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Spectropop V#0280

  • From: The Spectropop Group
  • Date: 06/25/99

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       Volume #0280                           June 25, 1999   
        Viva-tonal Recording - The Records without Scratch    
    Subject:     Daniel from Zagreb: Dobro Dan !
    Received:    06/25/99 1:08 am
    From:        Jimmy Cresitelli, Jimmyxxxxm
    To:          Spectropop List,
    Dobro dan and Welcome-- nice to see such a distant 
    correspondent on the list! My top ten from the good old 
    days, in no particular order except for my # 1:
    1. Da Doo Ron Ron-- The Crystals. A classic; Spector 
    achieved a kind of aural perfection with this little gem.
    2. Ooh Chang-A-Lang-- The Orchids. It storms and churns 
    along relentlessly...
    3. Oh Donnie-- The Secrets. A cool number from one of the 
    best girl groups ever.
    4. I Wonder Why-- The Chiffons. To me, this song IS the 
    sound of 1963.
    5. Little Boy-- The Georgettes. Chirpy and simple, but has
    never left my listener's psyche for some odd reason.
    6. Then He Kissed Me-- The Crystals. More perfection from 
    Phil and La La.
    7. Usher Boy-- Merry Clayton. Features Merry tearing up a 
    movie theatre with that voice and that attitude, looking 
    for her boyfriend...
    8. I Only Want to Be With You-- Dusty Springfield. A 
    9. You Don't Have to Say You Love Me-- Dusty Springfield. 
    Another winner.
    10. The Boy I'm Gonna Marry-- Darlene Love. Take me to 
    church, Darlene!
    Daniel, this list of mine is flexible, and changes easily,
    but these are the 10 that first came to mind today. Hope 
    all is well in your country. I hope and pray that peace 
    will guide the Balkans completely one day.
    --------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]--------------------
    Subject:     Re:  top-10 list
    Received:    06/25/99 1:08 am
    From:        DJ JimmyB, DJJimmyxxxxm
    To:          Spectropop List,
    In a message dated 6/22/99 7:35:36 PM, you wrote:
    >Please, would you be so kind and make top-10 list your 
    >favourites songs and artist from the Sixties.
    Welcome to the list and I hope your show survives. Asking 
    me to name my top-10 all timers from the 6T's is beyond my
    ability to do. It changes week to week as I still buy 5-10 
    used LPs weekly and always find something new and exciting
    that I've never heard before. As long as this continues my 
    mental health will remain somewhat intact......
    Jimmy Botticelli
    "Jimmy's Easy" airs on WMBR-FM, 88.1 in 
    Cambridge, MA USA on Tuesdays at 6-8am EST. 
    WMBR can be heard on its website at
    --------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]--------------------
    Subject:     earl vs. hal
    Received:    06/23/99 8:48 am
    From:        Jack Madani,
    To:          Spectropop List, writes:
    >BTW, I wanted to clarify it that it was Earl Palmer (not 
    >Hal Blaine) who cut the "Hold Me Thrill Me" on drums for 
    >our Mel Carter hit. 
    >I got that mixed up but just got the verification from 
    >Russ Wapensky (see my Message Board for some hits by Earl 
    >Palmer, Jan & Dean stuff too) who has the authentic 
    >Musicians Union studio musicians' contracts on his data 
    Carol, I bow to your superior knowledge, but it *does* say
    in Hal's book that it was Hal. I also add that that 
    gradually crescendo-ing eighth note sequence that happens 
    so often in HMTMKM does seem to be of a piece with other 
    things Hal has done. However, if you say the contracts 
    indicate it was Earl Palmer, then I believe you.
    --------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]--------------------
    Subject:     la la la and wo wo
    Received:    06/25/99 1:08 am
    From:        james fisher, JHFAxxxxnet
    To:          Spectropop List,
    Dave Feldman's description of Bobby Rydell's Forget Him as
    a "boy's girl group song" is perfect....I think Bobby might
    have been even more popular, and longer-lived, in Australia
    than he was here,along with Del Shannon and perhaps Gene 
    Pitney.We just loved 'em. These guys were still hot 
    tickets down there even after those long-haired, scruffy 
    looking Englishmen had come along and chased them off the 
    charts here in the US...the above trio were eclipsed --at 
    least for a short time--by another American import--Crash 
    Craddock ("All the way from the USA!!!!" the posters used 
    to boast and that alone would get you an audience,the 
    local talent being just a bit too, well, local.) 
    question is---does anyone even remember Crash?? I'm told 
    he went over to Country after the boom lowered but I mean 
    from his old rock' n' roll days,around '61/'62. He was 
    going to be the Next Elvis but he sank without a trace and
    had vanished even before The Beatles came along to deliver 
    the coup de grace...I hope some Spectropopers remember him
    --------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]--------------------
    Subject:     Pionerrs of Rock 'n' Roll
    Received:    06/25/99 1:08 am
    From:        Jimmy Cresitelli, Jimmyxxxxm
    To:          Spectropop List,
    Shelby Riggs, this sounds great! It reminds me back in the
    early 70s, when the groups began touring the "oldies 
    circuit," and the lists of them appearing in the New York 
    papers... some shows were called "Battle of the Girl 
    Groups," for example, and would feature the Crystals, 
    Chiffons, Chantels, Del Rons, etc. all on one bill... I 
    have an original ad somewhere. Your show is on a much 
    larger scale, of course. Maybe we can gather together a 
    "Spectropoppers Bus" and all go out there together! Now 
    will check out your site... good luck! 
    --------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]--------------------
    Subject:     Re: Joanie
    Received:    06/25/99 1:08 am
    From:        Brad Elliott,
    To:          Spectropop List, spectroxxxxIES.COM
    >What has become of Joanie Somers, she of "Pink Shoe Laces"
    >and "One Boy"?
    >The last I heard she was on a Coke jingle about 25 years
    As far as I know, Joanie's last recording was a duet with 
    Beach Boy Mike Love -- "Paradise Found" on his 1981 solo 
    set, LOOKING BACK WITH LOVE. No joke!
    Surf's up!
    --------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]--------------------
    Subject:     Re: Lilys
    Received:    06/25/99 1:08 am
    From:        Stewart Mason, flamixxxxom
    To:          Spectropop List,
    Dave Mirich wrote:
    >Stewart, I'm surprised that you didn't mention the Lilys
    >when you were talking about the Elephant 6 stable of
    >groups with the '60s pop sound. It is an exceptionally
    >well done first effort. I guess with a singer from England,
    >you can't go wrong;)
    As Tobias pointed out, Kurt Heasley -- who for all 
    intensts and purposes *is* the Lilys -- is actually from 
    Lancaster, Pennsylvania, also home of the group Suddenly, 
    Tammy!, whose 1995 album WE GET THERE WHEN WE DO is highly
    highly recommended to fans of early-70s soft pop; mostly 
    because of leader Beth Sorrentino's beautiful and 
    prominent piano, the easy comparison is Carole King's solo
    However, The Lilys' most recent album is actually their 
    sixth release, following IN THE PRESENCE OF NOTHING (1992), 
    which features most of Suddenly, Tammy! as Heasley's 
    backing band, A BRIEF HISTORY OF AMAZING LETDOWNS (1994), 
    LIFE BETTER (1996, reissued 1998 in the UK) and SERVICES 
    FOR THE SOON TO BE DEPARTED (1997). The first three are 
    quirky guitar-pop in a fairly standard '90s indie fashion,
    but it sounds to me like sometime just before he started 
    writing BETTER CAN'T MAKE YOUR LIFE BETTER, Kurt Heasley 
    discovered freakbeat. BETTER is a dead-on recreation of 
    flower-power London, mixing THE WHO SELL OUT, SOMETHING 
    ELSE BY THE KINKS, and the early singles by the Move and 
    the Creation so completely that you can't tell where one 
    influence ends and the next begins. If those names mean 
    anything at all to you, you'll want to hear BETTER CAN'T 
    Our UK friends have probably heard this album even if they
    don't realize it: the single "A Nanny In Manhattan" was 
    used in a Levi's ad there in 1997 and quickly became a Top
    5 hit as a result. 
    ***************************FLAMINGO RECORDS*************************
    Stewart Allensworth Mason     "I've been doing things that would
    Box 40172                      make Caligula stand on a chair
    Albuquerque NM 87196           and go eek."        
    *********************HAPPY MUSIC FOR NICE PEOPLE********************
    --------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]--------------------
    Subject:     Re: Spectropop V#0279
    Received:    06/25/99 1:08 am
    From:        Derrick Bostrom,
    To:          Spectropop List,
    Spectropop List, of, wrote, on 6/22/99 4:35 PM:
    >To me it 
    >seems like as if the Al Jolsons and Fred Astaires of yore 
    >didn't have the constant pressure to "score a hit" and 
    >then release a just as successful "follow-up" hit, and on 
    >and on and on....
    Perhaps not, but you can be the songwriters did.
    Back then, the biz was more focused on sheet music than it is now!
    Derrick Bostrom
    --------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]--------------------
    Subject:     Re: the concept of hits
    Received:    06/25/99 1:08 am
    From:        Big L,
    To:          Spectropop List,
    The Babushka Lady said:
    >We talk a lot about hits on this list...
    >...has the music industry always been as focused on making
    >hits as it seemingly has from the sixties and onwards. Do 
    >you older listees (50 or older) remember if the term "hits"
    >was used so extensively during yr childhoods? To me it 
    >seems like as if the Al Jolsons and Fred Astaires of yore 
    >didn't have the constant pressure to "score a hit" and 
    >then release a just as successful "follow-up" hit, and on 
    >and on and on....that whole concept, or frame of mind, 
    >begun with rock in the late fifties, as far as I can tell.
    > was obviously there from the beginning but it wasn't 
    >as cynical, perhaps
    I think the concept of charts and hit songs really didn't
    take off until after WWII. I know there were hits before
    that, like Artie Shaw having a hit with "Begin The Beguine."
    However, what really spurred it on was the evolution of
    Top 40 radio in the early and mid fifties. There were
    charts before that, but with Top 40, it became more
    important to actually MAKE the Top 40 to get airplay.
    Making the Top 20 was better, and every artist had his
    eyes set on te Top 10. Top 40 radio became sort of a
    competition. If a group had a big hit, there was pressure
    to follow it up with another one. Hits are what sold
    albums. If it was good to have one big hit on your album,
    then two was even better. You had groups that made lots of
    hits, like the Beach Boys, putting out an album every six
    months. It wasn't good to have TOO many hits on the album,
    so as soon as two or three were in the can, an album was
    rushed out.
    I think that as the 70s wore on, hits became less
    important. There was now FM radio, where songs that
    weren't hits could get played. There was a fracturing of
    "rock" and "Top 40" into lots of little niche formats. I
    remember very well "K-108" in Sacramento, which was my
    favorite station. It was a soft, or adult rock station.
    When an album came out that fit the genre, they selected
    two or three songs from it that they were going to play.
    Thus, I heard cuts from Gerry Rafferty's "City To City"
    album, like "Mattie's Rag," "Island," etc. that I would
    never had heard on the AM Top 40s. Result - Gerry sold
    another album.
    I drifted away from Top 40 and contemporary radio in the
    80s, so I really can't comment on much after that. I know
    that "hits" can get played for six months now on CHR
    radio. I find that concept extremely boring, as I find
    contemporary music. The excitement of Top 40 radio was
    waiting to hear the countdown, to see who would hit #1, to
    hear the next "Pick Hit," the newest "Projection." 14
    weeks was a marathon chart run in those days, and records
    that made it to #1 were usaully the only ones that lasted
    that long.
    Anyway, that's my take on it.
    Big L                   Check out my Radio Legends pages at:
    --------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]--------------------
    Subject:     VDP
    Received:    06/25/99 1:08 am
    From:        Jamie LePage,
    To:          Spectropop List,
    Hey all,
    British friends Corrine and Andy came into town today, 
    and I hooked up with them this afternoon at a local record 
    store. I was OK at first, just bought the new Ultra Lounge
    comp from Capitol. But as time went on, I ended up spending
    over $100 on stuff. Crazy. I hate it. I love it. Can't get 
    enough of it.
    I got the Honeybus best CD on See For Miles. I had the 
    Honeybus album on tape, but I just had to get this on CD. 
    I Can't Let Maggie Go is essential. Additional purchases: 
    Os Mutantes' Everything is Possible (super highly 
    recommended by Brian Wilson musical director, Wondermints 
    member and Spectropopper Darian Sahanaja); Psychedelic 
    Sound of Blossom Toes, Volume 2 (which appears to be their
    second album - 08 tracks); and The Medium is the Message by 
    Marshall McLuhan. 
    Anyway, afterwards we all went over to see Van Dyke Parks 
    play tonight. Just incredible. The high point for me was 
    his own version of Heroes and Villians. Hearing him do 
    this, I realized just how much he had to do with the 
    construction of the song. It almost seemed like a VDP 
    original rather than a BW song to which he set lyrics. He 
    also did Orange Crate Art which was fantastic. Another 
    highlight was a song called Cowboy. Country western meets 
    Hawaiian exotica. Brilliant! I was delighted that he 
    performed The All Golden as well. I hoped he would do 
    Come to the Sunshine, but who is to complain?!?
    After the show Van Dyke sat down and talked with us for a 
    while. I mentioned his wonderful website put together by 
    fellow Spectropopper Don Richardson, and he was very 
    enthusiastic about it. If you haven't checked it out, by 
    all means please do. A labor of love, Don - you are the 
    Van Dyke's backing band was legendary bassist Leland Sklar
    (second only to our own Carol Kaye) and guitarist Grant 
    Geissman. Just a trio, and yes I missed the strings, but 
    as a three piece they were very relaxed and played well 
    So there I am hanging out with Corrine, Andy, Leland and 
    Van Dyke Parks. I live for moments like these. It just 
    doesn't get any better.
    Coming to you live from the Tiki Room - Aloha!
    n.p. Ultra Lounge
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