff ever work with any female singers/groups? Just Curious! Billy
Message: 5 Date: Sun, 14 Oct 2001 21:44:50 -0700 (PDT) From: Mark Tilley Subject: Re: The Phil Spector Recording Sessions Members, I too have a 5 cd set of outtakes from the Spector sessions. A dream come true. After hearing the Pet Sounds outtakes, I could only hope someday someone would come up with Spector sessions. To actually hear this music being made, with tempo and chord changes on some songs is really a fascinating experience that everyone who's into Spector should hear. As far as Phil being portrayed as a taskmaster and not easy to work for, it never shows on these tapes. much the opposite in fact. It's just great to be able to hear this music being put together with such great musicians and a great producer . --- Mike W wrote: > I just got ahold of the 5 CD set of Session outtakes ! > It's such a mind blowing experience, I can't begin to > articulate it! > > It's easy to understand the extent of Spector's > influence on many a generation of producer's and > musician's work and the HARD WORK that goes into the > production of any piece of music...especially a > crafted, work of entertainment, as all of is songs are! > > I'm still wading through it, enjoying every minute. > > The only sad note, is that his Art is lost upon most > of us as being just Pop Music. If only he would > release these things officially, for once he would be > taken seriously for the Genius that he is!
Message: 6 Date: Mon, 15 Oct 2001 16:19:39 -0400 From: Mark Landwehr Subject: Phil on Jeannie TV Hey, Spectropoppers...I would like to know the name of one of the songs done by Boyce & Hart on the "I Dream of Jeannie" episode that Uncle Phil appeared in... The episode was called "Jeannie the Hip Hippie" I believe, and B&H sang "Out and About" and one other song...I saw it, but the mind is weak...I figure if anyone knows, it's the Spectropop gang!!! Thanks, Mark The Phil Spector Record Label Gallery @ http://home.tbbs.net/~msland/Spector
Message: 7 Date: Mon, 15 Oct 2001 08:27:59 -0700 From: "Randy M. Kosht" Subject: Gil 45s Kim wrote: > > I just thrifted a very odd LP by (Gil) Garfield that > > has me puzzled...called "Love Me For My Legs! (An > > Autobiogramaphone)." Ring a bell for anyone? To which Perry Botkin replied: > Rings a bell with me, Kim > I co-composed and arranged all the songs on the album. > It was never released but Gil had a single on A&M. > ("Poor Butterfly"). Actually there were two Gil Garfield singles on A&M. "Poor Butterfly" (b/w "Just A Clown," A&M 783) came out around '66... Then, years later, "Are You Going Out Tonight" (b/w "The Prodigy," A&M 1363), which rated a picture sleeve and if I remember correctly, there was even a billboard on Sunset, wasn't there? Best regards, Randy Kosht, A&Mania "A&M Records: The Discography"
Message: 8 Date: Mon, 15 Oct 2001 15:53:06 -0400 From: "Paul Payton" Subject: Questions: Shelby Flint; Perry Botkin/Valiant Carol Kaye wrote: > "Perry [Botkin]'s website btw is: > http://www.perrybotkin.com he's got some great new > interesting music on CDs he's composed." True - and a fascinating discography! Thinking of that - is Shelby Flint ("Angel on My Shoulder," "I Will Love You," "Pipes for Keith") still around? If so, doing what? Is any of her earlier music still in print? Last thing I saw by her was a soft jazz CD about 10 years ago with a guitarist. Also (this may have been discussed earlier, but I'm new here), was Valiant a Perry Botkin custom imprint of WB? He seemed to arrange a lot of music on that label. Country Paul
Message: 9 Date: Tue, 16 Oct 2001 11:29:18 +0900 From: "Spectropop Administration" Subject: Poll results for spectropop ---------------- Original message follows ---------------- From: Yahoo! Groups Notification Date: 16 Oct 2001 02:27:47 -0000 Subject: Poll results for spectropop -- The following Spectropop Poll is now closed. Here are the final results: POLL QUESTION: For nearly four decades, ever since Righteous Brothers' Unchained Melody first became a hit, Phil Spector has been listed as producer on all releases of the recording. However, one of the Righteous Brothers, Bill Medley, claims he actually produced the track and has never been given due credit. What do Spectropop members think? CHOICES AND RESULTS - It was Phil, 36.84% - It was Bill, 31.58% - Bill probably was involved but that doesn't warrant producer credit, 21.05% - Phil probably was involved but should have given producer credit to Bill, 10.53%
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