________________________________________________________________________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ S P E C T R O P O P ______________ ______________ ______________ ________________________________________________________________________ Pace Setter of the Networks ------------------------------------------------------------------------ There are 21 messages in this issue of Spectropop. Topics in this Digest Number 375: 1. Playing Catch-Up with Aki & Henerietta (Sherrif & Baby Jane too) From: "Martin Roberts" 2. Henrietta solo/Dora Hall From: "Ian Chapman" 3. Re: recording album tricks and Idolmaker From: "Don Charles" 4. And As Elektra...Baby Jane! From: John Clemente 5. NEED SOME HELP From: Justin McDevitt 6. Re: Grace of My Heart From: "Robert Conway" 7. Re: Petty Booka From: Ted L. 8. Aki Aleong From: Brian Chidester 9. Who's A lucky Boy? From: "Martin Roberts" 10. The Buggs - Beetle Beat From: Paul Urbahns 11. Re: New Archies From: "Laura.E.Pinto" 12. Rock Flowers From: "Spectropop Administration" 13. Re: Something From Ages Back. From: Michael Rashkow 14. Re: New Archies From: "Mike Arcidiacono" 15. Re: Something From Ages Back. From: "Den Lindquist" 16. Re: Something From Ages Back. From: "Mike Arcidiacono" 17. Re: Dora Hall From: Simon White 18. Re: The Buggs - Beetle Beat From: Stephane Rebeschini 19. Re: Andrew Gold From: "Robert Conway" 20. one more Thing You Do... From: Alan Gordon 21. Admin note - rich text and attachments / AOL syle quoting From: Spectropop Group ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Message: 1 Date: Tue, 05 Feb 2002 21:26:12 -0000 From: "Martin Roberts" Subject: Playing Catch-Up with Aki & Henerietta (Sherrif & Baby Jane too) Re:-Aki Aleong, I only have Sherrif/Revells on boot (Vol5 of Explosive Doowops-great series) original release VeeJay 306, he's credited as a Co-writer. Agree with Country Paul & Marc, great song. don't ask me a Brit what there singing about, 'feel' of the record is bit like it was tailored for line dancing! John Blair's essential Illustrated Discography of Surf Music notes Aki Aleong as a Hawaiian entertainer based in Los Angeles. His 'surf' entry Mary Ann(Come Surf With Me) Vee Jay 520, with an album of the same name by Aki & The Nobles. The one 45 I have by him (Vee Jay 527) ties in with Phil Reeves (Martha's lad) message about his co-producing work with Jackie Lee. It's a New York styled soul ballad wr. Feldman Gottehrer Goldstein "Giving Up On Love" very good, better known later as a 'hit' for Jerry Butler. Re:-Henrietta And The Hairdooz/Baby Jane And the Rockabyes (so easy when you're told! Thank You John) Theboyfromxtown (great name!) asked if there songs are any good. Yes, have two-and other one on tape which I can't play at present-all really a continuation of Baby Jane. Slow Motion has the same feel as Darlene's Bob B Soxx records, stompy, sax breaks and a Bobby Sheen bass singer. You've Got a Lot To Learn is 'softer'-if these girls could ever sing soft! It Might as Well Be Me, softer still! (but still souly). saving the best till last Penn Station wr Brass-Levine(and that man again)-Kooper. Fabulous lead vocal, great backing, crashing drums, super melody and passionate lyrics about what she's going to do with her man when his train pulls into the station! My 2 45's have same arr (Garry Sherman) & pr (Ed Silvers) credits. I'd also lay money (if I was a gambling man!) that if Mick reckons Henrietta & Baby Jane are also The Lullabyes & Electras, they are! Martin --------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------- Message: 2 Date: Tue, 05 Feb 2002 19:47:39 -0000 From: "Ian Chapman" Subject: Henrietta solo/Dora Hall John:- My copy of Liberty 55606 "We'll Work It Out"/"I Love Him" is credited to a solo Henrietta. Both are Udell/Geld songs, and the topside is obviously very influenced by Ruby & the Romantics' "Our Day Will Come". On both sides, Henrietta displays a rich, mellow side to her voice, quite different to the Baby Jane & the Rockabyes material. Simon:- Don't know "Pretty Boy" by Dora Hall, but I have one by her called "New Boy". That one's penned by the Addrisi Brothers, and out of interest, has her version of a Tony Hatch song, "Let Me Tell You Baby", on the flip. Ian --------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------- Message: 3 Date: Wed, 06 Feb 2002 00:55:09 +0000 From: "Don Charles" Subject: Re: recording album tricks and Idolmaker > > Talking of movies that portray the early years of rock > > 'n' roll, don't forget "The Idolmaker," with music > > written by (you guessed it) Jeff Barry... Fantastic movie. And I agree with Mikey that the soundtrack is way too 80s sounding in terms of production. I still think the songs are good and have a certain 50s / 60s quality even if they're somewhat bombastic in other ways. I'm a bit confused about what you mean by "80s-sounding." At the time "The Idolmaker" soundtrack album was released, the music on the radio was power ballads, New Wave rock 'n' roll and the remnants of disco. Those tracks don't sound anything like that to me. That Jeff Barry's production values may not have allowed for as much of a "retro" sound as was warranted is certainly a debatable point. However, I can't buy the argument that those songs couldn't have been written and recorded in the '60s. Jeff Barry's approach to lyrics and melody haven't changed all that much over the years. It's worth noting that the director, Taylor Hackford, has expressed no misgivings about Jeff's music. On the contrary, he's gone on the record as saying that it he loved it. Thanks to everyone who responded to my inquiry about improving album playback quality. Good tips! Don Charles --------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------- Message: 4 Date: Tue, 05 Feb 2002 20:14:41 -0500 From: John Clemente Subject: And As Elektra...Baby Jane! Hello All, Right you are, Mick! I can't wait for the interview to find out all the other hidden facts about the group. Regards, John --------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------- Message: 5 Date: Tue, 05 Feb 2002 13:13:24 -0600 From: Justin McDevitt Subject: NEED SOME HELP Hello Spectropop Group, I mentioned some weeks ago that I am putting together a Girl Group compilation which I have almost completed. One of the tracks that I would like to include is Randy by Earl Jean McCrea. I know that this song is included on The Complete Cookies (Dimensions sessions) Cd as well as on another Cookies retrospective Cd. I have placed orders for the Complete Cookies Cd at a number of online music stores. However, the Cd has been on backorder for about two months and I have cancelled my orders having renewed them a number of times since early December. I wil continue to look for his Cd. However, in the meantime I would like to complete this compilation. I would appreciate a music file of this track, or suggestions on a couple of reliable sites that I may not have contacted that might have the CD. Justin --------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------- Message: 6 Date: Tue, 05 Feb 2002 09:01:07 -0600 From: "Robert Conway" Subject: Re: Grace of My Heart Marc Miller: I agree with you regarding the suicide scene in "Grace..." Tributes, acknowledgments, etc. such as you mentioned happen frequently in movies. They can be obvious or subtle and most of the time the paying public is oblivious. The parallel wasn't with Ray Milland's character's method of suicide and Carole King and the Beach Boys, but rather the parallel was with suicide (method of) in one flick and suicide (method of) in a later flick. To Alan Gordon: It does seem silly to pursue this as we'll never know unless we ask the writer and/or the director. In any case, kudos to Spectropop for re-evaluating, dissecting, and resurrecting an overlooked and generally panned, trippy, revisionist movie, which I just happen to really enjoy. -Bob Conway >From: Alan Gordon > >Marc Miller on Grace of My Heart > > > I took this scene [when "Brian" commits suicide by lumbering > > off into the blue pacific] as a tribute to "A Star is Born" > > where Ray Milland (in the 50's version) does exactly the > > same thing as the Brian character. > >You're probably right, Marc. I enjoy melodrama from the >50's quite a bit... The Gene Krupa Story (title?) with >Sal... but paralleling it with Carole King and The Beach >Boys seemed so silly to me. --------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------- Message: 7 Date: Tue, 05 Feb 2002 18:35:48 -0700 From: Ted L. Subject: Re: Petty Booka > I own Petty Booka's "Wanna Be Your Girlfriend," a > beautiful 60's-girl-groupified version of the Ramones' > song, c. 1993. Who are they? Does their entire output > go this route, or is this track an aberration? > Country Paul I recently read a review of this Toyko duo in "Tiki News" #17. It appears from the review and their web site below that they specialize in Hawaiiana arrangements of standards and obscurities. They have also given bluegrass and C&W treatments to both the non-precious and the few. Ted L. http://www.sister.co.jp/pettybooka/e-pb-disco.html --------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------- Message: 8 Date: Tue, 05 Feb 2002 13:29:25 EST From: Brian Chidester Subject: Aki Aleong I have a bunch of Aleong LPs, which are all pretty much Hawaiian Lounge lite-fare. They are all really good, great arrangements. The covers to two of those LPs are direct take-offs of SURFIN' USA by the Beach Boys and SURF CRAZY by the Lively Ones. --------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------- Message: 9 Date: Tue, 05 Feb 2002 23:01:03 -0000 From: "Martin Roberts" Subject: Who's A lucky Boy? As I'm typing this Lou & The Tammys are playing on my CD. I'd forgotten I'd ordered this-way back in August-but postie arrived bearing the most wonderful pressie a lad could ever wish for! Surf's Down! I'm doing The Egyptian Shumba!!! Martin --------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------- Message: 10 Date: Tue, 05 Feb 2002 13:32:52 EST From: Paul Urbahns Subject: The Buggs - Beetle Beat Glenn wrote: the Buggs' album, it's one of the best of the ersatz American "Beetle" albums. Most likely the band is from the NYC area. I would have thought so to but the album clearly states Recorded In England and only in mono. If it had been an American recording it would have probly been produced in stereo since Coronet was also a stereo label. Mono was (at that time) still the basic system of recording in England for rock records, or so I am told. Thanks, Paul Urbahns --------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------- Message: 11 Date: Tue, 05 Feb 2002 23:24:18 -0000 From: "Laura.E.Pinto" Subject: Re: New Archies --- In spectropop, "Don Charles" wrote: > Lou Pearlman's plan to mount a live Archies singing group > will be, if successful, a first-of-its-kind effort. The > original Archies were a studio group, not intended for > live appearances (though they finally did sing live, in > 1970, as a duo - not to mention the scores of bogus "live" > Archies that appeared around the same time in the > southern and midwestern USA) I wish they had done the "live Archies" thing when I was a kid enjoying the cartoon from 1968 through 1971. I would have LOVED to have seen Ron Dante performing live with Toni Wine and perhaps Jeff Barry and Andy Kim and others, singing all the Archies songs I was so fond of. On a similar note, I was disappointed back then that plans to launch the three ladies who provided the singing voices for Josie and the Pussycats as a real-live group were apparently never followed through upon. I still equate the Pussycats with Cathy, Cherie and Patrice, and that's why I couldn't bring myself to see the movie last year. And I'm afraid I'll always associate The Archies with Ron Dante! I guess I'm just too set in my ways. LauraThe Archies at Spectropop: http://www.spectropop.com/go2/archies.html --------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------- Message: 12 Date: Wed, 06 Feb 2002 07:36:49 +0900 From: "Spectropop Administration" Subject: Rock Flowers Posted to the Spectropop Bulletin board by Holly on Sun, 03 Feb 2002 ------------------------------------------------------ Hello, I suppose I'm an interloper on this list but I was doing some research and found an old discussion post wondering if the songs on the little records that came with the Rock Flowers dolls were the same as on the albums. I don't know what's on the albums but from the discussion it appears I am the only person left with all the little colored records. They have one track per side at 33-1/3 but the same song on the B-sides -- one song on three discs and another on the last two. To set the record straight I will list the information about each one but you will have to match the titles to the albums to see if there is anything different. Here they are: Lilac, yellow disc, Side 1 "Good Company," composed and arranged by T. Hensley, Lyrics by C. Moore; side 2 "Sweet Times" composed and arranged by T. Hensley, Lyrics by C. Moore. Heather, orange disc, side 1 "Sing My Song" composed and arranged by T. Hensley, Lyrics by C. Moore; side 2 "Sweet Times" composed and arranged by T. Hensley, Lyrics by C. Moore. Rosemary, purple disc, side 1 "Mixin Matchin Day" composed and arranged by T. Hensley, Lyrics by C. Moore; side 2 "Sweet Times" composed and arranged by T. Hensley, Lyrics by C. Moore. (They must have been really trying to push "Sweet Times!" Here's where it gets interesting -- if I recall correctly the set was initially three female dolls and they added the other two. I could be wrong about that, they are all dated 1970. Iris, hot pink disc, side 1 "Your Music N' My Music", side 2 "3 To Get Ready" (sic) Doug, lime green disc, side 1 "I Just Want To Make You Dance", side 2 "3 To Get Ready" (sic) All credits on the last two disc read simply "Jeff Barry/Bobby Bloom". Hope that clears things up for anyone who was wondering. Holly --------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------- Message: 13 Date: Tue, 05 Feb 2002 17:38:57 EST From: Michael Rashkow Subject: Re: Something From Ages Back. Going through and cleaning out some old saved messages, I came across this one. In a message dated 1/26/2002, Justin McDevitt wrote: > > Even Sammy, God rest his swingin soul, charted a few: In > the Shelter Of Your Arms; (1963) I Gotta Be Me: (1969) > and of course, Candy Man, (1972), his biggest hit ever, a > fact that no doubt caused Sammy no end of heartache and > angst; though not bad in the wallet department. On the subject of Shelter et al-- It may interest someone that Shelter Of Your Arms was written by the same person responsible for the unforgettable " They're Coming To Take Me Away". Wish I could remember his name--old timer's disease what can I tell you. I'd forget my ass if it wasn't attached to my spine. Now--were there ever two songs more unlike each other written by one person??? Seems impossible to me. Rashkovsky --------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------- Message: 14 Date: Tue, 05 Feb 2002 22:03:26 -0500 From: "Mike Arcidiacono" Subject: Re: New Archies ----- Original Message from "Laura.E.Pinto" > I wish they had done the "live Archies" thing when I was > a kid enjoying the cartoon from 1968 through 1971. I > would have LOVED to have seen Ron Dante performing live > with Toni Wine and perhaps Jeff Barry and Andy Kim and > others, singing all the Archies songs I was so fond of. Well, here is something you folks may not know. The Archies DID do one live gig!!! When the concept was formed, and the first songs recorded, Ron Dante and Toni Wine and two other (forgotten) singers did a live promtional Gig as The Archies. This info comes from Ron Dante as told to Goldmine Magazine. Now if only that was videotaped!!
The Archies at Spectropop: http://www.spectropop.com/go2/archies.html Mikey --------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------- Message: 15 Date: Tue, 05 Feb 2002 22:35:24 -0500 From: "Den Lindquist" Subject: Re: Something From Ages Back. That would be Jerry Samuels, staff writer for Warner/Reprise during the 60s; also recorded under the name of Dr. Douglas Drew. Had a single for Vik, the RCA subsidary in the late 50s called "Puppy Love" (Vik - 0197). Den ----- Original Message from: Michael Rashkow > It may interest someone that Shelter Of Your Arms was > written by the same person responsible for the > unforgettable " They're Coming To Take Me Away". Wish I > could remember his name... > Now--were there ever two songs more unlike each other > written by one person??? --------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------- Message: 16 Date: Tue, 05 Feb 2002 22:54:41 -0500 From: "Mike Arcidiacono" Subject: Re: Something From Ages Back. ----- Original Message from: "Michael Rashkow" > > Even Sammy, God rest his swingin soul, charted a few: In > > the Shelter Of Your Arms; (1963) And I might add to this, that one of The Letteremen's finest performances is of "Shelter" on their "Special Request" LP. Absolutely great version!! --------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------- Message: 17 Date: Wed, 06 Feb 2002 07:27:27 +0000 From: Simon White Subject: Re: Dora Hall Ian Chapman wrote on 5/2/02 7:47 pm: > > Don't know "Pretty Boy" by Dora Hall, but I have one by > her called "New Boy". That one's penned by the Addrisi > Brothers, and out of interest, has her version of a Tony > Hatch song, "Let Me Tell You Baby", on the flip. Thanks Ian. Dora fascinating story has its own web site. Can't find the address now of course! "Pretty Boy' is a fantastic L.A. stomper but with no writer/production credits. There seem to be lots of singles and albums and I suspect there's lots of good stuff to be heard! --------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------- Message: 18 Date: Wed, 06 Feb 2002 09:03:19 +0100 From: Stephane Rebeschini Subject: Re: The Buggs - Beetle Beat Paul Urbahns wrote: > > Glenn wrote: > > the Buggs' album, it's one of the best of the ersatz > American "Beetle" albums. Most likely the band is from > the NYC area. > > I would have thought so to but the album clearly states > Recorded In England and only in mono. If it had been an > American recording it would have probly been produced in > stereo since Coronet was also a stereo label. Mono was > (at that time) still the basic system of recording in > England for rock records, or so I am told. > > Thanks, > Paul Urbahns > ------------------------- "Recorded In England" was the answer of some US labels to the British Invasion from 1964 to 1966. "English" group names : The Manchesters, the Liverpools, The Mersey Men, the Merseylads, the Mersey Sounds, the Sir Douglas Quintet... plus mentions of "The Manchester Sound" "The real Liverpool Sound", "Recorded in England". Don't always believe what you read on the record sleeves :0), the Buggs were US, not british. Stephane --------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------- Message: 19 Date: Tue, 05 Feb 2002 08:39:10 -0600 From: "Robert Conway" Subject: Re: Andrew Gold Paul: I've always liked Andrew Gold. Are you aware that he is/was part of the trio Bryndle? The group consists/consisted of Andrew Gold, Kenny Edwards and Karla Bonoff. The CD must be at least 4-5 years old so I doubt that another effort will be forthcoming. A nice CD laden with harmony and melody. -Bob Conway >From: "Paul Payton" >And let's not forget Andrew Gold's "'60's" album >(credited to the Fraternal Order of the All), many of >whose tracks sound as authentic as the real thing ("Love >Tonight" and "Space and Time" are the best tracks the >Beach Boys and Byrds never recorded but should have). I >haven't checked his website www.andrewgold.com lately, >but last time I did he was being urged to do a second FOA >album and was seriously considering it. --------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------- Message: 20 Date: Tue, 05 Feb 2002 11:30:46 -0800 From: Alan Gordon Subject: one more Thing You Do... "Robert Conway" wrote: > Paul--You can have a whole CD by the Wonders...kind of. > Actually you can have two that I know of. Please read > on: In the early stages of putting his movie together, > Tom Hanks posted an ad in one of the music journals > (maybe Billboard) looking for an original song that > captured the sound and the magic of the early Beatles-era. > Tom required a tune that was snappy, poppy, bright, > catchy, etc. I'm sure he received many audition tapes > but he said when he heard the song that that was > written/submitted by Adam Schlesinger he knew it was the > exact tune he was looking for. Short ending, here > goes...Adam had a group at the time called The Fountains > of Wayne. The group still may be together, I'm not sure. > They had at least two CDs. Adam was not moved by the > movie/song's success and vowed to never play the tune in > public. Too bad, because his Fountains of Wayne play > music that stylistically is really not that far removed > from "That Thing You Do." > > -Bob Conway > Actually, as far as I know, only one song from that album is by the guys in Fountain of Wayne, and it's the big hit title... but most of the songs by The Wonders (and a few others) in the movie are written by S. Rogness and R. Elias from an unsigned band called the Tin Angels. best western, al babe --------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------- Message: 21 Date: Wed, 06 Feb 2002 10:01:05 +0900 From: Spectropop Group Subject: Admin note - rich text and attachments / AOL syle quoting Thank you for your interest in the Spectropop Group. Spectropop Group is published in plain text only and all attachments are automatically deleted by the mail system. Please refrain from sending HTML or MIME encoded messages to the group. What is wrong with sending HTML or MIME messages? 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