________________________________________________________________________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ S P E C T R O P O P ______________ ______________ ______________ ________________________________________________________________________ The perfect music of the Victrola gives dancing a new delight ________________________________________________________________________ There are 7 messages in this issue #37. Topics in this digest: 1. Re: "Wonderful Summer" From: "WASE RADIO" 2. It's My Party (& that Delores Brooks acetate.....) From: "Ian Chapman" 3. Billie Davis From: "Ian Chapman" 4. Re: Tommy Roe's "It's Now Winter's Day" From: Jeffrey Thames 5. Re: Terry Black - "Kick Me Charlie" From: esqeditor 6. Jackie Ward From: "Mike arcidiacono" 7. Re: Hal Blaine From: Carol Kaye ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Message: 1 Date: Thu, 14 Sep 2000 21:10:33 -0400 From: "WASE RADIO" Subject: Re: "Wonderful Summer" I have the 45 version of "Wonderful Summer" on Dot-but not the black label copy. My copy has the pink and orange (I believe) label. The version I have is in mono where the intro sounds different. In the mono mix, the sustained horns are heard more distinct and the strings and backgrounds vocals are mixed out. The "B" side is a real gem-called "Dream Boy". I assume that this song is avaiable on the compilation that's been posted here. Happy listening, Michael G. Marvin WASE radio--------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------- Message: 2 Date: Fri, 15 Sep 2000 00:36:57 +0100 From: "Ian Chapman" Subject: It's My Party (& that Delores Brooks acetate.....) John Rausch wrote:- >I was thumbing thru some old issues of my > Philately zines and noticed they do show a Gold Star > acetate for It`s My Party ,the Spector version. Does this > mean there is, somewhere, a copy or two of this > unreleased recording? > > It says on the label "You Would Cry Too" and listed by > Delores Brooks... (La La?) Hi John, Own-up time - that was just a spoof label. I did a double-take myself when I first saw it! It was put together by Mick as a tantalising joke to illustrate the feature about the various versions of "It's My Party", and how many producers - Spector included - thought they had "exclusives" on it. Mick has just redeemed himself however, by providing an even fuller account of the "It's My Party" story in the liner notes of the new Lesley back-to-back CD reissue of her "I'll Cry If I Want To" and "Sings of Mixed Up Hearts" albums on Westside/Edsel. It's quite a long and convoluted story, and worth buying the CD just to read the full account. Not only is Lesley's version covered, but also that of Helen Shapiro, who recorded it before Lesley, and there's a few reminiscences from Helen herself. The account of the Spector version, which was long speculated to be by the Crystals, turns out to have been Darlene & the Blossoms. Darlene is quoted:- "Phil got us to do "It's My Party" in the same style as my version of "Chapel of Love". It was kinda slow with me and my sister Edna singing together on lead. Much more R&B than Lesley Gore's version." It's also revealed that the artist who sang the original Bell Sound demo that got sent out to everybody in the first place was Barbara Jean English, and the liners include Barbara's own account of demo-ing the song. Ian
--------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------- Message: 3 Date: Fri, 15 Sep 2000 00:50:07 +0100 From: "Ian Chapman" Subject: Billie Davis John Frank asked:- > Billie Davis... > Does there exist a compilation CD of the work of this > outstanding BritGirl singer? If not, there should be. She > shows up on UK compilations, and was featured in the BBC > "BritGirl" series, and on "Pop Gear" (a sort of British > "T.A.M.I. Show" without the audience). Even a bootleg > collection of her stuff would be welcomed by this fan! Hi John, Don't know of anything official, but I wouldn't be at all surprised if a Euro-boot exists, particularly of her Decca material. I think the problem with an official compilation would be the fact that she appeared on so many different labels. All 8 of her Pye solo sides were on Sequel's "Here Come the Girls" Vol. 2, but that's now deleted. But yes, you're right, some sort of collection is well overdue. Ian --------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------- Message: 4 Date: Thu, 14 Sep 2000 11:54:10 -0500 From: Jeffrey Thames Subject: Re: Tommy Roe's "It's Now Winter's Day" Len wrote: >Wonder if this is the same "Kick Me Charlie" that was the >B side to Tommy Roe's "It's Now Winter's Day." > >Hey - there's a record we've never discussed, that i can >remember.. what a gorgeous arrangement.. anyone know >anything about it? I might not be able to shed any light on it, but I find it quite coincidental that you'd bring it up. A few weeks ago I found a "used" (i.e. shrinkwrap off, ID label on top of jewel case still intact) copy of Tommy's greatest hits (on MCA, no remakes) for 4.99. I hadn't heard "It's Now Winter's Day" for about a decade...it made me think that I'd love to hear it covered, with lots of reverbed guitars, something really atmospheric. I was going to approach a musician friend of mine about it, but I blanked on the idea when I talked to him this morning. Thanks for jogging my memory! I've seen Tommy live twice, once in the summer of '86, and over Labor Day weekend last year. Some of his between-song patter hadn't changed one iota (!), but neither had his ability to entertain a crowd. Oldies act my foot...Tommy still knows how to rock. NP: The new Rhino reissue of Brian Wilson's '88 debut... I'm up to "Little Children" (track #5) so far, and it definitely sounds "bolder" than the Sire version. Can't wait for the bonus tracks!!! Cheers, JEFFREY THAMES
--------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------- Message: 5 Date: Thu, 14 Sep 2000 10:34:12 EDT From: esqeditor Subject: Re: Terry Black - "Kick Me Charlie" "Len"
writes: >Wonder if this is the same "Kick Me Charlie" that was >the B side to Tommy Roe's "It's Now Winter's Day." Yes, one and the same. The Terry Black 45 has a "T. Roe" writing credit. Lee --------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------- Message: 6 Date: Thu, 14 Sep 2000 08:08:31 -0700 From: "Mike arcidiacono" Subject: Jackie Ward Ian wrote: The duets mentioned were with country singer > Wink "Deck of Cards" Martindale - never heard 'em, so > can't comment, tho' I suspect I'd agree with Mikey! The > beach movie she dubbed for Linda Evans (singing "New > Love") was Beach Blanket Bingo, IMO the best of the > beach movies - Blossoms sang on back-ups for it too. Mikey says: Well, all this prompted me to dig out my Jackie Ward info. The cd has 25 tracks, and Ian and I were both right---there are 8 duets with Dale Ward (no relation) and 2 with Wink Martindale. Also, "Winters Here" is on the Cd. And, yes, the movie in which Jackie sings for Linda Evans is Beach Blanket Bingo.....singing "New Love" and "Fly Boy". The notes I have say that Linda Evans couldnt sing at all!! Well, in 1965 she would be on "The Big Valley" (GREAT theme, btw) where she wouldnt HAVE to sing!!! Hope this helps!! Mikey
--------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------- Message: 7 Date: Thu, 14 Sep 2000 03:41:41 -0700 From: Carol Kaye Subject: Re: Hal Blaine Mikey said: > So, even 20 years ago Hal was talking about that. Could > it be possible that he said that a few times back in > the '60s , but that it never really caught on, and hes > the only one who remembers that tag? Just a thought > > In a 1981 interview with Modern Drummer Magazine Hal > stated that in the '60s ..."I kind of named us The > Wrecking Crew back then because we would go in a > dungarees, T shirts, and literally make a mess of the > studios". No way. None of us ever heard that...which is why Tommy was ribbing him so hard that time. I've heard about that, that he was supposedly have said that in the 80s. Trouble is, none of us ever heard that at any time, not even in the 80s...I checked with quite a few people, about 20-25 of us in the "clique"....if he said it, he kept it to himself back then. Hal was always talking about "how we went in in levi's as sort of a put-down of others who wore nice clothes....there was no competition at all.....we worked with the older crowds all the time except for the really very simple surf-rock dates.....they'd turn them down, but we worked them as we were "hungrier" for the money....finally tho', I started turning them down too, quitting altogether late 1969, NEVER wanting to see the studio work again. But did come back to do more studio work 8 mos. later and never worked those tedious non-musical surf-rock dates again, sorry, have to tell it like it is...that kind of non-music just drove a lot of us crazy. Hal loved those kinds of dates and a few others (I'm sure) did also, but they literally drove me nuts back then. Carol Kaye --------------------[ archived by Spectropop ]-------------------- End
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