SAINT ETIENNE's song 'She's The One' from their
'Fox Base Alpha' CD (WB 26793) includes the lyric '...he hit me
and it felt like a kiss.'
DARLENE LOVE's song 'All Alone On Christmas',
from the soundtrack to the motion picture 'Home Alone 2' (Fox CD
07822-11000-2) includes a lyrical reference to '...dancing all night
to 'Baby Please Come Home''. In Europe, the song was also released
on vinyl and CD singles (Arista 74321 12476 7 and 74321 12476 2,
'Jerry's Pigeons' by GENYA RAVAN quotes a bit
of 'Da Doo Ron Ron' on the fade. The song's on her 'Urban Desire'
LP (20th Century Fox 562) and on a single (2384).
In BENNY MARDONES' Andrew Loog Oldham-produced
version of Alessi's 'All For A Reason', available on his 'Thank
God For Girls' LP (Private Stock 7007) or single (2384), he quotes
a bit of 'Walking In The Rain' on the fade.
On a one-sided promo-only 45 (Apple Beatles Promo-1970
'Dialogue From The Beatles' Motion Picture 'Let It Be''), JOHN
LENNON can be heard singing a snatch of 'Da Doo Ron Ron'.
When DAVID BOWIE's 'Young Americans' album was
new in 1974, he appeared on Cher's TV show and sang a medley of
tunes with her that interpolated that album's title song with a
number of rock oldies, including a line from 'Da Doo Ron Ron'. The
medley appears on the Bowie bootleg LP 'The Thin White Duke' (and,
presumably, others) but has not seen official release.
In LEONARD COHEN's song 'Memories', producer
Phil Spector, singing background vocals, can be heard on the fade
intoning the '...and I do and I do and I do and I do...' chant from
the Teddy Bears' 'To Know Him Is To Love Him'. The tune, from Cohen's 'Death Of A Ladies' Man' album (Warner Brothers
3125), was released as a single in Europe (Columbia 5882).
'He Told Me He Loved Me', written and recorded by CATHY
BRASHER (Chattahoochee 690), rips off not only many of the lyrics
from 'Then He Kissed Me' but also much of the melody.
'Happy Birthday Rock 'n' Roll', the song that closes
RONNIE SPECTOR's first solo album, 'Siren' (Polish 808),
incorporates several bars each of 'Be My Baby', 'Baby, I Love You'
and 'You Baby', all very much in the style of the originals that
Phil produced. (See also Part 3: It Says Here . . . )
RONNIE SPECTOR also reprises the chorus of her
own 'Be My Baby' in her hit duet with Eddie Money, 'Take Me Home
Tonight', found on single (Columbia 38-06231) and on his album 'Can't
Hold Back' (40096).
ROBIN (Ward) mentions 'Da Doo Ron Ron', along
with many other song titles, in the spoken-word novelty 'Top Forty
Blues' (Dot 16519).
'There's A Broken Heart (For Every Song On The Jukebox)'
by STEVE ROSSI (ABC-Paramount 10381), written by Larry Kolber
and Jack Keller, builds its lyrics around song titles, including
'He's A Rebel'.
'Dedicated (To The Songs I Love)' by THE 3 FRIENDS
(Imperial 5763) uses song titles, including 'Spanish Harlem', as
the foundation for its lyrics as well.
On BARRY MANN's single 'The Princess And The
Punk', co-written with Cynthia Weil (Arista 0194), the lyrics say,
'...She was deep into teenage dreams and Crystals songs' before
kicking into a two-bar quote of the familiar 'Then He Kissed Me'
riff. The 1977 record is also interesting in that it prefigures
the premise of the TV show 'Dharma And Greg' (but with the genders
reversed), over twenty years before that show's debut.
The song 'Always Waitin'' by THE PARIS SISTERS
(Mercury 72468), later recorded by Reparata and the Delrons (RCA
9185), includes the line, '...you've lost that lovin' feelin'...'.
Coincidence? I think not.
EIICHI OHTAKI's album 'Go! Go! Niagara' (original
LP: Nippon Columbia [Japan] LQ-7011-E; CD reissue: Sony/Niagara
[Japan] SRCL 3500) opens with 'Go! Go! Niagara No Tema' ('Theme
From 'Go! Go! Niagara'), the only cover version I've ever heard
of 'Dr. Kaplan's Office' (only a few measures' worth, unfortunately)
and then, two songs later, in 'Anoko Ni Goyoujin' ('Watch Out For
That Cute Girl'), quotes lines from both 'Why Do Lovers Break Each
Other's Heart' and 'Puddin' 'n' Tain'. Also, on Ohtaki's eponymous
first album (original LP: Bellwood [Japan] 0FL-7; CD reissue: King/Oo
[Japan] 1) he includes a song called 'Ururaka' ('Fine Day') that
is overtly derived from 'Da Doo Ron Ron'.
The CD 'A Christmas Present For You From Zero Hour'
(Zero Hour 1110) closes with label president RAY MACKENZIE
reciting the same rap Phil used over 'Silent Night' on the Philles
album (substituting his own acts' names, of course), this time with
'The Christmas Song' as the backdrop. (See also Part 3: It Says
and Part 5: You Get The Picture?)
BRIAN WILSON's CD 'Imagination' (Giant 9 24703-2)
contains a song called 'Lay Down Burden' in which the lines '...And
if I had the chance/I'd never let you go' are borrowed from his
favorite record, 'Be My Baby'.
LOU CHRISTIE cops the 'be my, be my baby' chorus
of 'Be My Baby' in his (and Twyla Herbert's) song 'Outside The Gates
Of Heaven' on his LP 'Lou Christie Strikes Again' (Co & Ce 1231).
The track, which features backing vocals by the Tammys and Ellie
Greenwich, was also released on 45 (235).
That same figure is also quoted in BLESSED ETHEL's
'Veronica', the lyric to which further contains the line 'baby I
love you'. (See also Part 1: Honorable Mention and Part 8: What's
Good For The Gander)
As 'Phil Spector's Birthday Song' by THE SLEAZY BEATS
begins to fade, a guitar countermelody first features the line associated
with the words 'be my, be my baby,' and then the one for 'to know,
know, know him...' The track is on the various artists CD 'Pure
Spun Sugar' (Candy Floss 017/American Pop Project 201). (See also
Part 1: Honorable Mention)
BAND's tribute (for lack of a better word) to Ronnie Spector,
'Pup Tune', the familiar chorus of the Ronettes' 'Baby I Love You'
is invoked - quite passionately - several times. (See full details
on this release in Part 8: What's Good For The Gander)
In the song 'Nose Hymn' from his LP 'Teddy Boys Don't
Knit', Charisma (UK) 1153, VIV STANSHALL sings the line,
'To nose, nose, nose hymn' to the tune of the Teddy Bears' 'To Know
Him Is to Love Him'.
The FLAMIN' GROOVIES' song 'I'm Only What You
Want Me to Be' includes the words 'There's been a lot of talk around',
set to the same melody as they are in The Ronettes' 'Is This What
I Get (For Loving You)'. It's on their 'Rock Juice' CD, National
'The New Ronnie Spector', the giddy celebration of its
composer's newborn daughter's attributes by THE BREAKUP SOCIETY,
incorporates segments of The Ronettes' 'Baby I Love You' (vocally)
and 'Be My Baby' (instrumentally). (See also Part 8: What's Good
for the Gander)
The break tune to THE ATTACK's 'Please Phil Spector'
is that of 'You've Lost That Lovin' Feelin''.
Mike Rashkow (also known as Mike Lendell), the creative
force behind the disc, shared these recollections: "Mike Lendell
was both a nom de plume and a nom de guerre for me. I gave it up
after a period, so things show up under one name or another, and
sometimes as both. I never knew until joining Spectropop that 'Please
Phil Spector' was released or that the 'group' was called The Attack.
It was supposed to come out on a label named Attack in the USA.
The label was owned by Nate McCalla and Jerry Schifrin (Lalo Schifrin's
cousin). Attack was a secondary label for them; the lead label was
Calla, a one-room operation on the second floor of the Roulette
building, around the corner from the Brill. On the same floor, they
had a small demo studio that was partially owned by arranger Don
Costa and Teddy Randazzo. Guy Costa, Don's nephew, ran it. I worked
there. I wrote 'Please Phil Spector' as a joke and a way of trying
to get Phil's attention. Ellie had little contact with him at that
time. We were writing and producing together, and I wanted to find
a way to get involved with him, so I did the thing and Ellie sent
it to him. He never responded." (See also Part 1: Honorable