________________________________________________________________________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ S P E C T R O P O P ______________ ______________ ______________ ________________________________________________________________________ Also Available in Stereo ------------------------------------------------------------------------ There are 11 messages in this issue. Topics in this digest: 1. Re: Warm Winter Dreams From: "David Bash" 2. WHATEVER HAPPENED TO BABY JANE? From: mick patrick 3. Bugged From: Glenn Sadin 4. New Archies From: "Don Charles" 5. Aki Aleong From: "David Feldman" 6. Re: Skippin' with Phil From: Jared Martine 7. Any history of the What Four? From: "Nick Archer" 8. recording album tricks and Idolmaker From: Alan Gordon 9. Don't Forget About Me From: Will George 10. Grace of My Heart, Lesley Gore, etc. From: Alan Gordon 11. American Flyer, Gold, Petty Booka From: "Paul Payton" ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Message: 1 Date: Mon, 04 Feb 2002 06:47:21 -0800 From: "David Bash" Subject: Re: Warm Winter Dreams Ken Levine writes: > There's a song that plays on Spectropop called "Wonder > Christmas" by Chocolat. It's in Japanese. The same song > is on Spectropop Girls Group called "Warm Winter Dreams" > by Lisa. Any idea how I can get my hands on either > version? Thanks. Hi Ken, The song is actually called "Lost Winter's Dream," and it's from a CD of the same of 1990 Vintage name by an artist who, at the time of the recording of the album, billed herself simply as "Lisa". As some Spectropoppers know, Lisa is actually Lisa Mychols, more recently of the excellent power pop band The Masticators and currently of the equally excellent band, The Waking Hours. For those of you who haven't heard it, the album Lost Winter's Dream is a Spectropoppers dream, filled with girl-group inspired tunes alternately written by Lisa and soon to be Wondermints Darian Sahanaja and Nick Walusko (who have connections to that Chocolat release-Mr. Le Page can tell you a lot more about this one), who also produced the disc. It's definitely one of my favorite albums of all time, and in my opinion, the best work Lisa's ever done. The album was released in cassette-only form in 1990, but a couple of years ago was reissued on CD in limited quantities by Mr. Sahanaja himself. To ask about purchasing a copy, I urge you to contact Lisa at . ---- Spectropop Rules!!!!! Take Care, David Bash --------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------- Message: 2 Date: Mon, 04 Feb 2002 08:41:45 +0000 (GMT) From: mick patrick Subject: WHATEVER HAPPENED TO BABY JANE? Original Message from John Clemente: > Thanks to John, Jan and James for their info on the > Henrietta & The Hairdooz cuts. This was one of the many > names of Baby Jane & The Rockabyes. I am fortunate to > have located Yvonne DeMunn of the group. She has agreed > to be interviewed. I'll keep everyone posted. Greetings, John, you might find the brief HENRIETTA & THE HAIRDOOZ discography below useful in your quest: Slow Motion / You Got A Lot To Learn (Liberty 55545, 1963) It Might As Well Be Me / Penn Station (Liberty 55572, 1963) I Love Him / We'll Work It Out (Liberty 55606, 1963) If you ask me, the above grooup name was not the only psuedonymn used by BABY JANE & THE ROCKABYES. My ears tell me that they also recorded as THE ELEKTRAS (United Artists) and as THE LULLABYES (Dimension). The question uppermost in my mind, after HOW MUCH IS THAT DOGGIE IN THE WINDOW? is WHATEVER HAPPENED TO BABY JANE?? MICK PATRICK --------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------- Message: 3 Date: Mon, 04 Feb 2002 08:25:18 -0800 From: Glenn Sadin Subject: Bugged Paul Urbahns - RE the Buggs' album, it's one of the best of the ersatz American "Beetle" albums. Most likely the band is from the NYC area. A local group here in San Francisco, the Saturn V featuring Orbit, have released a single with their great cover version of "Mersey Mercy" (otherwise known as "You Got Me Bugged"). Glenn --------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------- Message: 4 Date: Mon, 04 Feb 2002 17:05:53 +0000 From: "Don Charles" Subject: New Archies > I'm curious if anyone knows anything about efforts to > recreate The Archies and record a contemporary > version of "Sugar, Sugar". Lou Pearlman's plan to mount a live Archies singing group will be, if successful, a first-of-its-kind effort. The original Archies were a studio group, not intended for live appearances (though they finally did sing live, in 1970, as a duo - not to mention the scores of bogus "live" Archies that appeared around the same time in the southern and midwestern USA). I certainly hope they DON'T try to redo "Sugar, Sugar!" In fact, there are a lot of things I hope they don't do, and foremost among them is adopt a hip-hop sound and attitude. Archie Comics CEO Michael Silberkleit wouldn't take kindly to Archie, Reggie and Jughead portrayed as teenage "gangstas," Betty and Veronica in Britney Spears mode, or provocative lyrics about "bitches," "skanks" and "hoes." Don CharlesThe Archies at Spectropop: http://www.spectropop.com/go2/archies.html --------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------- Message: 5 Date: Mon, 04 Feb 2002 17:53:54 -0500 From: "David Feldman" Subject: Aki Aleong Marc Miller, > Does anyone know anything about Aki Aleong? Unless I'm hallucinating, which is more than possible, Aleong had a regional hit (quite big in L.A.) under his own name with "Trade Winds" in the early 60s. Dave --------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------- Message: 6 Date: Mon, 04 Feb 2002 12:10:06 -0800 (PST) From: Jared Martine Subject: Re: Skippin' with Phil Roland, if you have a decent turntable, you might seriously consider upgrading your cartridge. John (below) can probably give you a lot of insight, but I recommend the Shure V15. This cart is easy on your LPs, and can track just about anything that is round. --- John Rausch wrote: > I have found over the years that keeping a good > cartridge and stylus is the best way to avoid skippage, > and of course a quality turntable. The vinyl could be > damaged but usually a good stylus upkeep is the best > remedy. --------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------- Message: 7 Date: Mon, 04 Feb 2002 14:36:57 -0600 From: "Nick Archer" Subject: Any history of the What Four? Is there any additional information or discography for the What Four? Just curious. Nick Archer Nashville TN --------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------- Message: 8 Date: Mon, 04 Feb 2002 11:34:09 -0800 From: Alan Gordon Subject: recording album tricks and Idolmaker John Rausch wrote > I have found over the years that keeping a good > cartridge and stylus is the best way to avoid skippage, > and of course a quality turntable. The vinyl could be > damaged but usually a good stylus upkeep is the best > remedy. > > The vinyl may just need a good cleaning also, and of > course tracking force on the tone arm is another key > factor. John's advise is, of course, the most important. I may get in trouble with the Vinyl-o-philes in here, but... when i did some vinyl transfers to dat tape a while back: 1). We cleaned the record, very fastidiously, with this soft toothbrush thang from Discwasher with soap and water. Then we ran the record under warm (not hot) running water >from a faucett. We did this, back and forth, a few times. 2). Then we played the record a couple of times, letting the "needle" pop out some of the mud that was made by getting the dust and dirt wet. 3). If this didn't help the surface noise enough, we then made a mixture of a drop of soap in a quart (or so) of water and made a digital pass with the record wet (watch out for messing up the label). The soap-soup will ease the surface tension of the water allowing it to "stick" to the record while you are playing it. This process does definately cut the highs, but it also definately smooths out the pops. Usually, if you are doing this to make a tape copy of said record, you can compensate for the loss of highs with a good parametric equalizer. use the EQ in the same pass to avoid generation loss. or... if you are making a digital copy and can afford Peak and the needed plug-ins. This is the way to go. > "Don Charles" wrote: > > Talking of movies that portray the early years of rock > 'n' roll, don't forget "The Idolmaker," with music > written by (you guessed it) Jeff Barry... Fantastic movie. And I agree with Mikey that the soundtrack is way too 80s sounding in terms of production. I still think the songs are good and have a certain 50s / 60s quality even if they're somewhat bombastic in other ways. --------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------- Message: 9 Date: Mon, 04 Feb 2002 19:25:09 EST From: Will George Subject: Don't Forget About Me I'm hopelessly behind in reading my digests. I was greatly excited to read about the following surf version of one of my favorite songs, but unfortunately, it's no longer at musica. Can someone please play it for me? I'd really love to hear it! Thanks. File : Studio A - Don't Forget About Me.mp3 Description : (vocal) Bill, still catching up... --------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------- Message: 10 Date: Mon, 04 Feb 2002 11:05:26 -0800 From: Alan Gordon Subject: Grace of My Heart, Lesley Gore Marc Miller on Grace of My Heart > I took this scene [when "Brian" commits suicide by lumbering > > off into the blue pacific] as a tribute to "A Star is Born" > where Ray Milland (in the 50's version) does exactly the > same thing as the Brian character. You're probably right, Marc. I enjoy melodrama from the 50's quite a bit... The Gene Krupa Story (title?) with Sal... but paralleling it with Carole King and The Beach Boys seemed so silly to me. "Mike Arcidiacono" on Lesley Gore Box Set > > If anyone here on Spectropop needs a copy of the Lesley > Gore Box Set on Bear Family, please drop me a line, I may > be able to help you. If there are any Lesley fans out there who don't have this... This is a great box set. Nice biography, great sound. I never heard the "rare" wonderful Jazz Trio stuff with Leslie singing. That alone is worth the price of admission. More kudos to those Bear Family folks. --------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------- Message: 11 Date: Mon, 04 Feb 2002 11:23:46 -0500 From: "Paul Payton" Subject: American Flyer, Gold, Petty Booka Justin McD: yes, American Flyer was the Craig Fuller-Eric Kaz group! I wonder if they, along with Andrew Gold and some of the other artists of the "LA folk/country/pop" continuum aren't ready for a certain level of reassessment and consideration here. One track that comes to mind - with a definite I-vi-IV-V pattern and 50's-60's pop feeling - is J. D. Souther/s "You're Only Lonely." And let's not forget Andrew Gold's "'60's" album (credited to the Fraternal Order of the All), many of whose tracks sound as authentic as the real thing ("Love Tonight" and "Space and Time" are the best tracks the Beach Boys and Byrds never recorded but should have). I haven't checked his website www.andrewgold.com lately, but last time I did he was being urged to do a second FOA album and was seriously considering it. I don't mean the above comment to imply that we should start a thread on singer-songwriter adaptations (hearing James Taylor's "Handy Man" and "Wonderful World" - or even thinking about them - once a year or so is fine; it sends me back to my 45's by the originals and then to whatever I free-associate with afterward. Here's a question I may have asked before: thanks to WFMU, I own Petty Booka's "Wanna Be Your Girlfriend," a beautiful 60's-girl-groupified version of the Ramones' song, c. 1993. Who are they? Does their entire output go this route, or is this track an aberration? Country Paul --------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------- End