________________________________________________________________________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ S P E C T R O P O P ______________ ______________ ______________ ________________________________________________________________________ Here's the beat and the feel of today's young music ------------------------------------------------------------------------ There are 25 messages in this issue of Spectropop. Topics in this Digest Number 385: 1. RE: Al Hazan From: "Rex Strother" 2. Brit Covers - Julie Grant From: "Vlaovic B" 3. Three-hour Diane Renay interview show is TONIGHT! From: Ronnie Allen 4. Meet up From: "John Lester" 5. Re: Anglos 'Incense' From: Scott Swanson 6. RE: Five for 88 cents From: Lou Bova 7. Re: Five for 88 cents From: Ron Buono 8. Need help with "Bermuda" / "Hiccups" From: "Rex Strother" 9. Re: Brit Covers From: "Don Charles" 10. Re: Five for 88 cents From: Ron 11. Re - Kokomo From: James Botticelli 12. Re: five for 88 cents From: "Sean Anglum" 13. What about 10 for $.99 boxes circa 1962? From: Thomas Taber 14. Bumbles and Beatles From: "Joseph Scott" 15. Bobby Vee From: "Jeff Lemlich" 16. Bobby Vee From: James Botticelli 17. Boettcher musica, Jeffrey? From: Ron 18. Re: Brit Covers From: Mike Carter 19. Re: five for 88 cents From: Tony Waitekus 20. Re: Brit Covers - Julie Grant From: Phil Chapman 21. Re: Brit Covers From: Paul Richards 22. Re: Five for 88 cents From: Randy 23. Re: Anglos 'Incense' From: "Keith Beach" 24. The Liquid Room-2/10/2002 From: "Ponak, David" 25. Scram 15 out now-Gary Usher, Brute Force From: Kim Cooper ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Message: 1 Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2002 08:42:15 -0700 From: "Rex Strother" Subject: RE: Al Hazan I just wanted to sort of "defend" Al Hazan (not Hazen, poor fellow gets more misspellings) "London/Meet the Beatles" memories on my "More About Hazan" page. If you read the page - it merely says that he was "invited over to do interviews and such." Maybe it could be stated more clearly in the text, but Mr. Hazan did not perform as a member of the "touring" version(s) of B. Bumble and the Stingers. Because he was also a songwriter/performer/producer, he did get invited to England due to the popularity of the song which he performed on at the recording session (and never received Dime One in artist royalties or session fee, I should add). Admittedly the memory of the Beatles' dinner is also thin and possibly "unconvincing" because it was a long time ago and Al had no idea who they were at the time. I suggested he add it because I thought it might be interesting to others, but it admittedly isn't particularly fleshed out; we are still hoping some corroborating evidence might pop up in Beatles archives or among their fans. I hope to continue adding to that page (as well as the Bell Sisters pages at www.bellsisters.com) as more info and research detail becomes available; using the assistance of the thorough folks at Spectropop! Rex StrotherMessage: 2 Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2002 10:48:14 -0500 From: "Vlaovic B" Subject: Brit Covers - Julie Grant I imagine it's controversial, but I really admire Julie Grant's version of 'Up on the Roof' almost as much as the Drifters original. It's done rather differently from the original with a single lyric change: 'ratrace noise' is substituted with 'dreadful noise'. It's light and poppy, but really Julie Grant was a terrific vocalist and she scored on this one, even became a top 30 UK hit. It's a little faster than the original with a more prominent samba beat, Jordanaires type backing vocals, sweeping middle string section and prominent 'plinking' (a la Dee Clark's "Raindrops"). It's really terrific and really quite lovely.
Message: 3 Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2002 10:18:24 EST From: Ronnie Allen Subject: Three-hour Diane Renay interview show is TONIGHT! Why did the normally mild-mannered Diane Renay once tell a big-name recording star in total seriousness to SHUT UP??? Why did Diane record a SUPER DANCE TRACK (in the opinion of most who've heard it) and then refuse to allow it to be released? What were the THREE reasons Diane chose not to go to Japan even though "Navy Blue" was #1 there for twelve weeks in a row? What did Diane's singing voice sound like when she was only 13 or 14 years old? No, there won't be any surprise quiz. But the answers are most interesting. And you can find them all out, as well as learning a lot more about Diane Renay and hearing some really enjoyable music, this evening. Tonight -- Wednesday February 13 from 9 PM to Midnight E.S.T. on M-PAK Radio -- I'll be presenting a special THREE-HOUR interview show featuring 60's recording star Diane Renay. This will kinda be a musical "This Is Your Life" covering more than thirty years of her recording career. And for the most part we'll be moving in chronological order. Diane will talk about and I'll be playing her hits "Navy Blue" and "Kiss Me, Sailor" plus many selections from her new double-CD "Diane Renay Sings Some Things Old And Some Things New", most of them not played on my previous interview show with Diane from last December 6th. But unlike that show we'll ALSO be featuring songs from her original now-out-of-print "Navy Blue" LP plus a few hard-to-find Renay rarities. Included in this show, in response to e-mail requests, will be Diane's "tough girl" MGM recording of "Watch Out Sally" and her pre-"Navy-Blue" hard-to-find Atco single "Tender" and "A Dime A Dozen." And toward the end of the first hour Diane will tell the story of a harrowing experience in which she, along with a couple of other well-known recording stars, almost became instant legends. It's a moving story that up-to-now was known for the most part only by members of her family and others close to her. And, oh yes, you'll find out why a rather animated Diane did her Little Richard routine as noted in the first sentence above! Unlike Richard, Diane was TOTALLY SERIOUS!!! As an added bonus Diane and I will be giving away as prizes four copies of Diane's double-CD. If you've emailed me previously with the subject "Make Me Eligible" you are AUTOMATICALLY ELIGIBLE to win this time around. If you haven't yet done so but would like a chance to win one of her CDs on tonight's show please e-mail me at at any time prior to 4 PM this afternoon EST with the subject line "Make Me Eligible" and please include your name and address. The show will be heard exclusively on the internet on MPAK-Radio. You can hear it by using either of the following URLs: http://www.mpakradio.com..... this is the M-PAK home page; click on "Streaming by Warp" on the upper-right to listen or http://www.warpradio.com/asx/MPAK-IN.asx ..... this gets you directly into the broadcast itself. Diane has told me that it will, in fact, be the most extensive radio interview show she has ever done. I hope that you can join us. Ronnie Allen
Message: 4 Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2002 09:02:33 -0000 From: "John Lester" Subject: Meet up When is the next gathering for members of Spectropop? I want to make sure I come to the next one...and I need to plan my diary....... I don't want to miss the next one otherwise I shall be joining Brenda Holloway singing "Crying Time"
Message: 5 Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2002 04:40:55 -0800 From: Scott Swanson Subject: Re: Anglos 'Incense' >In the mid 60s, Stevie Winwood, whilst still in the Spencer >Davis Group, released a fabulous single 'Incense' under the >name The Anglos. Anyone seen it issued on a CD? My vinyl >copy hasn't got a groove left. Unfortunately, this record (probably) had nothing to do with Steve Winwood. Jimmy Miller claimed they were a New York-area group that he produced, and Winwood confirmed this in a recent interview. As far as I know, it's never been issued on CD. A bit of trivia: this was the song that Robert Plant wanted to record to launch his solo career in 1966. But the record company objected, and he ended up recording a cheesy Italian ballad ("Our Song") instead. Regards, Scott
Message: 6 Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2002 09:29:30 -0800 From: Lou Bova Subject: RE: Five for 88 cents From: Dan Hughes > When I was in high school, some of the local department > stores (Grant's, Kresge) had bargain tables in their > record departments, where you could buy a > plastic-wrapped set of five 45 rpm records for 88 cents. > The series was labelled "Hits You Missed." > > The two outside records (the ones you could see through > the clear plastic) were generally minor hits, and the > three others hidden inside were total unknowns. > > What were some of your great finds in those Hits You > Missed packages?? >From : Lou Bova Gee, I thought that I was the only one who when being towed around by their parents on a shopping trip begged for a treat that wasn't candy or a toy but a bag of those "Hits You Missed " 45s! Here's a few that I got: "Respectable" - Isley Bros "Tomboy" - Perry Como "Summertime Blues" - Blue Cheer " Ain't Got Nothin' Yet" - Blues Magoos "In-A Gadda-Da-Vida" - Iron Butterfly just to name a few . How about this topic ?: Best LP finds in the cut out bins at the same type of dep't or 5 & 10 cent ( Woolworth's) stores, My luck ran hot & cold but I did find: "Two Virgins" - John & Yoko "Lola vs, Powerman.....- The Kinks " Soft Machine 7 " - Soft Machine "Radio City" - Big Star and who didn't get their 1st copy of "The Who Sell Out" - The Who out of the dump bin. ah.........
Message: 7 Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2002 10:07:37 EST From: Ron Buono Subject: Re: Five for 88 cents Here's one for the books: i remember, as a kid, mulling around the record department of PERGAMENTS Dept. store (remember when they HAD a record department?). Anyway, in the "bargain bin" there were older LPs that hadn't sold, marked down to 69 (or 89) cents. It was there that I found a copy of THE SHERRYS' "At The Hop" LP! I still have it to this day. Is that a FIND, or WHAT? Today this LP must sell for $200, or there-about. Anybody else wanna share a "great find"? Ron
Message: 8 Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2002 16:02:58 -0000 From: "Rex Strother" Subject: Need help with "Bermuda" / "Hiccups" Sneaking back to the late 1950s... I'm trying to confirm that the following versions of "Bermuda" are the song written by Cynthia Strother (my aunt) and first recorded by the Bell Sisters on RCA: Art Lassiter - Ballad 1020 in 1956 - "Bermuda / Just Another Day in the Life" John Ashley - Intro 6097 (date unknown) - "Bermuda / Let Yourself Go" Polyannas - Kings-X 3363 (date unknown) - "Bermuda / Satisfied" If anyone has the 45, to check, I would be in heaven! If anyone has an MP3 of these versions (if they're Strother composition) and a scan of the label, I'd be in 7th Heaven. Also trying to confirm these versions of "Hiccups" are the Al Hazan composition first recorded by Roddy Jackson on Specialty: Marie May & Poptones - Savoy 1613 in 1962 "Hiccups / [don't know b- side]" Jimmy Harrison - Atco 6144 in 1959 "Hiccups / Geometry of Love" [would love to check out this b-side also] Rex Strother
Message: 9 Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2002 20:06:00 +0000 From: "Don Charles" Subject: Re: Brit Covers >From: "Vlaovic B": > I imagine it's controversial, but I really admire > Julie Grant's version of 'Up on the Roof' almost as > much as the Drifters original. It's done rather > differently from the original with a single lyric > change: 'ratrace noise' is substituted with 'dreadful > noise'...It's a little faster than the original with a > more prominent samba beat, Jordanaires type backing > vocals, sweeping middle string section and prominent > 'plinking' (a la Dee Clark's "Raindrops"). This track is great, as are nearly all the tracks on Sequel Record's excellent GOIN' BACK Goffin and King songbook CD. I can't recommend it often enough!!! Don Charles
Message: 10 Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2002 20:10:23 -0000 From: Ron Subject: Re: Five for 88 cents A large part of my record collection came from bargin bins and 45 grab bag type packages. I have a lot of "BB" holes in both 45's and LP's. A couple of "great finds": I got a promo copy the much discussed "I Still Love Him" by the Joys at a local McDonald's type hamburger joint (Sandy's Drive In) give away, and a Promo stamped LP of "Hot Rod High" by the Knights (Gary Usher Produced) in a bargin bin. Ron --- In spectropop, Ron Buono wrote: > Anybody else wanna share a "great find"?
Message: 11 Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2002 15:15:30 EST From: James Botticelli Subject: Re - Kokomo In a message dated 2/13/02, richard havers writes: >Wisner did not return to jazz, he stayed in mainstream >pop, arranging and producing. Thanks for bringing up Jimmy Wisner Richard....His credits appear on a large volume of my 45's...he had a soulfully sweet poppish sound that has that 'no time or place' sound i often seek out in my music..well, actually the "no time or place" sound is late sixties/early 70's soul/pop crossover string-laden, bassy (for its time) and very melodic. Found often on Mercury and ABC singles....and others I can't remember at the moment....JB
Message: 12 Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2002 11:19:37 -0700 From: "Sean Anglum" Subject: Re: five for 88 cents > What were some of your great finds in those Hits You > Missed packages?? I found many a wonderful 45s in those packs....two that are burned in my memory are more of a group thing. I found "I'm Alive" by the Hollies and played the grooves off that record. That final vocal chording still sends chills up my spine. I also found "Heaven and Hell" by the Easybeats (a great, great forgotten record with some rockin' harpsichord) and the first relese of "Get Together" by the Youngbloods (it took a re-release to make it a hit). I could go on, my collection has many of these ("1941" by Tom Northcutt!), and I still pull them out to play from time to time. Matter of fact, I've recently committed many of these 45s to CD for my playing pleasure. "I'm alive, I'm a--l-iiiiiiiii-vv--e!" Raised On Records, Sean Anglum
Message: 13 Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2002 10:19:46 -0800 (PST) From: Thomas Taber Subject: What about 10 for $.99 boxes circa 1962? I got (and still have) "Reminiscing" and "I'm Gonna Love You Too" - Buddy Holly; and "Hey Baby...Downtown" by Joe Therien. No holes in them, either! I remember a neighbor around 1967 getting "Who Shot The La-La?" which I thought was the worst record ever. I believe I later saw it listed as the 1st record on GNP Crescendo. Around 1975 I was found like 15 copies of the LP "Rev Up" by the Vettes at $.57 each, and sold them for $4.00 each to some guy in Sweden. Tom Taber
Message: 14 Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2002 10:40:57 -0700 From: "Joseph Scott" Subject: Bumbles and Beatles Hi all, I don't agree that Hazan's account of meeting the Beatles is "unconvincing." Having a meal with an American who'd had a number one U.K. hit that year is the sort of thing the Beatles enjoyed doing as of '62 (and beyond), and very few Americans had heard of the Beatles in '62. "B. Bumble And The Stingers" was a fictional group. I wouldn't rule out the possibilities that the personnel of the group that toured the U.K. in '62 under that name did not remain constant, or that two groups toured the U.K. under the same name simultaneously in '62 to cash in on the record's success, or that there was one touring group and Hazan was in it, but a different bunch of guys were used to pose for photos for the press. The way Hazan describes himself as not entirely happy with his playing on the take they chose is characteristic of musicians who did play on hit records, and uncharacteristic of musicians who falsely claim to have played on hit records. Ernie Freeman said he played piano on some, but not all of the "B. Bumble" recordings. Rene Hall worked with Freeman in the studios regularly, so Hazan's story rings true re being asked to sub for Freeman one day and Hall being among the musicians. Joseph Scott
Message: 15 Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2002 13:03:06 -0500 From: "Jeff Lemlich" Subject: Bobby Vee Country Paul wrote: > Now, on original material that sounded like the covers, > I propose Bobby Vee's excellent "Look at Me Girl" as > being an American equivalent to the UK feeling of the > time. Bobby's single was excellent, but it was a nearly note-for-note duplication of the original by Texas band PLAYBOYS OF EDINBURGH (Columbia). Bobby seemed to do well covering U.S. garage bands-- "Come Back When You Grow Up" (Shadden & The King Lears) and "Let's Call It A Day Girl" (the Razor's Edge), among them. Bobby seemed to have quite a number of songs in the late 60s with the word "girl" in the title! Jeff Lemlich P.S. If Katherine Harris were a song, it would be "Maybelline"!
Message: 16 Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2002 15:06:45 EST From: James Botticelli Subject: Bobby Vee In a message dated 2/12/02, Spectropop writes: >I also agree with whoever said Bobby Vee is >under-rated - A young fella from Fargo, North Dakota who's main musical ambition seems to be, it seems to me, to be Buddy Holly 2.....JB/My .02
Message: 17 Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2002 20:16:01 -0000 From: Ron Subject: Boettcher musica, Jeffrey? I for one would love to hear ANYTHING Curt Boettcher related. (or PF Sloan for that matter.) Ron "Jeffrey Glenn" wrote: > > Oh, and Curt Boettcher (and probably the other Millenium > guys too - this was during the time that Usher was using > them in the studio on his productions so they could make > some money while recording the Millenium LP - Joey Stec > are you on this?) is singing background on this single > (he's very clearly audible on "Enamorado"). >
Message: 18 Date: Thu, 14 Feb 2002 00:40:09 -0000 From: Mike Carter Subject: Re: Brit Covers > This track is great, as are nearly all the tracks on > Sequel Record's excellent GOIN' BACK Goffin and King > songbook CD. I can't recommend it often enough!!! > > Don Charles I love Julie G.'s version of Up On The Roof and many others on that great Goffin and King comp. Some other Brit covers I love to hear and still do some 30 odd years later: Petula Clark's version of "Have I The Right" and "I Want To Hold Your Hand", (this version is breathless, breath taking, sensual and absolutely wonderful. To top it off: It WORKS!) not to mention from her Downtown album: "You Belong To Me" and "True Love Never Runs Smooth" (with those wonderful mandolins or possibly the hammer dulcimer? I'm still trying to decide!) Tony Hatch gave Clark such new and different arrangements, especially the slowing down of a 'poppy" pop melody. Carole King did the same thing with her classic melodies (Will You Love Me Tomorrow and Some King Of Wonderful and her definitive version of Up On The Roof). Wonderful! Mike C.
Message: 19 Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2002 16:44:21 -0600 From: Tony Waitekus Subject: Re: five for 88 cents Two records come to mind purchased in a pack of 5 at G. C. Murphy's in Berwyn, IL. Neither record had I heard of but I played them on my Admiral record changer a lot. "Sing Donna Go" by Preston Epps on the Embasy label, and "Playmates" by the Regents on Blue Cat...a very cool record. Tony Waitekus WHTS/All Hit 98-9 http://www.allhit989.com Mercury Broadcasting, Inc. 3535 E. Kimberly Rd. Davenport, IA 52807 Phone: 563-344-9487 Fax: 563-344-7037
Message: 20 Date: Thu, 14 Feb 2002 00:10:52 -0000 From: Phil Chapman Subject: Re: Brit Covers - Julie Grant Vlaovic B: > I imagine it's controversial, but I really admire Julie > Grant's version of 'Up on the Roof' almost as much as the > Drifters original. Julie Grant's records are great. I like her version of "Up On the Roof" just as much as The Drifters' (and Carole King's). If I didn't love The Marvelettes so much, I would say hers is the better version of "As Long As I Know He's Mine", certainly more punchy. Same applies to Julie's recordings of "Baby Baby I Still Love You", "Every Day I Have To Cry" and "Watch What You Do With My Baby". I would post the whole lot for y'all to enjoy, but I think they are available on CD comps? Fortunately for me, at the height of the beat boom, girlgroup records were dismissed as rubbish, and I was able to build a lasting collection from Woolworth's bargain bin. Phil
Message: 21 Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2002 18:46:24 EST From: Paul Richards Subject: Re: Brit Covers The Jimmy Webb Songbook on Sequel is also great with the fabulous Jefferson version of 'Montage' although the Love Generation's version comes pretty close. I also like Buddy Greco's 'Pocketful of Keys' and his version of 'Everybody gets to go to the moon.' Their 'Ripples' series also cannot be recommended enough, although they've missed a lot with the best version of the Nichols/Williams masterpiece 'Trust' by 'The Two of Each'. I think a lot of the softpop from Pye/Page One/Major Minor/Decca/Parlophone was totally mind blowing.I wish more was available on CD.The sooner the better. UK softpop rocks.
Message: 22 Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2002 20:01:01 EST From: Randy Subject: Re: Five for 88 cents In a message dated 2/13/2002, Spectropop writes: Dan Hughes wrote > What were some of your great finds in those Hits You > Missed packages?? "Mike Arcidiacono" wrote: > I remember getting Sonny & Cher's "All I Need Is You" > this way. I sure wish I had bought 'em all and never > opened them. Fat chance!! Oh, gosh, Kmart used to have simliar deals back in the early 70's. I used to wait for records i wanted to fall off the charts, then i'd go get them there. They would have them bagged at different price points-from 9 cents (yes, nine cents!) to .99. Some of the singles for .09 included Imagine by John Lennon, and Badfinger-in fact, for some reason i remember getting a lot of apple singles in this way. I used to score some pretty good albums the same way for between .99 and 1.99 as well. Ah, for time travel... as a btw, enjoying the new jack nitzsche cd from Rhino Handmade...and mine was copy #1, which just tickled me. randy
Message: 23 Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2002 17:18:13 -0000 From: "Keith Beach" Subject: Re: Anglos 'Incense' Scott Swanson wrote >Unfortunately, this record (probably) had nothing to do >with Steve Winwood. Jimmy Miller claimed they were a New >York-area group that he produced, and Winwood confirmed >this in a recent interview. So is it a myth that Winwood was involved? I believed it when I bought the record, and it sure sounds like his distinctive voice to me. It doesn't lessen it's impact as a great record either way. It makes me wanna dance every time I hear it. Does anyone have a listenable copy they could play to musica files? keith beach
Message: 24 Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2002 16:43:07 -0500 From: "Ponak, David" Subject: The Liquid Room-2/10/2002 The Liquid Room, (usually) hosted by David Ponak (me), airs every Saturday night from Midnight to 3AM (PDT) on 90.7FM KPFK Los Angeles, as well as streaming at http://kpfk.org. This coming weekend, Tony "The Hunk" Tucci will be filling in for me while I jet off to London. When I return to the air on February 23, my very special guest will be Terry Kirkman, founding member of the Association. Rhino's "Just The Right Sound-The Association Anthology" hits the stores on Feb. 19. If you're in Los Angeles this weekend, be sure to check out 3 of southern California's best musical acts: The Ray Makers 12am (crippled dick/transistor recordings) Seksu Roba 11pm (www.seksuroba.com) Majestic 10pm (www.majesticpop.com) plus DJ Soju and DJ Maurice dancefloor fun THIS FRIDAY Feb. 15 Mr. T's Bowl Los Angeles, CA 5621 1/2 Figueroa St. 323.969.4616 live webcast mrtsbowl.com $6 cheap doors 9:30pm The Liquid Room-2/10/2002 1. The Association/Come On In Birthday (WB) 2.Cymbals/Higher Than The Sun (FPM Contact Mix) Well Done (JVC Victor-Japan) 3.Monique Thubert/Avec LeDreilles Wizz (Musique Hybrid-Japan) 4.Smokey & Miho/Summer Rain Smokey & Miho (Afro Samba) 5.Electrocugat/3 De Hedonisimo Visconti Con Hielo (Plastic-Japan) 6.Namco/Meta Magic Game The Return Of Video Game (Scriton-Japan) 7.Cornelius/Bird Watching At Inner Forest Point (Matador) 8.Strawberry Switchblade/Let Her Go Strawberry Switchblade (WEA-Japan) 9.Jack Jones/Wives And Lovers (disco version!) Nobody Does It Better (MGM) 10.The Easy Access Orchestra/Swinging London The Affair (Irma-Italy) 11.Annette/Lonely Guitar A Musical Reunion... (Vista) 12.Buffalo Daughter/Discoteque Du Paradis I (Emperor Norton) 13.Bent/A Ribbon For My Hair Programmed To Love (Ministry Of Sound) 14.Park Avenue Music/Petals To Take With You (Zero Pop) 15.Joe Byrd And The Field Hippies/You Can't Ever Come Down The American Metaphysical Circus (Columbia) 16.The Divine Comedy/Make It Easy On Yourself Everybody Knows (Except You) (Setanta-UK) 17.The Divine Comedy/A Perfect Lovesong Regeneration (Nettwerk) 18.Harper's Bizarre/Rasberry Rug Feelin' Groovy (Sundazed) 19.Koop/Summer Sun Waltz For Koop (Jazzanova/Germany) 20.Pico/Mari ABC Pico First (Kitty-Japan) 21.Chocolat/Roller Girl Henry (Warner Music-Japan) 22.The Critters/Awake In A Dream Touch 'N Go (Project 3) 23.The Diff'rent Strokes/Last Night This Isn't It 24.Marc Eric/Laura's Changing A Midsummer's Day Dream (Revue) 25.Majestic/Tumbling Wake Up, Come Out And Play (Shelf-Life) 26.Seksu Roba/Up, Up And Away 27.The Ray Makers/What Would You Like To Play 7" single (Transister) 28.Arling & Cameron/5th Dimension We Are A&C (Emperor Norton) 29.Wayne Newton/Rhythm Rhapsody Night Eagles (Aries II) 30.Les Maledictus Sound/Jim Clark Was Driving Recklessly Les Maledictus Sound 31.Asha Bhosle/Aa Dekhen Zara The Best Of... 32.Mum/Ruxpin Remix 1 Lucid Dream Target 33.The Chaquito Big Band/The Anderson Tapes Spies And Dolls (Phillips-UK) 34.The Chemical Brothers/Pioneers Skies Come With Us (Astralwerks) 35.Memphis/The Ferry Boy A Good Day Sailing (Le Grand Magistery) 36.The Zodiac/Aquarius Cosmic Sounds Of The Zodiac (Elektra) 37.Steve & Eydie/It Never Rains In Southern California Feelin' (MGM) 38.James Last/Voodoo Lady Love Voodoo Party (Polydor-Germany) 39.The Love Generation/Fluffy Rain A Generation Of Love (Imperial) 40.Liberace/Parks & Recreatiion (MacArthur Park, Cherryhill Park, Echo Park) A Brand New Me (WB) 41.Don Costa/Heroes And Villians Modern Delights (Verve) 42.Mike Melvoin/Along Comes Mary Keys To Your Mind (Liberty) 43.Gershon Kingsley/Paperback Writier Music To Moog By (Audio Fidelity) 44.The Match/Mornin' I'll Be Movin' On A New Light (RCA)
Message: 25 Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2002 09:30:11 -0800 From: Kim Cooper Subject: Scram 15 out now-Gary Usher, Brute Force Dear Spectropoppers, Please excuse the commercial announcement, but I thought you'd like to know that the new issue of Scram is now available. This one features Gene Sculatti's unpublished 1971 Gary Usher interview--conducted on the very day RCA fired him--where Gary ranges over topics including the Beach Boys, Byrds, fake hot rod albums, his collaborations with Curt Boettcher and plans for the future. In a sidebar, Dick Campbell recalls his friend and professional mentor, and he also provided some exclusive pix of Gary from his scrapbook. Also, Phantom Surfer Mike Lucas interviews Brute Force about his remarkable career--from Tokens to Chiffons, Apple's "King of Fuh" to his attempt to swim from Alaska to the USSR for world peace. If interested in obtaining the magazine, info is on the Scram website. regards, Kim -- Scram PO Box 461626 Hollywood, CA 90046-1626